Drying Out . . .

I headed over to Bryan/College Station about 9:30 this morning for our weekly grocery/supply run. Since it’s almost a 90 minute round-trip, this gives me time to get everything done and still get back before it’s time for me to relieve Jan on the gate at 1pm, and also time to eat the lunch I bring back.

My first stop was the AutoZone to pick up the flasher control module for our 2004 Dodge Dakota. At least I hope that this $70 module is the reason my turn signals and emergency flashers are completely dead. I’m getting tired of waving my arms out the window. Now all I have to do is check my Haynes repair manual and figure out where to stick it.

Finishing up my Wal-Mart duties, but before leaving the store, I stopped in at their McDonald’s for Iced Caramel Mochas and 2 apple and 2 sweet potato pies. Since we’re having lunch for our big meal, we’ll have a couple of pies for dinner tonight, and then the others for breakfast tomorrow.

Then it was across the parking to the Sonic to get Jan’s Chili-Cheese Coney (light onions) and my Corn Dogs, and an order of Ched’r Peppers for our lunch. Unfortunately when I got back to the gate, we found that Jan’s Chili-Cheese Coney (light onions) was a bun, a coney, and light onions. And ONLY that.

No chili, no cheese, and no mustard. But she said the Ched’r Peppers were good!

Our frack finally got restarted this morning so the sand trucks are pouring back in again. We did 227 vehicles through the gate for the day, down a good bit since they weren’t fracking during the night, so no sand trucks during that time.

Coming back to the gate I once again saw that big orange ball of fusing hydrogen gas up in the sky, for the first time in days it seems like. Although it’s drying out, our road is still awash due to the runoff from the surrounding land, so it’s going to take a few days of dry weather before everything’s back to normal.

Or at least as normal as it gets around here.

Since we’re looking at nighttime temps in the 30’s for the next ten days or so, I picked up a box of these HotHands Hand Warmers at Wal-Mart today to give them a try.


You just open the package to expose them to the air, squeeze them a bit, and they heat up and stay hot for about 10 hours. They’re pretty ingenious in that they only contain iron power, salt water, charcoal, and kitty litter.

And they get hot by rusting. But they rust really, really fast which gives off heat. Pretty neat, and no dangerous chemicals.


Thought for the Day:

Everything you’ve learned in school as “obvious” becomes less and less obvious as you begin to study the universe. For example, there are no solids in the universe. There’s not even a suggestion of a solid. There are no absolute continuums. There are no surfaces. There are no straight lines. – R. Buckminster Fuller