Daily Archives: October 21, 2024

I Got The Story Wrong . . .

I have been corrected.

When I related Brandi and Landon’s story in yesterday’s blog about a strange dog showing up in their living room, I said that they had noticed the visitor. But actually they didn’t.

When Lowell came home from work, he’s the one that found the doggie intruder roaming the house with her new compadres, and not Brandi or Landon.

So now you know.

* * * * *

So why is SpaceX torturing seals?

Well, the government is making them.

Remember, to access our blog links. Right-Click on Link and Select ‘Open in New Tab’

It seems that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is worried about the effect that SpaceX Starship ship launches and landings will have on Pacific Ocean wildlife when they launch from California.

Musk also described a bizarre scenario where SpaceX was compelled to “kidnap a seal, strap it to a board, put headphones on the seal, and play sonic boom sounds to it” to assess the potential impact of rocket launches on local seal populations.

And they had to do this TWICE, with two different seals, just to be sure.

Apparently annoying one seal just wasn’t enough.

Now I would think that if I were a seal, I would be much more traumatized by being kidnapped, strapped down, and forced to listen to loud noises through headphones, than I would be hearing loud noises that sound a lot like just thunder.

And it’s not just seals they’re worried about, but sharks and whales too.

SpaceX was required to spend a lot of time and money to try and categorize the odds that a falling Starship might hit a shark or a whale somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Now the Pacific Ocean covers 30% of the Earth’s surface, or 63.8 million square miles, larger than the landmass of all the continents combined.

So what do YOU think the odds are that an errant falling Starship is going to nail a shark or whale somewhere in the middle of the Pacific?

* * * * *

Jan and I spent several hours this afternoon locking down the excursions on our upcoming 9 Day RCL Western Caribbean Cruise that starts Dec 7.

Here’s what we have.


Xcambo Mayan Ruins & Merida City with Lunch


Chichen Itza Ruins: Augmented & Virtual Reality  This one is for me

Island Roots, Honey and Chocolate Traditions   This one is the one Jan wants to do instead.

Roatan, Honduras

Easy Roatan Monkey, Sloth and Iguana Interaction

Belize City, Belize

Scenic Wildlife River Safari

Costa Maya

Kohunlich Mayan Ruins

A couple of these are only 2 or 4 hours, so hopefully we can schedule another excursion before or after, based on finding something locally.

* * * * *

With Fall comes the debut of the Fall TV Shows, and this is our lineup so far.


Georgie and Mandy

Happy’s Place

Only Murders In The Building


High Potential

The Irrational


Anyone out there have any other suggestions?

* * * * *

Tomorrow, after early voting, and a quick stop by the office, Jan and I plan on lunch at Viola & Agnes, a Creole Neo Soul Food place over on NASA Rd 1 in El Lago. The Facebook reviews are over the top, so we’re really looking forward to it.

Thought for the Day:

Why be only difficult, when with just a little more work, you can be absolutely impossible.

Stay tuned here for more lifestyle tips.

And Now On To Today’s Retro-Blogs.™

October 21, 2009

Yellow Trees and Red Bushes…

Today was another road trip day.

Once again we headed up into Michigan, or really Michiana, as it’s called around here.

We headed off in a different direction than last time, toward Niles, MI.  We were looking for a place to have breakfast/lunch and then take a drive through the country, checking out the fall foliage.

Coming in to Niles, we saw the Blueberry Hill House of Pancakes and decided to stop. It’s a breakfast and lunch only type of place and was really good.

Jan had the blueberry pancakes, and I had something I’ve never had before, a Hawaiian Omelet.  It had pineapple, bananas, and pecans drizzled with honey inside, and topped with strawberry topping.  And, strange as it sounds, it was really good.

After breakfast, we came across a Tractor Supply Store and stopped in.  Jan was looking for a magazine that she only finds there, and I needed to restock on some glues that had leaked and I had thrown away.

Leaving there, we headed out into the countryside and saw some great foliage displays with red, orange, and yellow trees…

Tree 1

Tree 2

Tree 3

Tree 4

Tree 5

Tree 6

Tree 7

And these beautiful red bushes.

RedBush 1

RedBush 2

RedBush 3

Coming back home, I did some outside cleaning and repair work, while Jan sat out and kept an eye on Mister as he wandered around, checking out the park.

About 5:30 Jan, and I went out to dinner at our favorite Mexican place, El Maguey.

