Well, At Least They Were Nice About It . . .

With 61 vehicles through the gate today, our count was back to normal after the slow holiday weekend. Nice, but it didn’t last.

I did get both bells working again, at least for a while anyway. The one behind us, at the entrance from the highway, the one we really need, wears out the fastest, because it’s on hard pavement. But the other one, at the entrance to the actual pad, is on dirt, so it’s a little more forgiving and lasts longer.

About 12:15 this afternoon I drove over to the Hearne Post Office to retrieve my wayward Amazon package. I had called them at 7am this morning hoping to catch someone there early before they had a chance to send it back.

The lady was very nice and quickly found my package and said they’d hold it for me. But after getting there, it all kinda went downhill. But they were nice about it.

I explained my situation, and that according to the landowner, that this is valid address, and that he’s received UPS, FedEx, and Priority Mail there with no problems. I said we were just a quarter mile down the road from Blue Moon BBQ, and that I’d seen the mail truck there delivering mail.

They said that to have mail delivered to us I needed to put a mailbox out on the highway. I said that Blue Moon doesn’t have a mailbox. The carrier walked inside and handed them the mail so why can’t he just stop here and hand me my package.

That stumped them for a minute, before one of them said that I could just get a PO Box at the post office. I explained that Amazon won’t ship to a PO Box because they can’t guarantee how something would be shipped. If it comes by UPS or FedEx then the PO Box address won’t work.

I then ask if I put a mailbox out on the highway and I get a package that won’t fit in the mailbox, which I doubt any of ours will. (today’s package was the size of a briefcase), what’s going to happen? Will he drive the additional 50 feet and hand the package to one of us, or will he put a slip in the mailbox telling us we can pick our package up at the Post Office?

Stumped ‘em again.

Then I ask that if I were to get a PO Box there, and a package came in and it wouldn’t fit in the box, what would happen? One of them said that they would put a slip in the box telling me I had a package and that I could pick it up at the counter.

So then I ask how is that any  different than what I’m doing now? Why do I need a PO Box when Amazon won’t ship to a PO Box.  When Amazon notifies me the package is here, I’ll come over and pick it up.

Stumped ‘em again. But they were nice about it.

So I don’t know where I stand on this. I’ve got a couple of more packages in the pipeline, so we’ll just see what happens.

On the subject of Amazon, one of the things in our Amazon care package today was a Laptop/Book light like this.

Laptop LIght

I’ve already got one like it for our big clock in the rig, but I wanted another one to light our clock outside under the canopy.

New Clock Light

One thing that I like about this one is that it is both battery-powered and USB rechargeable. Some I’ve used only work when they’re plugged into a USB port, and others are only battery-powered so you have to keep replacing the batteries.

Works great.

Wrapping up, it looks like Fall may be peeking around the corner, at least for a few days. By next weekend we’re looking at highs in the low to mid 80’s and lows at night in the mid 60’s.



Thought for the Day:


“In the scientific world the worst kind of evidence is eyewitness testimony because it is so unreliable. Yet it will get you convicted in the a court of law.”
