Daily Archives: October 14, 2024

Happy Indigenous People’s Day.  Again.

Today was another busy one, but it started off really nice with lunch at Los Ramirez Mexican once again.

This was probably our first time to eat there on a weekday lunch and we were really surprised how busy they were, almost like a weekend.

We both got our usuals, Jan’s Pechuga Rellena, with a grilled chicken breast covered in cheese, and resting on a bed of grilled shrimp and grilled broccoli.

Mine was my usual Beef Fajita Taco Salad which I then upgrade. Jan doesn’t care for that Shredded Lettuce/Diced Tomato salad so she gives it to me for my Taco Salad, which I then covered in their really good Green Sauce.

Next up was a stop at the Webster UPS store for an Amazon return, before making a stop by the office to drop off a package. Then it was back down to our area for a Wal-Mart/HEB/Gas stop before getting back to the rig by about 3:30.

A nice day.

Following up on yesterday’s SpaceX Starship #5 flight.

Besides the actual ‘catch’, one of my favorite parts is watching the booster just fall back to earth, before they ignite the rockets at the last second.

Several people online thought that the booster might have almost hit the tower, but it’s just the angle.

Here’s another viewing angle.

Remember that the booster is 232 feet tall, so it’s not that close.

I mentioned yesterday that the reason they’re doing this is that SpaceX hopes to do a one hour turn-around on Starship launches.

Catch the booster, lower it to the launch pad, check it out, stack a new Starship on top, fuel it up, and go.

One thing that’s kind of funny in all this is that this all started because Elon was upset about how much landing legs would weigh, cutting into the payload capacity.

It’s the little things.

Thought For The Day:

And Now On To Today’s Retro-Blogs.™

October 14, 2009

Legends of the Fall…

Today was another “tour the countryside day”.

We headed north at the crack of Noon up to Edwardsburg, MI for our first stop.  We’re only about a mile and a half from the Michigan border here in Elkhart.  In fact, because of this, the area is called ‘Michiana’

Our first stop was a restaurant called Legends which we had seen earlier. Turned out to be pretty good, too.

After lunch we drove over to Lunker’s Sporting Goods, one of the largest fishing, hunting, and outdoor stores in the country. They had a little bit of everything.  Neat store!

And since they had a moose,  Jan had to get her picture taken with it.


And they had a nice bear too.

Lunker Bear

Next we headed east about 25 miles out through the country to White Pigeon, MI and Bontrager’s RV Surplus.  I love wandering through these places.  I think you could probably build your own RV with all the parts they have here.  Of course, since all the parts are from different models and different years, you’d end up with a ‘FrankenRV”.

Now we headed south back into Indiana and on to Goshen, IN.  That’s where the nearest Dunkin Donuts is and Jan wanted a pumpkin latte and a pumpkin muffin.

They were out of pumpkin muffins, but did have pumpkin donuts, so we muddled through.

Heading toward home, we stopped off at another natural foods store, still looking for Aunt Gussie’s Sugar-Free cookies.  And again with no luck.

Coming home, we stopped off at the park office to pick up our mail.  Then we settled in for the night. And it looks to be another cold one.

Our daughter Brandi called to say Hi and it was good to talk to her.  Only about 6 weeks until we see her, and Chris, Linda, and Piper, our son, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter.

Tomorrow night they’re talking about the possibility of snow showers!

I want my Global Warming and I want it now!

October 14, 2010

Lost in the Fifties Again, again . . .

The cooler weather at night means good sleeping weather, consequently Jan and I slept until about 9 am.

Then about 12:30 pm we headed up to Clear Lake to drop Jan off at Brandi’s for a little Landon time, and so Brandi could get a little extra rest.

In the meantime, I went over to work with a client for a few hours.

I then picked Jan up about 4:30 and we drove down to League City to meet our friends Bob and Maria Sutton for dinner at Cracker Barrel.