We had so much fun talking, we didn’t get back until almost 8 pm.

Great times…

October 21, 2010

BBQ and More . . .

We left the rig about 9:30 this morning heading up to Brandi’s so Jan could go with her downtown for Landon’s two month checkup.

While they were gone, I hit the bank, Starbucks, the storage rooms, several clients, and then ended up at Home Depot.

I’m trying to repair the knob on our shower. It broke while we were in Elkhart a couple of months ago. It’s a Moen faucet and I figured I wouldn’t have any problems finding a replacement. I checked with Home Depot and Lowe’s, but they didn’t have one that would fit. Finally a guy working there, who used to work for one of the RV manufacturers there in Elkhart told me that for some reason the RV faucets were not the same size as the home models.

I figured that with all the RV surplus places in the Elkhart area I wouldn’t have any problem finding one. But I bombed out there too.

I then called American Coach, who referred me to Moen. Moen told me they don’t have any parts left for that model.

So I figured we might be stuck with the small pair of Vice-Grips that are presently performing the knob replacement function.

But when I was looking at the zip lock bag of parts last night, I suddenly got an idea on how to possibly repair the broken one, hence my trip to Home Depot to find a small piece of brass pipe to act as a reinforcement sleeve for the knob. I found something that I think will work. I’ll try it out this weekend and see.

About 5:30 I met Jan, Brandi, Lowell, Landon, and Chris at the new Spring Creek BBQ on I-45 in the League City / Victory Oaks area. This one just opened this past Monday, so it was our first time here, but we’ve eaten at the one in Pearland several times last year. And as before, it was great. The ribs were really meaty, and the sides, Jan and I had the green beans and the pinto beans, were all great too. Brandi really likes the Mac N Cheese. We finally headed home about 6:45 pm.

We missed having Linda and Piper there with us, but unfortunately they both had to work. Hopefully we’ll get together with them next time.

October 21, 2011

Doves and Deeres . . .

Well it looks like the doves have come back with the olive branch and the sun is trying to peek through the clouds. It’s actually supposed to be pretty nice until Tuesday. Hopefully things will be able to dry out by them.

After the usual coffee and lunch I headed over once again to the RV/MH Hall of Fame. I’m hoping to finish up tomorrow, or Monday at the latest. But then I’ve said that before.

I got back to the rig about 5:15, and about 15 minutes later Jan and I headed over to El Maguey for our Mexican fix. Dave and Jean Damon, vendors of Aerospace 303, who are also staying here at the park, followed us over, where we all met up with Al Hesselbart for some great Mexican food.

Brandi, Lowell, and Landon are visiting Lowell’s parents in Oklahoma, and they sent us these photos.

Here’s Landon and his daddy.

Landon and Daddy

And Landon with his other Grannie and Papa.

Landon with Grannie and Papa

And here’s Landon showing off his John Deere cowboy boots.

Landon with his John Deere Boots

Landon with his John Deere Boots2

And now for another installment of . . .

Things Every RV’er should have:

Today’s topic is Aerospace 303 Protectant. As I mentioned above, our friends at dinner with us tonight, Dave and Jean Damon, are vendors for 303, and they turned me on to this stuff a couple of years ago. It’s been used in the aircraft and marine industry for years, but has only recently become widely known in the RV world.

303 is a UV protectant for any type of canvas, rubber, vinyl, latex, leather, fiberglass, or Neoprene. It is especially good on tires to help prevent the cracking and deterioration that shortens the life of your RV tires.

And applied to your awnings, it will increase their life and water repellency, while greatly reducing the fading.

If you can’t catch up with Dave and Jean at a rally, you can get it here on Amazon for Aerospace 303.

October 21, 2012

South of the Border . . .

Jan and I pulled out of our site at Harbor View Outdoor World Resort about 9am, earlier than normal because we had a long day ahead, since it was about 340 miles to our RV park in Dillon, SC.

We pulled down to the office parking lot to hook up our toad and then hit the road. Our first goal was about 40 miles away at I-95 South.

We took I-95 down to just north of Richmond where we got the east I-295 loop around the city and then hooked back up with I-95 again. Then it was I-95 all the the way to Dillon. Despite rumors to the contrary, the road was in good shape, the traffic wasn’t too heavy, and there was no construction sites.

Sometimes you can’t ask for more.

We made a couple of quick stops, one at a closed weigh station and another at a rest area.

