Daily Archives: August 21, 2015

Clean Bill . . .

Although tomorrow is Landon’s Birthday Party, yesterday, August 20th, was his real birthday, so Brandi and Lowell took him to his favorite place, The Rainforest Café in Katy Mills Mall.


Looks like he really liked their version of his birthday cake.

Jan and I headed for Clear Lake this morning, leaving about 8am. We noticed as we drove into Columbus that the sky was really black to the south and east of us, just the direction we were going to be going. We made a stop at the Jack in the Box for a breakfast sandwich, and when we came out, the rain had started.

It just got worse as we headed into Houston, sometimes slowing us down to 30mph on I-10. But by the time we got onto the South Beltway it had started to clear up, and the sun was out by the time we got down to Webster.

Jan’s appointment was just a 6 month checkup for her past breast cancer, and everything was fine. So we were out of there in time to meet our son Chris at another of our all-time favorite places, King Food for lunch.

After our great meal, Chris headed home and we stopped off at Kroger’s for a few things before meeting up at Chris’ to pick up some gate guard supplies. Then after a Wal-Mart stop to pick up some more 150 pound strength rope for my upcoming AC project, we stopped by Starbuck’s for a couple of iced Cinnamon Dolce Lattes before we headed home.

Tomorrow we’re driving into Katy to Brandi’s about 9am to help her get ready for Landon’s birthday party. Then after the party we’re all getting together at Little V’s Vietnamese Bistro to introduce Chris, Linda, and Piper to their great food.


Thought for the Day:

Seen in a Jack in the Box restroom.

Jack's Bathroom Sign

You know . . . maybe you could just . . . tell them.

Though I guess if you’re just sitting there, you could text them, “I need toilet paper.”
