Friday Update . . .

Still Busy.

Our drill rig has pretty much all moved out to a new local location about 8 miles away. Jan, bless her heart, confirmed that someone had Russell, the rig dog, and he wasn’t going to get left behind again.

Gate Guard Dog

And it looks like we’ll be gone before the frack gets started there. Good.

Still Cold.

The HIGH today was 40 degrees.

The canopy and all of our outside stuff are packed away and ready to travel, since it’s supposed to rain Saturday and Sunday.

We still have the truck parked out front and we’re working out of that. It’s actually pretty comfortable, since we have heat when we need it, and we’re out of the wind.

We hope to be on the road to the Lake Conroe Thousand Trails by Sunday noon. If possible, we’re going to stop at a truck wash in Huntsville to get all the drill mud and other dirt washed off the rig.

That’s it. Don’t know if I will have another blog until Sunday night. We’ll see how it goes.


Thought for the Day:

Learn what you can. Share what you know.
