Monday Morning Coming Down . . .

And it just keeps on coming down.

Even later this afternoon, when the radar showed clear skies in the area for miles around, it was still drizzling here. It just doesn’t seem to want to let go. But it’s supposed to be just ‘Cloudy’ tomorrow, and ‘Sunny’ and 80 degrees on Wednesday.

I guess we’ll just have to wait and see how ‘Wet’ the ‘Cloudy’ is going to be.

But since we’ve been able to stay inside pretty much all the time, it hasn’t been a problem. All our stuff under the canopy has been staying dry, and I’ve got all the electrical connections wrapped and taped, so we haven’t had any problems with the genset’s GFCI popping.

And since our GGS service guy Todd replaced the bad sewer pump macerator last Friday,

Sewer Pump

that’s not popping the GFCI anymore, either.

We’re still waiting for our Flowback crew to show up. As it was we only had the two frack water guys come through as usual. Oh, and one guy who was lost, looking for the other frack.

He came in, said he was here to repair a pump, and headed down to the pad, which is totally black with no lights. There are light towers down there so I figured he was just going to crank one up and get his work done. But as it turned out he was just lost.

I do sometimes wonder though how some of these guys find their way around. He showed me his directions and they were correct. He just didn’t follow them. They said to turn off the main highway, go 1 mile and turn left at the ‘T’.

But he went 1 mile,  turned right at the ‘T’, went another half mile and turned left onto our road.

Ya just gotta wonder.


Thought for the Day:

“Never miss a good chance to shut up.” – Anonymous

You ever notice how many great things this guy Anonymous says.