We pulled into the Bass Lake RV Park in Dillon about 3:30 and I went into the office to get checked in. Surprisingly we found a very nice British couple who owned the park.


In addition, we found a very nice park, especially for only $16 per night with Passport America for 50 amp full hookups. Bass Lake is nicely laid out with a lot of trees, but still open enough for good satellite access. Well recommended.

About 100 miles from the NC/SC border we started seeing signs for South of the Border.

South of the Border 6

South of the Border 2

And about 5 miles before we reached our park turnoff we came across Pedro.

South of the Border 4

At least he’s supposed to be a ‘Pedro’. He looks more Chinese to me.

South of the Border 7

The place seems to have a little of everything: a Ferris wheel and other carnival rides, a reptile zoo, a lot of shops, 2-18 hole miniature golf courses, a 200 foot high observation tower with a glass elevator to the top, and six restaurants.

South of the Border 1

And after we got set up at Bass Lake, we all headed back up the Interstate to have dinner at one of them – The Peddler Steak House.

The online reviews said that despite its location in a tourist attraction, this was a great place for “dead cow meat” (a direct quote). And according to Jan, a great place for mahi mahi too.

And it wasn’t just the steaks, the salad bar and the dressings were exceptional too.

Be aware, the place is NOT cheap, but it sure is good.

Tomorrow we’ve got an easy 200 mile run further south down I-95 to Hardeeville, SC, just north of Savannah, GA, where we’ll spend a week or so.

October 21, 2014

Sometimes you shake the Jell-O,

And sometimes the Jell-O shakes you.

As of 6pm this afternoon we are off the gate and parked in the Gate Guard Services yard near Buffalo, TX.

Chelsie, our Gate Guard Services sales rep, showed about noon today with some new clothes for us. We had been expecting her to show up with our new GGS shirts that we would be wearing along with the new work pants we recently brought. But what we got was something completely different.

As it turns out, MD America, the oil company we were working for, has decided that all workers must wear the complete FRC outfit, including coveralls, steel-toed boots, and hard hats.

Including us.

And not just us, who work right across the road from the rig, but the gate guards up the road from us, almost a mile away, also have to wear the outfit.

So at about 1:30pm I called Jamie and told him this wouldn’t work for us. He said he understood, and there was a couple here at the yard that would take over for us. So Jan and I started tearing down, And about 4:30, after briefing the new guards, Jan and I headed out for Buffalo, TX, about 55 miles away. By 6pm we were parked, hooked up, and settled in.

After the busy afternoon, we were too tired to go anywhere for dinner, so we had one of Frack Food meals, Chicken and Beef Fajitas. Very good, especially considering there’s no more where that came from.

Tomorrow we’ll probably do our shopping trip that we had planned for this Saturday, just a few days early. It’s about the same distance to Waco or Bryan/College Station, so I imagine we’ll go back to B/CS since we kind of know the place.

But that remains to be seen.

You know, Jell-O, and all that.

October 21, 2015

In For The Long Haul . . .

Jan talked to one of the Company Men this morning, and right now it looks like we’ll be here until our optimum leave date of November 22nd. Rather than the workover rig up next as we’d been told before, flowback is coming in the next day or so, with the workover scheduled for a couple of weeks from now.

And we’re back on the gate starting tomorrow morning at 7am, so our brief respite is officially over. But in one last gasp of fun, we decided on another dinner out tonight.

After our morning coffee I started in on replacing the charger port on my ASUS laptop. As I figured it took me a little over an hour to get down to the base circuit board where the port was located. Here’s a pretty good video of the procedure if you’re interested.

Next up was to get the old port unsoldered from the board, and that proved to be much easier said than done.

The tip of my soldering iron is only 1/32” in width, but I still had trouble getting the tip and the solder wick in between the port and the parts on either side. I finally ended up using a pair of sharp cutters to clip the legs off so I could get the port case out of the way and get to the circuit board traces to clean off the old solder.

This should have been easy, but it seems they used some sort of high-temp solder on this board because my 100-watt iron had a hard time melting the solder joints to clean out the holes. My iron had no problem melting the rosin core solder I was using, so I know it was working OK.

By melting my solder on top of the circuit board joints, I was able to gradually dilute the high-temp stuff and get it off and the holes cleaned out so I could mount the new port. But because I had to take my time with this so I didn’t overheat the board, it took me several hours to finish this up.

By now it was getting close to dinner time, and finding I didn’t have rubbing alcohol to clean the sticky rosin gunk off the board, I put it aside until after supper.

