Daily Archives: May 15, 2016

Kitty Road Trip . . .

Today was a resting up day for Jan and I. If you want to feel old, try keeping up with a 5 year old. Of course he says he’s almost 6 (in August).

And the scary part is that he was really good, not a problem at all. He’s very good at entertaining himself, so that’s not a problem. And the way he reads and writes as a kindergartener is amazing.

While they were at the pool, Landon was watching as one of the rangers drove in one of the park ATV’s. Landon said, “I keep seeing signs about deer around here. Where are they? I haven’t seen any deer.”

Jan said, “What signs are you talking about, Landon?”

Pointing at the ATV, Landon said, “Right there. I’ve seen a bunch of them here.”

Looking at where he was pointing, Jan laughed and said, “Sweetie, that’s the name of the company that made it. It’s John Deere.”

Landon looked thoughtful for a few seconds and then said, “Oh yeah. I have a toy with that on it. Neat!”

Jan spent part of the morning on the phone with a tag team conversation between her, Brandi, and Chris. They were trying to set up a family get-together next Saturday for Chris’ birthday. Although his birthday is on Thursday, everyone’s off Saturday, so it works better.

Looks like for now, we’re doing a potluck at Brandi’s in Katy. We’ll get Rudy’s BBQ, and then everyone will bring dishes to fill it out the rest of the menu. Looking forward to it.

A little before 4 we headed over to Brett and Frankie O’Neal’s in the ‘G’ section to pick them up for dinner. But on the way, while dropping off a bag of trash I did a little dumpster diving.

Well, really, more like ‘beside the dumpster diving’. And here is what I found lying there.

Found Satellite Dome

It’s a Winegard Carryout Satellite Dome, just like ours, but maybe a little newer. There’s nothing wrong with the outside, and it didn’t rattle alarmingly when I picked it up, so it’s possible nothing is really wrong with it. We’ll see.


A lot of times with these, the real problem is with the power cable, and not the unit itself. I don’t know if I’ll get a chance to look at it this week, but Colorado River next week for sure.

I left the dome at Brett’s to have more room in the truck, and then we all headed out for the Texas Roadhouse down in Conroe, where along with really good steaks, we spent a good bit of time talking over their recent visit to one of our old stomping grounds, and a place I grew up, Gulf Shore, AL.

Brett and Frankie 2

Had a great time comparing our favorite places, and our favorite meals. We ended up staying even after we finishing up, trying to wait out the heavy rains that had moved in.

Brett and Frankie are leaving for Lake Whitney tomorrow morning where they’ll be working at a COE park until September. Hopefully we’ll cross paths again soon.

As for Jan and I, we’ll be up very early, so we can head out about 5am to be down in La Marque to drop Karma off at 7am to be spayed. Then we get to wait around until around 3pm or so to then pick her up.

Oh Boy!

Thought for the Day:

The past, the present, and  the future walk into a bar. It was tense.
