It’s A Rule . . .

I spent most the day tracking down missing software and downloading needed programs from the Internet. One thing I’m doing is that I’m only reinstalling software as I need it, which should keep some of the clutter down.

:Later I also connected up my Backup Drive and started copying over data files, documents, pictures, videos, and music.All told, about 300 GB worth, including over 29,000 photos since 2006, two years before we started RV’ing.

This new computer is only about two years newer than my old one, but much, much faster. So in the end, this will all be worth it.

I was kind of surprised by this HD failure since I got no warning whatsoever from the motherboard’s S.M.A.R.T. monitoring (Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology; often written as SMART)

SMART is a system that monitors HD reliability and reports if there are any problems. Now it won’t catch everything, but it does give an indication on 60-70% of failures.

So I guess my HD was in that 30-40%

Something next week, after we’re at Medina Lake, I’ll do my freezer trick and see what I come up with.

Dennis and Carol Hill picked us up a little after 5pm and we headed off  north of Willis to have dinner at the Fish Pond Restaurant. We’ve eaten here a number of times, but it was a first for Dennis and Carol.

And everyone seemed to enjoy their meal, with Carol having Liver and Onions, Dennis having the Chicken Fried Steak, while Jan went with her favorite Chicken Fried Chicken. I tried something a little different, the Steak Fingers. I guess everyone liked what they had, since there were four clean plates at the end.

And as usual when RV’ers get together, we talked for longer than we ate. I know, I know,hard to believe, right. But we did. In fact, I don’t thint we’ve ever been out with a group of RV’ers where it didn’t take at least 3 hours.

I think it‘s a rule.

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Actually between the restaurant and the visiting in our rig afterwards, it was over 3 hours. But I think that was so Carol and Dennis could play with karma, who seemed to enjoy all the attention. I kind of figured she might run and hide, but she’s turned out to be a real people cat.

Thought for the Day:

I changed my password everywhere to ‘incorrect.’ That way when I forget it, it always reminds me, ‘Your password is incorrect’