And as far as dinner, where else but the Longhorn Grill for another great steak? And afterward we were going to split a piece of their delicious Strawberry Cheesecake, but apparently it was so delicious that they were sold out. So instead we split an order of their Hot Peach Cobbler with Ice Cream. Also very good.

Coming home we made a quick stop at the HEB for a few things, including rubbing alcohol. Back at the rig I got back on the laptop project, cleaning off the rosin with the alcohol and preparing the board for the new part. Then the real problem started.

Although the Amazon listing said this port was OEM for the X53E (and several other similar models), it did not fit my board. The lead spacing was slightly wrong, and the leads themselves were too big for the holes in the board.

So for right now, I’m stuck with my laptop in pieces until I can come up with a solution. I could try another Amazon listing from a different vendor, or I might be able to come up with a kluge using pieces of wire to make new legs, or maybe using sharp cutters to trim the leads down to fit the circuit board holes

But I’ll have to think on it overnight.

October 21, 2016

Sunday Night?

After coffee and our Buc-ee’s Cranberry Nut muffins from our Wednesday trip down here, we were out the door to the Karnes County National Bank to get our business checking account under our DBA name.

Our first stop was the branch (1 of 2) here in Kenedy, but we found that the one person who could open this type of account had left for an early lunch. So we were off to the remaining branch over in Karnes City.

With this lost time we were starting to worry about being done before we needed to be at the Marathon Orientation Class about 10 miles away. But when we finally finished up al the paperwork almost two hours later, we made it to the class with 15 minutes to spare.

This was good because they lock the doors right at 1pm and won’t let anyone in. Then we’d have to wait until next Friday.

The class lasted for about two hours, and was actually pretty entertaining due to the skill of the instructors. Todd had told us to text him when we were done, and when we did, he said to meet him at the same McDonald’s where we met yesterday. Lucky for us it was only about 5 minutes away.

Todd was already waiting for us, and we quickly got right down to business. We went over all our paperwork, double-checking everything we’d done so far, and listing what we still needed to do. And now we have two new events on our calendar

We’re supposed to meet Todd and his wife Tam at a gate Tam is working just north of Kenedy on the way to Karnes City. We’ll spend a couple of hours going over the operation of the gate, working with the iPad and logging in some vehicles.

We’ll also get to check out the guard shack and how it operates, which Jan is really looking forward to.

And even better, we have our first gate scheduled. It’s a new gate, and Jan and I will work the 6pm to 6am shift together, and then we’ll see where we go from there.

Jan and I both think this is kind of a test gate by Todd to see how we’ll do, and if we’ll even show up. He’s been burned a lot of times, including today. For example, he was supposed to have about 8 potential guards at the class today, but it was only us and one other lady. And she didn’t text after the class like she was supposed to do.

It’s easy to see that Todd doesn’t like people who can’t follow directions.

Since this might be our last chance for a night out in San Antonio, Jan and I headed back to the rig so could feed Miss Karma, and then headed into town to have dinner at one of our favorites, La Fonda on Main

We’ve eaten here a number of times and it’s one of our ‘go-to’ place here in San Antonio is La Fonda on Main. Opened by two sisters in 1930, it has grown (moved across the street in 1934) to one of the best Mexican restaurants in San Antonio.

Here’s what their website says about their history.

It is fascinating to hear how popular La Fonda has been as a dining spot of history’s most celebrated people. Every famous officer in World War II seems to have eaten here, including Generals Eisenhower, MacArthur and Hill. Even American presidents Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson enjoyed La Fonda’s fare. Gary Cooper, John Wayne, Yul Brenner, Veronica Lake, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, along with many other stars, visited this historic restaurant.

Today to celebrate, we started out with a Margarita, or half a Margarita, anyway. We split a Sangria Swirl ‘Rita, and unlike the one we had recently at Saltgrass, this one actually had some alcohol in it. Very good.

La Fonda Sangria Swirl Margarita

Jan’s favorite dish here is their Chile Relleno platter.

La Fonda Chile Relleno 2

The egg-battered poblano Chile is stuffed with beef tenderloin, salsa and pecans, and an enchilada Verde de queso.

I tried something completely different this time with their Filete Regio, which is an Allen Bros. Oak-grilled choice beef tenderloin, papas rancheras, Oaxaca cheese, on a crisp chalupa, topped with Ajillo Gulf shrimp, peppers, and avocado slices.

