Some Assembly Required . . .

First off, I want to thank everyone for their kind thoughts on the passing of my uncle. It is much appreciated.

It was supposed to rain all day today, and although we had a lot of thunder and lightning last night / this morning, the rain never really appeared, but mostly got pushed back until tomorrow. So now we’re looking at a 90% chance of rain over the next couple of days.

Silence the doubters! Put your big idea online! $.99 .Com Domains from GoDaddy!

A little after 2pm, our friends Dennis and Carol Hill showed up for a visit.. They’re staying over in Congress, AZ, so it was only about a 50 mile trip. We haven’t seen them since the Escapade in Tucson this past March so it was good to catch up again. Dennis quickly bonded with Mister, or maybe Mister bonded with Dennis. But they seemed to be pretty happy with each other.

Dennis and Mister

Hopefully we’ll be able to get together again before they leave the area. We’re certainly not going anywhere.

While we were back in the Houston area this past winter, my son-in-law Lowell gave me a jar of Scary Cherries.

Scary Cherries - Reaper

These are Maraschino Cherries infused with extremely hot peppers, in this case, Moruga Scorpion Peppers, the 2nd hottest peppers in the world (the Carolina Reaper is now the hottest.). I really liked them, so much so that I went through them fairly quickly.

I was hoping they would have them at the Jerome Ghost Pepper Co when we visited Jerome about a month ago, but no luck. So I decide to make up a batch of my own.

I started by buying a large jar of Maraschino Cherries at the Fry’s across the street. I then dumped in a couple of tablespoons of one of my hot powder’s, in this case, pure oleo capsaicin. I then shook the jar for a while and tasted some of the liquid.

It was hot, but not hot enough. So I added a couple of more tablespoons. And after testing, then a couple of more. Finally it was right.

I figure that they’re now hot enough to just melt their way though an ice cream sundae all by themselves. We’ll see.

With all the furor over the new Apple Watch, I got to thinking about my first digital watch. It was the Sinclair Black Watch and it came out around 1975.

Sinclair Black Watch 1

And even more attractive to me, was the fact that if was actually available as a kit.

Sinclair Black Watch 2

If I remember correctly, it cost about $50 for the finished one, and about $30 for the kit.  So being a guy that built the first two color TV’s that we owned (Heathkit’s), I couldn’t resist getting a kit.

Despite all the parts, it only took a few hours to put it together and get it up and ticking. They even included the solder that you needed for the assembly.

It lasted for a couple of years, until the part of the case where the pins are inserted for the band finally broke out. But by that time Casio had digital watches on the market for $10. And no assembly required.

I wonder if I can get an Apple Watch kit?


Thought for the Day:

True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country. – Kurt Vonnegut