It’s Thursday so it’s Jan’s favorite Turkey and Dressing, and I enjoyed a vegetable plate, with Green Beans, Pinto Beans, Turnip Greens, and Sweet Potato Casserole.

All good.

We got home about 7:15 pm and that was it for the day.

We’re still hoping to see the guy in our old site pull up stakes in the next day or so. We should know something by Saturday.

October 14, 2011

Bad Weather Fairy . . .

Despite the forecast, apparently the BWF (Bad Weather Fairy) was so hung over this morning that she forgot to make it rain. So the sun was out, and although it was a little cloudy, all in all, it was a nice day.

After coffee and lunch I headed back over to the RV/MH Hall of Fame to get the last of the new computers configured for them. I’ll probably go back on Saturday afternoon to install them on everyone’s desk so I won’t disturb their work

I got back to the park about 4:30 and then we quickly piled into the truck and headed off for dinner at Ryan’s. Love that fried chicken!

A few minutes after we got there, Al Hesselbart, the RV Historian at the Hall of Fame, joined us. And as usual we spent a good while after we finished eating, just talking.

We got back to the rig a little after 7, and then about 9 the BWF finally sobered up and the rain started coming down hard, and kept coming down hard for the next couple of hours, hard enough to knock out the satellite a couple of times.

Things Every RV’er should have:

The last couple of days I’ve talked about things RV’ers need, and this is another one.

A VOM, or Volt-Ohm Meter. Every rig should have one, or more. And they’re not expensive.

This one costs about $5 on Amazon.


They’re good for a myriad of uses. Checking for a blown fuse, checking to see if a light bulb is bad, checking to see if voltage is getting to a switch or socket. I even used one under the rig to find a broken wire on my starter when my Cummins diesel wouldn’t crank. I also used one to fix a broken water heater.

Get one today!

October 14, 2014

The Problematic One . . .

Well, we have a new gate record, at least for us. 332 vehicles came through our gate today. Our previous best was last year’s frac gate, with a total of 291. It does keep us on our toes.

After previously making some snide comments over the last few weeks about the lack of ‘gate food’, we’ve now got it coming out our ears, or rather our fridge. Three days, three meals each. And since each one can feed us both, we’ve actually got 6 days of food. And of course we’ve still got some Rudy’s BBQ that our friends Pat and Judy Benson brought on their visit this past Sunday.

I did establish that the name of the restaurant that’s delivering the food is not Oma’s like I thought, or Anna’s like Jan thought, but it’s Ama’s Mexican Restaurant, apparently out of Hearne, TX. And the Yelp reviews are really good. And so is their food.

We had their seafood pasta this evening, with corn on the cob and bread. Really good, with large chunks of shrimp and fish, and maybe some chicken thrown in for good measure.

Ama's Pasta

And it looks like tomorrow night’s meal will be beef fajitas with all the fixin’s. YUM!

I had a new dog visit last night. All white, and looks like a Great Pyrenees.

New Dog

He’s very friendly and came right over when I called. But then suddenly Old Dog showed up and didn’t like me having anything to do with New Dog. He started growling, and even though he’s smaller, he ran New Dog off.

For a while. But later in the early morning, New Dog came back to visit. But he must have been playing somewhere because he came back pretty muddy.

Around 12:30 this afternoon, our rig (oil, not RV) had a ‘mud explosion’, as in drilling mud. They apparently blew a seal and mud went everywhere, even over here where we are, getting a fine splatter on the logs and on Jan’s glasses.

Glad it was just mud.

Then later tonight, a little before midnight, a young lady came through the gate in her car. She had a French-sounding name and a slight French accent, and when I asked her where she was going, she pointed at our rig, and said, “Is that the problematic one?”

I laughed and said, “Well, that’s a diplomatic way of putting it. Maybe snakebit or cursed might be better.”

She laughed and said, “Well, I’m going there.”  She came out a couple of hours later, so I guess she got everything fixed.

