Nice, but Busy . . .

Very, Very, Busy.

Once the rain passed through the other day, we’ve had a string of very nice days, with more to come on the horizon. With temps in the mid-70’s to low 80’s, and low humidity, it makes ideal gate weather. And the nighttime temps in the 50’s still aren’t bad either.

But the gate traffic has been . . . well, let’s just say, HEAVY. But the end is in sight.

After a couple of days in the 320+ range, yesterday and today tapered off a little to around 290. But it looks like one frack job is finishing up, and they’ve already started to pull equipment out, so we should see a sharp drop-off in the next day or two. At least the sand trucks have stopped coming in for that frack. But the other frack has about another week to go, or so we’ve been told. We’ll see.

I was feeling a little under the weather this morning so no grocery run today, but I’m pretty sure I’ll go tomorrow. We’ve gotten so much delicious catered food from Ama’s that we haven’t used much of our own, so we don’t need a lot.

And according to our logs, Ama’s has been going to the frack that’s got a week to go, so hopefully our food drop-offs have a week to go also. We can only hope.

With the nicer weather, Mister is spending more time outside with me in the afternoons. Of course this is how he spends it.

 Mister Asleep on the Gate

Not really great company, though.

We had another cattle stampede this afternoon. A herd of them came down the road, milled around for a while, and then headed along the berm beside the rig.

 Gate Cows 1

 Gate Cows 2

Then they headed back along the fence line and out of sight.

If you’re a Star Trek fan, especially of The Original Series (TOS), you might be interested in these two books. And the third season is on the way.

Even better, if you’re a Kindle Unlimited member, you can read them free.

They’re the inside story of the creation of Star Trek, the fight to get it on the air, the infighting between Gene Roddenberry and NBC, why there were actually two pilots made, how the scripts got changed and rewritten, why Spock ended with a yellowish complexion, rather than the original reddish one, and even what Lucy did to save the Star Trek.



Each script is dissected, showing how it evolved, and what went in to getting it into final form and on the air.

With interviews with the stars, the writers, and the crew, memos between the network and Gene Roddenberry, and Nielsen ratings that show it wasn’t the ratings failure NBC said it was, these books, both over 650 pages, have to be everything you want to know about ST:TOS.

As Spock might say, “Fascinating”.

(Sorry, I couldn’t resist.)


Thought for the Day:

Guns don’t kill people. Bullets kill people.

Guns just make them go really, really fast.
