We Checked First . . .

Well, we were up and ready to get ready to move this morning, but the call never came. Finally, a little after noon, I checked in with the service department and found out it wasn’t going to happen today. The body shop guy said he wanted to finish up a couple of small jobs so he would have room to move us over.

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So hopefully tomorrow morning, at least tomorrow at all, since we’re going to leave for Illinois early (as in 6am) Wednesday morning.

Around 2pm we headed out for a late lunch and some shopping. Since we we hadn’t had wings in a while, we drove over to the Buffalo Wild Wings in Prescott Valley. Getting to the parking lot however, we did check it over carefully for any biker gangs or bikes. You can’t be too careful these days, after all.

Jan ordered her wings with their Hot sauce, while I got my usual Mango Habanero. Mango Habanero used to be their 2nd hottest sauce, right behind Blazin’, with Jan’s Hot coming in 3rd.

But they’ve added a new sauce called Wild right after Blazin’, so now Mango Habanero is 3rd in heat, with Hot 4th. But I like my heat with a little sweet, so I stayed with the Mango.

The food was great, and we had plenty to bring home for dinner tomorrow.

Leaving Buffalo Wild Wings, we headed over to a nearby Wal-Mart to pick up some things, and also to get a new tire before our upcoming 3000 mile roundtrip. But as it turned out, this was the only Wal-Mart SuperCentert that we’ve encountered that didn’t have an auto service department. So no new tire.

I’ll have to try again tomorrow at another place.

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Getting back to our area, we stopped off at the Fry’s for a couple of things that we couldn’t find at Wal-Mart.

Tomorrow we’ll start packing stuff to get ready to travel.


Thought for the Day:

“It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” – Samuel Adams
