Daily Archives: August 25, 2021

Still Hot . . .

We were dismayed to find out this morning that our good friend’s Debi and Ed Hurlburt have both been diagnosed with CoVid. We just saw them a couple of weeks ago and they mentioned that they had just gotten their first shot, and were supposed to get the second one tomorrow. But that’s on hold now until they’re better and test negative.

But they’re now supposed to be treated with the Monoclonal Antibodies, so hopefully they’ll be feeling better soon.

Get Well Soon, guys. Our prayers are with you.

Everyone should now be getting the blog by email again. So I hope the problem’s fixed.

I finished up the last two pieces of my Super Hot Cookshack chicken tenders for dinner this evening, and though they were still very hot, they were not as hot as they were originally.

And sometime soon we’ll go back to The Cookshack so I can try the AMF version two levels hotter than what I had the other day. So we’ll see how that goes.

I mentioned the problem that I was having with our USPS Click N Ship program. I finally got an email from PO Tech Support giving me a list of ‘useless’ things to try, all of them supposing that the problem was on my end, not theirs.

Sorry, but when their system won’t accept the reset password they send me, giving me a weird Error Message that the Tech Support lady didn’t recognize or find in her system.

Yeah, right. It’s my problem.

So before I did anything else, I once again tried to log in using the last temporary password they sent me yesterday. And what’da you know, it now worked perfectly.

Yeah, right. It was my problem.

Looks like the Wings Over Houston airshow is back on for this year. And I’m lucky because Jan being a Air Force brat, she loves the airshows as much as I do.

Wings Over Houston

Set for October 9 and 10th, it’s going to have the USAF Thunderbirds, the Canadian Snowbirds, and a lot more.

Up until we started RV’ing in 2008 we used to go pretty much every year, but since we normally didn’t get home until around Thanksgiving every year, we missed a lot of them.

So we’re really looking forward to this one.

Thought For The Day:

“I love humanity, but I hate people.” – Edna St. Vincent Millay