Charlotte, our relief guard, called today to confirm gate sitting for us on the 25th of October, which also happens to be Jan’s birthday. So that works out perfectly.

Looking forward to it.

October 14, 2015

Where The Heck Did This Come From?

For the last week or so, our temps have stayed in the high 80’s/low 90’s, with night temps in the high 50’s/low 60’s. Really nice overall.

Then last night, it dropped into the high 40’s, still OK. I just turned on the 2nd heater. But then today, out of nowhere, the high was 97, and tomorrow’s high is supposed to be 98 degrees. But our night temps are supposed to stay in the low 50’s. What the Heck?

If that holds, it will be the hottest day we’ve had since we got here the 25th of August. And even stranger is that after this two-day spike, the next few day’s go 89, 81, 80, 82, etc., all the way through next week, when it drops into the high 70’s. Now that’s the Fall I’m used to.

Apparently my stubborn Mule is now a dead Mule. It has just quit working altogether.  As I said the other day, after I swapped receivers, it was working fine. Then all of a sudden, it just died. I went out this afternoon, replaced the batteries, and moved the sensor a little closer to the street. But nothing.

“It’s dead, Jim”

BTW, in all the Star Trek TOS (The Original Series) episodes, Bones never actually says the words, “He’s dead, Jim”. Just like Bogie never actually says, “Play it again, Sam.” in Casablanca.

My new one should be in tomorrow (Thursday), but I probably won’t get it until Friday when the landowner’s son brings by our order.

Besides my new Mighty Mule Driveway Alarm system, I’ve got a few other goodies coming too.

The first one is a new power jack for my ASUS X53E laptop.

ASUS Power Jack

It’s become very hard to get the power plug in just the right position so it will charge the battery, so a replacement is in order. But the laptop has to be almost completely disassembled to get to the jack. And then the old one has to be unsoldered and the new one soldered back in.

Because something like this can end up being an all-day job, I’ll probably just try to keep the old one working until we’re off the gate, but have the replacement on hand in case it dies completely before then.

I also ordered another 3 pack of these lighted 8” extension cords.

Lighted Extension Plugs

Power Strip Liberator Lighted Extension Cord 3-Pack

Besides being a solution to the problem of a wall-wart power supply taking up two plug spaces, I keep one of these in my rig’s electrical bay as a pedestal power indicator. I plug one into the 20 amp socket and let it hang outside the pedestal cover. This way, if the power goes off in the rig, I can just look outside to see if it’s a park problem before I check further.

And of course, I ordered another of those great KJL Cree LED 900 lumens Flashlights before the price goes up again.

Flashlight 900 lumens

That was the original order I placed on Tuesday to be here on Thursday. But then this afternoon I was playing with my Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ28 camera. We’ve had this one since the beginning of 2009 and it’s been a real workhorse. But a couple of months ago it fell off the seat (I say it jumped) and broke off the little button that lets you look at the picture you just took on the display screen.

The FZ28 is 10MP with an 18X optical and 4X digital zoom, really good specs for 7 years ago (I didn’t realize it had been that long until I counted it up). It replaced an earlier Lumix model that I had for 3 or 4 years before that.

So I decided to check Amazon for a replacement, once again looking at the Panasonic Lumix line since I’d had such great luck with them. And this is what I decided on.

Lumix DMC FZ70 camera

Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FZ70 16.1 MP Digital Camera with 60x Optical Image Stabilized Zoom

As the link says, it has a 16.1 MP sensor with a 60x optical zoom, over 3 times better than my old one. It also has a 5x digital zoom, which under good lightning conditions, can give you an effective zoom of 300x.

Wow! Definitely going to need a tripod, or at least a monopod, for that.

I also ordered a Class 10 (fast!) 128 GB memory card to go with the new camera. The 32 GB one in my old camera will hold over 5000 photos, so nominally this new one will hold about 20,000. But since the photo file size will be larger due to the 16 MP’s, maybe 12,000 to 15,000 is a better estimate. We’ll see.

