The Last Three Hours . . . Not Fun

Brandi, Lowell, and Landon ended up driving straight through to Castle Rock, CO yesterday, getting there about 5am this morning. an 18 hour trip.

Brandi said the last three hours were NOT FUN!

Brandi in Castle Rock

But they made it safely, and hopefully things will have calmed down by this next weekend when they head back to Houston.

Had dinner with long-time friends Barb & Tom tonight, and while we were catching up, I set up Tom’s new Dell All-In-One desktop computer for him.

Great meal,great friends. It doesn’t get any better.

Well, you can add The Netherlands and Ireland to the list of countries that have suspended use of the AstraZeneca CoVid vaccine due to serious side effects.

Others include Denmark, Norway, Iceland, and Bulgaria.

Front-line Workers No Keener Than Others to Get Vaccine

Only 49% of healthcare workers/first responders would get a COVID-19 vaccine that was free, available, FDA approved and 90% effective.

“Outside the United States, frontline workers are likewise skeptical. On March 2, Reuters reported that at most half of the nursing staff in Switzerland’s medical sector, only 30 percent of the staff at Germany’s BeneVit Group care-home operator, and about half of the health workers in French care homes were willing to be vaccinated. . . . The Wall Street Journal reports that, to avoid getting vaccinated, half of the health professionals scheduled in the German state of Saarland failed to show up for their appointment.”

As the article says, What do they know that we don’t know?

Thought For The Day:

“The only problem I’ve had with the Moderna vaccine is the chip setting off the anti-theft alarms at WalMart. But I’m still spry enough to outrun the fat old mask sheriff at the door.”