Spud (Meeting) and Steak too . . .

Today was grocery shopping day in Bryan/College Station so I left the gate about 10:15 and headed over to the WalMart. Besides the usual supplies, I was looking for a couple of other things, one being a new basin wrench.

I need to replace our bathroom lavatory faucet, and for that I need a basin wrench. But due to the ‘reorganization’ I did on the bins this past spring before we left Houston, I can’t find mine now. So it’s just easier to buy a new one rather than continue to hunt for the old. But of course as soon as I get the new one, I’ll find the old one.

One can never have too many basin wrenches, right?

I was also wanted to take look at their cold weather stuff for when winter sets in here on the Gate. One thing I want to get is a watch cap, you know, one of those pullover knit things, to keep my bald head warm. One of these baseball caps, even with a hoodie on a sweatshirt, doesn’t really cut it.

And I wanted to see what they had in the way of thermal underwear. Last year down in South Texas on our gate I like to froze at night those last couple of weeks in November. It was in the 30’s every night, and the last week it sleeted every night too.

But then walking over to the Men’s department, I came across this and thought it would be perfect for evening gate-wear. And it looks really warm too.

Bunny Suit

I wonder if it comes in ‘Extra Fluffy’.

On grocery day I always bring home lunch for Jan and I, so I started by picking up our drinks at the McDonald’s in the store, two Iced Caramel Mocha’s, and pies for dessert. Then it was across the parking lot for Chili Cheese Coney’s and Chedr Poppers from the Sonic Drive-In, one of our favorites.

Getting back to the Gate about 1pm, I found Jan had been pretty busy because of the Spud Meeting that was being held at the rig across from us. As many as 50 can show up, so it makes for a big uptick in traffic, In this case, we had 199 vehicles in today, compared to yesterday’s 175.

As I mentioned before, ‘Spudding’ or ‘Spud In’, refers to the moment the drill bit first hits the dirt and starts drilling, in this case, on the new hole they just skidded the rig over to the other day.

But unlike the previous meetings, this one was catered, and a company guy dropped off a nice steak dinner for us. So we’re all set for tomorrow night’s dinner.

And hopefully with the fracks starting up we’ll see more catered meals as well, since that seems to be the norm with the fracking companies.

We’re looking forward to it.


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Thought for the Day:

“Making predictions is hard — especially about the future.” – Yogi Berra