I paid $8.98 to get Next Day shipping on these two items, so it will all come in together with tomorrow’s delivery. And in Amazon’s inimitable style, I ordered these about 15 minutes before the cut-off time for Next Day delivery, and about 30 minutes later I got an email saying the camera and card had been shipped.  Nice!

New Toys in the mail!

October 14, 2016

SiteWatch Waiting . . .

After our move yesterday, today was a rest up / goof off / wait to hear from SiteWatch day.

Well, two out of three ain’t bad.

We did rest up. We did goof off. But we didn’t hear from the SiteWatch guy.

But in fairness, we were told it might be Monday, anyway.

One thing we’re going to have to do is to get our Level II Security Guard Licenses redone/renewed or whatever. We both first applied for them in April 2012 when we first started working for Gate Guard Services.

What was kind of strange about this is that my physical license came back very quickly, being issued on 5/1/12, just a couple of weeks after my application went in.

I don’t know if it had anything to do with how quickly it came back, but I wondered if that was because of all the security clearances I’ve had with the DOD and NASA over the years.

But Jan’s license was a whole ‘nother story. First off, she had to have her fingerprint card done twice more after the original one. And all three were done by the police. But finally, 17 months after her original application in April 2012, her license finally came through on Sept 9, 2013.

So while my license expired two years later in May 2014, Jan’s expired in Sept 2015. But back in 2014 when I talked with the Gate Guard Service office in Whitsett, TX, I was told that since we would still be working for them, they would take care of renewing them when the time came. But that didn’t happen.

When Mike Crosby, the SiteWatch guy, asked about them, I told him GGS said they would renew them, he kind of laughed. Apparently he’d seen this before.

And when I went here:


and checked the status of our licenses, I found both of them had expired and had not been renewed. Oh, well.

And from what Mike says, it looks like we’ll have to start all over with it. Oh, well.

So it looks like we’ve been UN-Licensed Level II Security Guards for the last couple of years.

But then no one has ever asked to see them in the entire 5 years.

The more Jan and I hear about the guard shack deal, the more we like the idea of it. Of course that may be because we haven’t done it yet. But after going through a 25 degree sleet and ice storm down there in 2013, a heated and cooled guard shack, with a microwave, refrigerator, and a TV sounds kind of nice.

I spent the morning and early afternoon working with an old client, and a website I last worked on for him in 2010. But now when you Google his site you get this.


And when I logged in to his account, I found his site HAD been hacked, with some malware files left on there. But there was no sign that they had been, or could be, activated. So I cleaned everything out, double-checking any possible access openings, and then I changed the master password.

Later, as the client and I talked things over, he decided that now would be a good time to redo the site, since it was actually about 8 years old and looked pretty dated.

So we’ll be talking about that over the next couple of days.

About 4pm Jan and I headed up US 71 to Ellinger to have the Friday buffet at Peter’s BBQ. But before we left I got our South Dakota Absentee Ballot Request Forms ready to mail off. That way we can drop them off at the Ellinger PO on our way.

October 14, 2017

Her Name Is Helena . . .

Jan and I headed out about 2:15, first down to the Sugarland area and Floyd’s Cajun Seafood, where we just were last week.

I didn’t realize it until the next day, but I lost my checkbook there. Or at least I thought I did. And when I called a couple of days later, and talking to the manager, I found it had been turned in, and by another manager. I told them we were in Conroe and it might be a couple of weeks before we got down there.  They said no problem, and it would be in the safe. Then leaving Floyd’s we headed back up Hwy 6 and the Grand Parkway to Brandi’s in Katy.

We were all getting together at Little V’s Vietnamese Bistro for dinner to give them a try. Yes, we’ve eaten there many times in the past, but things have changed since then.

The last time we ate at Little V’s was March 8 of this past year. the night before we left on our big 3 month out west travels. And since then, Tuen, the owner, had sold the place. And the reviews since then have been mixed, some good, some not-so-good.

