He’s FIVE . . .

Jan and Landon were up this morning abouit 7:30, and apparently played quietly together until I got up at 11. At least they didn’t wake me up.

We had originally thought Landon might be more comfortable sleeping with Jan in the bedroom, while I slept on the couch, thinking he might be a little scared in a strange bed in a strange place. But he was fine.

But he certainly tosses and turns through the night. A couple of times I was afraid he was going to roll off onto the floor, so I moved the moose footstool up against the side of the sofa.

And apparently sometimes he even sleeps sitting up.

Landon Sleeping 

He sat up and moved into this position without ever waking. Note Miss Karma sulking off to the side, since Landon is occuping her usual sleeping spot.

BTW Here’s a Karma update. The Animal Alliance place down in La Marque where we are supposed to take her on May 26th to be spayed, called with a cancellation, so we’re taking her down there this Monday, the 16th, at 7am to have the operation done.

Jan said that later in the morning while they were watching the Cartoon Network, there was a Bugs Bunny cartoon about the Battle for Bunker Hill. (Yean, yeah, I know it was actually Breed’s Hill, and also that we ultimately lost that battle.) Anyway, sometime during the cartoon, Landon suddenly started paying attention and piped up, “Oh, that’s the battle for America.”

When Jan got over her surprise, she asked, “Landon, how do you know that?Landon looked back at her and said, “Hey!  I go to school.” Like I said, he’s FIVE

And on that note, here’s the latest sample of his artwork.

Landon Artwork

Done with colored pencils, he certainly has a great sense of color and has no trouble staying within the lines.


Apparently, unlike the second day, the third day was the charm as far as Landon’s face boo-boo. I didn’t get a photo, but his face looked so much better it was hard to believe it was only one day later.

Jan and Landon spent a couple of hours over at the park pool this afternoon, and had a great time. Jan said he’s a really good swimmer and doesn’t need any wings, floaties, or rings. He just paddles around the pool on his own.

We headed out to take Landon back to Katy abouit 4pm. Being Saturday, we didn’t expect a lot of slowdowns, but between heavy rains that started after we left, and the several accidents, our normal 75 minute trip took us a little over two hours.

We met Brandi and Lowell at Little V Vietnamese Bistro, our favorite Katy restaurant for a great meal.

Jan, Brandi, and Lowell all had the Chicken Curry, which does smell fantastic. but I had to go with my favorite Shaking Beef Vermicelli Bowl.

Little V's Shaking Beef Vermicelli

And of course, finished up with our usual Creme Brulee spoons for dessert.

Little V's Creme Brulee

Just the perfect amount of dessert after a delicious meal.

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It was once again raining when we headed home, but no slowdowns this time, so we got home about 8:15.

As far as tomorrow, we’ll probably sleep all day.  It’s hard keeping up with a five year old.

Thought for the Day:

If your Plan A fails, remember you still have 25 letters left.
