They’re Backkkk . . .

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After a number of days of no attempts to break into this blog, last night I started getting a few failed logins. Nowhere near the number I was getting before I installed the CAPTCHA program, but a few anyway. And based on the fact that they are limited in number, using one of the correct login names, and getting past the CAPTCHA graphic, I suspect this is an actual person.

But why, I don’t know. If they were to get control of the blog somehow, I could almost instantly log in through Godaddy and shut it down.

It’s a mystery.

Yesterday I started working through some things on my Leaving The Gate checklist. Although today made it up to 77 degrees, the rest of our time here looks to be in the 50’s and 60’s. So I went ahead and packed away the AC window unit we’ve had sitting here on the table. It was heaven-sent earlier this summer, but now we haven’t turned it on in over a week. So that’s one more thing checked off.

I also dumped the bottle of Diesel Kleen and 4oz of Biocide in the rig’s fuel tank so any problems, i.e. algae growth, that might have already occurred will be taken care of by the time we leave here next weekend.

I did have a chance last night to revisit my Paracord shoelaces construction. I made a new, longer pair, 52” this time, instead of 50, and taking blog reader Lloyd Jackson’s suggestion, I covered the ends with heat shrink tubing instead of trying to melt them to stop them fraying.

New Paracord Shoelaces

And as you can see, it worked great. Later I’ll probably make another pair, in brown this time, since the boots are brown, but right now this is fine.

I’ll keep you updated on how they last.

I was hoping the forecast Thunderstorms would bypass us today, and they did for most of the time. But around 7pm, unfortunately on Jan’s shift, a long line passed over us, but fortunately in the narrow direction.

11-11-15 Storm

The storm was actually moving in two directions at once, with the line moving lengthwise from the southwest to the northeast. But at the same time, the entire line was moving sideways from the northwest to the southeast.

What you’re seeing is a couple of hours after it passed over our little blue dot. And it had a lot more red and orange in it then.

Jan said she thought about going inside a couple of times, but decided to ride it out. That’s my sweetie.

Wrapping up, long-time friend, client, and blog reader Tricia Hammack commented on yesterday’s Thought for the Day with a novel thought of her own, and in case you missed it in the comments, I thought I’d repost it here.
Here was last night’s Thought.

Never throw anything away.
Everything will have a use someway, somehow, someday.
But you won’t realize it until you throw it away.

Words to live by for me, as Jan will tell you.
But here’s what Tricia said.

“Regarding the idea of keeping everything, I pacify myself when I have to re-purchase something I threw away with the idea that the store has just been holding that item in storage for me.  I owe them nothing for doing this service – unless I need that item.  I just pay them the storage fee to get it out.”

A really great way of thinking about it.

But in my case, I’m cheap, and I figure why pay someone else to store all my stuff when I can store it myself for free.

Much to Jan’s despair, let me tell you.

Thought for the Day:

A fool and their money are soon parted, unless the government can find a way to take a cut.
