A Big Anniversary . . .

We’re coming up on a Big Anniversary.

Which one, you say?

Why, it’s the One Year Anniversary of –

15 Days To Flatten The Curve and Defeat The Virus!

You remember that one, don’t you? All we had to do was to lockdown for two weeks and we’d all be fine.

Of course, later it came out that ‘flattening the curve’ had nothing to with reducing the virus cases. Instead the idea was to spread the same number of cases out over a longer time period to keep the hospitals from being overwhelmed.

And now more dominos are falling.

Arizona and Connecticut have joined Texas and Mississippi in eliminating most/all CoVid restrictions.

In addition, several states are loosening their coronavirus restrictions.

“This past week, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Virginia, North Carolina, Arkansas, Kentucky, South Carolina, Michigan, Louisiana, and California and Connecticut all loosened coronavirus restrictions based on declining infection numbers,” ABC reported.

Overall, five states have either ended or will soon mask mandates. Along with Texas, the list includes Mississippi, Iowa, Montana, and North Dakota.

Or we could all just followed the advice of some W.H.O. doctor who said we all need to stay locked down and masked up until March 2023.

And that’s not a typo. Two more years!


On November 1st, I paid $1.45/gallon for gas at our local Costco

On March 1st, I paid $2.19/gallon at the same store.

That’s a $0.74/gallon increase in just 4 months.

What’s up with that?


We’re DOOMED! DOOMED, I say.

Apparently the CoVid virus is not going to kill us. No, according to this article, the Earth is rapidly running out of oxygen. Any day now, it seems. At least from the headline.

Earth’s Oxygen is Rapidly Running Out, Dropping Levels Will Eventually Suffocate Most Life on Planet

They also further elaborate that it may be inevitable — “Future deoxygenation is an inevitable consequence of increasing solar fluxes, whereas its precise timing is modulated by the exchange flux of reducing power between the mantle and the ocean-atmosphere–crust system.”

But then there’s this.

Our oxygen-rich atmosphere may only last another billion years, finds a new study.

It seems that some people’s definition of ‘rapidly’ is different than mine.

Or maybe this will help.

Reunite Pangea


Thought For The Day:

Wearing a mask into a restaurant and then just taking it off when you sit down is like having a ‘Peeing’ section in a swimming pool.