So this afternoon we were going to give it a try.

We got to Brandi’s a little after 4pm and got a look at her new baby.

Brandi's Helena

Brandi says her name is Helena, though I don’t know why. She’s a fully-loaded 2017 Ford Escape to replace her slightly long-in-the-tooth Lexus. Really nice, and red, Jan’s favorite color. A very nice ride.

As far as Little V’s goes, it was really delicious – if we hadn’t eaten at Little V’s pre-sale. But in comparison it just didn’t quite match up.

We started off with our usual Pork Spring Rolls.

Little V's Spring Rolls

The insides were good, but there was a more chewy wrapper with a different texture. Just not quite as good.

On the entrée front, Lowell said his Phở was good, but something was ‘missing’. As far as my Shaking Beef Vermicelli Bowl, it was the same theme.

Little V's Shaking Beef 2

The ingredients and the ‘taste’ was the same, but the beef, which before, was melt in your mouth tender and unlike any I had ever eaten, was cut differently and not near as tender, but more chewy.

Jan and Brandi always split an order of the Chicken Curry.

Little V's Chicken Curry

And Jan said the same thing. The Curry was good, but just didn’t have the intense flavor of Tuen’s version.

Finishing up, the Crème Brûlée spoons were the only thing that lived up to the original.

Little V's Creme Brulee

Smooth pudding with a crunchy sugar crust. Just perfect.

Little V's Brandi and Landon2

Wrapping up, if we hadn’t eaten here under Tuen’s regime, it would be one of our new favorite places. And I guess it still is.

But it’s just not the same.

October 14, 2021

Changing to Changas . . .

As I said yesterday we had a get-together planned for today at the Friendswood Texas Roadhouse with some old Alvin Opry friends. But that all came to a screeching halt when I went to their website to check over the menu and found that during the week they don’t open until 3pm.

So Jan got on the phone to update everyone and try to reschedule. We thought about changing to 3pm, but several people had conflicts. So we kept the time and changed the location to the Jimmy Changas on I-45 at Victory Lakes.

But even then one person couldn’t make it, but told us to go on ahead anyway.

One thing I’ve always liked about the décor here are the imaginative chandeliers, like this one.

Jimmy Changas Chandelier 2

Jan got the Pollo Mariscos a chicken breast covered in a cream sauce with Shrimp and Crawfish.

Jimmy Changas Pollo Mariscos 2

I got the Plato Soldado (Soldier Plate) a combo plate with a little bit of everything.

Jimmy Changas Plato Soldado

The price on this plate includes a $2 donation to Camp Hope, an organization that helps veterans. Nice.

Here’s today’s motley crew.

Jimmy Changas Opry Group

Next up before heading home we made an HEB stop for a few things along the way, finally getting home a little after 5pm.

Recently I have been checking out some of those apps that let you colorize black-and-white photos.

The ones I’ve found seem to do a good job of colorizing faces, but they often make incorrect assumptions about the colors of clothing and things in the background. So I’ve been looking for one that lets you change colors rather than just take what the AI gives you.

But as I go along I’ve been running some of my family photos through the apps, like this one of my grandmother Clara Calvin.

Grandmother Clara Calvin 2-500

I have no idea how old she is here, maybe in her 30’s or 40”s. She was born in 1892 and died at the age of 93 in 1985.

And here is what one of the Colorizer apps came up with.

Grandmother Clara Calvin in Color -500

I have no idea about the real color of her dress, but it looks good.

And I am still looking at other apps that would allow me to change the color of her dress if I wanted.

October 14, 2023

Thunderbirds Are Go . . .

(obscure reference)

Long, but very fun day at the Wings Over Houston AirShow.

And between my Samsung S21 and my Panasonic Lumix FZ80 camera, I’ve got over 1000 photos to go through, so I’ll just leave you with a couple.

This from the opening of the AirShow.

And this one from the close.

Check back tomorrow.