La Fonda Filete Regio

Very spicy and very good.

Both our portions were big enough that we were able to bring half of it home for later, and that also gave us enough room to split a piece of their delicious Tres Leches cake.

La Fonda Tres Leches

Really good.

Looks like it’s back to work in the next couple of days. We’re actually looking forward to it.

October 21, 2017

Running and Spiffing . . .

Although still not quite up to snuff, Jan was getting rig fever, so about 5pm she and I headed out to have dinner at Jason’s Deli right down in Conroe.

Jan just wanted soup and a sandwich, in this case, a cup of Broccoli Cheese and a quarter Turkey Muffuletta.

Jason's Deli Jan

I got my usual, a bowl of Southwest Chicken Chili and a small Reuben sandwich.

Jason's Deli Greg

For a non-beef chili, this one is pretty much the best.

Coming home I stopped off at the Kroger’s for a Powerball lottery ticket. It’s up to $173 million, so I’ll spend a few bucks. I don’t smoke or drink, so I’ve got to waste my money on something. And there’s not a chance that smoking or drinking will make me a millionaire.

Unfortunately, I always have to stand in line at the service desk because the machines don’t offer you a choice of a cash payout or annual payments, just a cash payout.

So if I want annual payments, and I do, I have to get it at the desk. And the reason I want annual payments is that with a cash payout I’m giving up $64 million. That’s the difference between the annual payment total of $173 million and the cash payout of $109 million.

And it gets worse as the jackpot rises. In January 2016 there was a Powerball Jackpot of $1.6 BILLION. If you took the cash payout you would only get about $1 billion, giving up 600 million just to get the cash up front.

In the case of tonight’s jackpot, if you won in Texas (no state income tax) and took the 30 annual payments, you would get almost $3.5 million a year after taxes.

While if you took the cash, you would get a one-time payout of a little over $65 million after taxes. Now honestly, what can I really do with $65 million that I can’t do with the $3.5 million. Yeah, I could invest it, but then I’d have to worry about it. And more than likely I’d be investing a large part of the 3.5 anyway. I mean, what can I actually spend it on, anyway? Jan and I’ve already said we wouldn’t get a new rig, but just get Beauty a new paint job and spiff her up a bit. Including those new blue window awnings.

On the Mega-Millions front, it looks like they’re finally increasing the cost of a ticket to $2 to keep up with Powerball’s pot sizes. Powerball went to $2 in Oct. 2015 which, along with decreasing the odds of winning, greatly increased pot sizes, leading to the $1.6 billion one I mentioned earlier.

As I always say, “Let’s run the numbers”.

October 21, 2018

Not Much Happened Today . . .

So Not Much Blog.

I had a headache a good part of the day so a short blog tonight.

We left the Riverside RV Park in Robertsdale, AL about 10am, and except for some unusually heavy Sunday traffic through Baton Rouge, it was smooth sailing all the way.

And not only was it smooth, it was also cool …almost cold, actually. The temps just barely made it into the 70’s, and we never even turned on the dash fans. In fact, we hadn’t been on the road very long when Jan went back to get a long sleeve shirt.

We got into Poche’s RV Park here in Breaux Bridge about 2:30, and parked in our usual pull-thru site.

Later we had dinner at Crazy ‘Bout Crawfish and then made a WalMart stop.

Tomorrow we’ve got a 245-mile run back to our site at the Petticoat Junction RV Park in Santa Fe, TX.

Looking forward to getting home.

October 21, 2019

Extra Perks . . .

I want to thank everyone for the many congratulations on my 4-month quest to get our rig’s oil filter adapter off. I think I got more congrats than I got on my recent birthday. Which is fine since getting the adapter off actually means more to me than turning a year older.

I did talk to Cummins today about what kind of gasket sealer, if any, I should use and was told that I could use any that was oil-resistant.

So if the weather holds, I’ll be back under the rig to hopefully wrap this up.

This weekend we booked our 13-day Alaskan cruise for next September 1 – 13. I also separately booked our 7 day pre-cruise stay that Best Western – Pioneer Park for about half of what we would have paid if we had stayed at the Holland America Westmark Hotel. In fact, what we saved between the two hotels was enough to cover our airfare up and back.

Normally I probably wouldn’t booked this early, 10 months out, but the cruise on our same ship, right before ours, is already completely sold out. So we didn’t want to lose out. Plus by booking this early we get a bunch of extra perks like $600 ship credit that can be used for extra excursions, gift shop, etc.

