Well, It’s A Start . . .

Well, they came by this morning and ripped our mirror off to try and order a new lower one. At least I hope that’s what happened to it.

Rig Mirror Repair

BlowOut Mirror

Since no one said anything to us, it might have just been stolen.

Stan, the Service Manager, said that things are going slow due to trying to find parts and get prices on 16 year old rig stuff.

I did find out that one thing I thought was broken in the blowout, wasn’t. I had thought that some of the wires that were torn out were the ones feeding 120VAC to my computer desk. But I wondered why I never saw any sparking or got shocked when I was fooling with the wires. And this evening I found out that what happened wast the multi-plug, like this,

AC Multi-Plug

had simply fallen out of the wall socket due to the vibrations from the blowout.

One thing that I was sorry about after our blowout and the subsequent rough ride as we came to a stop, was the fact that I didn’t have my A118 Dash Cam mounted in the rig. I had moved it to the truck while we were driving up and down the Vegas Strip and never got around to setting it up again in the rig.

Too bad. It would have been interesting to relive it, at least on video.

* * * * *

Several readers have asked me about Jan’s ‘magic’ pill that she takes for her migraines. The pill she takes is Sumatriptan, the generic version of Imitrex. Available by prescription only, it normally knocks out Jan’s migraine in just an hour or so. But as I said, she normally wakes up with successively lesser ones for the next two days and then it ‘s over.

For dinner tonight we drove over to the nearby Red Robin for burgers, one of our favorite burger places. We got there just in time to beat the rush, because by the time we left about 6:30 the place was just about full.

Jan went with her usual Mushroom-Swiss Burger, but since she has them replace the Swiss with Cheddar, itls actually a Mushroom-Cheddar Burger/

Normally, I always get the Burnin’ Love Burger, but a new addition to the menu caught my eye – The Southern Charm Burger.

Red Robin Southern Charm Burger

It has a Black Angus patty glazed in brown sugar, and topped with candied bacon, honey BBQ Sauce, sharp Cheddar, and caramelized onions. Talk about a burger for your sweet tooth. But oddly, it didn’t really taste sweet at all, just very, very good.

Jan and I were sitting in one of  those part booth/part table things when about halfway through our meal a pretty blonde lady came over and set down right beside me in the booth. I recognized her as having been sitting in a booth about 15 feet away with her husband and son.

Before I could say anything, she leaned over and said in a rush, “My father lives in Colorado, and I haven’t seen him in a long time, and you look just like him, even your mannerisms, and could my husband take our picture together?”

Before I could say more than, “Sure”, she leaned her head up against mine and her husband, who was standing beside Jan, snapped our picture. And then with a “Thank you”, she was gone.

Well, that was strange.

And I didn’t even get to tell her how sorry I was that her father looked like me.

The other strange thing that happened was that when we went to pay, my VISA debit card was rejected. So without worrying about it right then, I just paid cash.

When I got home, I called Chase Bank and found out that my card had been invalidated due to a fraud alert. Now when I bought $260 worth of diesel last Sunday in Las Vegas, I quickly got a text alert asking me if I had just bought that amount. And when I texted back a ‘1’, I got a text back thanking me for confirming my purchase.

But I’ve used the card 3 or 4 times since we got to Prescott, including yesterday. And I’ve had no problems or alerts during that time, and the bank lady wasn’t able to tell me what happened. But she reset things, and a little later, I made a Kindle purchase and it went through, so I guess it’s all good now.

I’m sure most of you have heard about the tornado that hit the Road Runner RV Park south of Oklahoma City yesterday. Well, after hearing that name a couple of times, I realized that was the RV park I was planning on Jan and I staying in a couple of weeks on our way to Illinois.

RV Park Tornado

As they say, timing is everything.


Thought for the Day:

We Were Wolves Once