We’re still looking at our air flights, trying to figure out the best deals. Kind of surprised that HL doesn’t have something in place, but apparently not.

When we did our Alaskan cruise in 1998, our first night in Alaska, we stayed at the Alyeska Resort down in Girdwood about 30 miles from Anchorage.

Alyeska Resort

Early in the morning, we took the ski lift up to the top of the mountain to check it out, and also make reservations for the 4 Star restaurant at the top. It was a beautiful, warm, sunny day, and the workers were putting out tables, chairs, and umbrellas for the guests.

I guess no one thought to check the weather, since when we came back up about 6 hours later, it looked like this.

Alyeska Hilltop

And this was the middle of May.

October 21, 2020

If You Think You’re Tired Of Reading . . .

about the Trials & Tribulations on our rig’s Oil Leak Repair, think how it looks from my side of the equation.

When I come up against a stubborn problem, my first inclination is to out-stubborn it. Sometimes to my detriment.

But “It’s in my nature”, as the scorpion said to the frog, while they both were drowning.

Tomorrow I’m going to drop the filter again and see what I can see. Yesterday I could see that the oil drip was running down the side of the filter, pooling on the bottom, and then dripping down from there.

Then what I will probably do is to loosen the 4 oil adapter head bolts and then retorque them down a little tighter, maybe up to 25#.

And then another high-idle test.

October 21, 2021

Trading At Joe’s . . .

Jan and I were out the door and on our way up to the Spring area to meet up with long-time friends Debi and Ed Hurlburt at El Palenque Mexican Restaurant.

Ed and Debi Hurlburt

We were having so much fun talking that I forgot to get photos of the delicious food, so you’ll have to wait until next month when we’re meeting at El Palenque again.

Coming home we again made a detour by the Trader Joe’s so Jan could pick up a few things.

Alabama Theater

Located in the old Alabama Theater on Shepherd, we used to go to see the Rocky Horror Picture Show here back in the day.

We finally got home about 4:15 after deciding we were still too full for Cowboy Coffee.

October 21, 2022

Road Trip Plus . . .

Tomorrow begins our 2nd busy weekend starting with the Three Acre Food Truck Pumpkin Spice Market about 10am, a birthday party about noon, and then a 2 hour trip up to Trinity for a weekend with our friends Debi & Ed Hurlburt and Janice & Dave Evans.

And then it continues during the next week with Jan’s birthday on Tuesday, a SpaceX Falcon Heavy launch on Friday (that one’s for me) and then the Wings Over Houston Airshow on Saturday.

Unlike last year, this year we sprung for the Family Chalet tickets, which comes with both covered

Wings Over Houston Family Chalet 2

and uncovered table seating,

Wings Over Houston Family Chalet 1

and even better, free food and drinks. That includes breakfast with fruit, pastries, and kolaches, and hamburgers and hot dogs for lunch, as well as soda, juice, and water.

Looking forward to it all.

October 21, 2023

It’s Awesome . . .

Jan and I were out the door about 12:30 this after with our first stop Galaxy Nails out FM646 so Jan could get her toesies done. And rather than sit in the car and read like I did last time, I decided to just wait inside King’s Bierhaus right next door.  Perfect since we planned on having lunch there after Jan was finished.

Jan was a little upset because, though she had an appointment for 1pm, she didn’t get called in until about 1:30pm. But we were ordering lunch by 2:15 or so.

We started off by splitting an order of their Gourmet Deviled Eggs,

made with a chunk of Chicken Schnitzel, and topped with a dab of Bourbon-Bacon Jam.

Really good.

Then Jan got the Keto version (no bun) of their Texan Dog, made with a 100% Wagyu Beef Dog,

along with Street Corn and Cotija Cheese, as well as a Cucumber Salad.

I got my usual Sausage Sampler, along with a cup of their Goulash.

I made the mistake one time of ordering the bowl of Goulash, rather than the cup.

Big mistake.

But very good Goulash, and very spicy.

And I had sausage to take home with me.

Next up was T.J. Maxx, where Jan was trying to get a jump on her Christmas card buying, but she was a little too early since they didn’t have any yet.

Then finishing up, we made our weekly WalMart stop, and then home.

Tomorrow Jan and I are heading up to Katy for a Brandi, Lowell, Landon get-together for lunch, and also to check out Landon’s new 3D printer. He says it’s AWESOME!

Can’t wait.