Monthly Archives: February 2025


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Work today was the usual hodge-podge, repairing a broken connector on a machine, updating some prices, sending out invoices, and . . . translating Turkish into English.

We are looking at importing some lower price epilators from Turkey, so getting a copy of the manual, I used Google Translate to translate the pdf document file in its entirety. It actually does a pretty good job, but some of the language is kind of stilted so I’ll go through and clean it up a bit.

* * * * *

Alexa reads the blog. At least that’s the only thing I can figure out now.

Readers will remember that back in January I lamented that Alexa wasn’t singing to me anymore when I thanked her.

For a number of years when I thanked her for turning something on or off, she would sing, “You’re Very, Very, Oh So Very Welcome.”

You can hear it here. Alexa Sings. (BTW that’s not me talking.)

Well, about a week after I posted that blog, Alexa started singing again.

So, Hi Alexa!

* * * * *

Looks like Elon has pushed back the next SpaceX Starship launch a couple of days until Friday, February 28th, probably late in the afternoon. More to follow.

* * * * *

Tomorrow looks good for changing out my Jeep’s brake caliper. Should be in the 60’s and partly cloudy.

Hopefully won’t take over a couple of hours since I’ll have to bleed the system after I’m done.

Thought for the Day:

“One of the serious problems in planning against American doctrine is that the Americans do not read their manuals nor do they feel any obligations to follow their doctrine”

From a Russian warfare manual

“The reason that the American army does so well in wartime is that war is chaos, and the American army practices chaos on a daily basis.”

A WWII German General Officer

And Now On To Today’s Retro-Blogs.™

February 24, 2010

On to Tucson…

We left Las Cruces a few minutes after 10am heading to Tucson for a few days to visit some friends we met in Alaska two years ago.

It got down to 24 last night so I’m glad I disconnected the water. There was ice on top of the truck this morning, but no snow at least.

About 15 miles out of Las Cruces, we passed through a Border Patrol inspection. Every vehicle was sniffed by dogs, I assume looking for drugs.

Or maybe brisket.

We stopped for lunch in Lordsburg NM at Kranberry’s Restaurant which advertised RV parking on their billboards coming into town. The food was good and we appreciated being able to park the rig without any problems.

One thing we noticed was all the snow-topped mountains as we got further west and crossed the Continental Divide at 4525 feet. And we really enjoyed the rocky landscape. Some of the rock formations we passed were really something.

We pulled into Voyager RV Resort here in Tucson about 4:15 and quickly got set up. According to the billboards coming into town, this park was voted the Best RV Park in the Country. And what we’ve seen of it looks really nice.

We met our friends, Al and Adrienne, about 5:30 at the park restaurant. and had a great time catching up. We hadn’t seen them since we parted company coming back from Alaska in Oct. 2008.  They workamped in Yellowstone National Park last year and will be in Washington State this summer.  We hope to be able to see them there if we get that far north this year.

After dinner we went over to their house and visited for a while longer. They have two dogs, Banjo and Sarah, that we had gotten to know in Alaska, and it was obvious they both remembered us. They were jumping around, barking, and leaping on us. Then when we sat down, they were at our feet or in our laps..

We got back to the rig about 9:30 after planning a full day of sightseeing tomorrow. We’re really looking forward to it.

February 24, 2011

Weigh Stations and Fairgrounds . . .

We got up about 9am and got our hearts pumping with a big pot of Texas Pecan Hazelnut coffee. And about 11:30 we pulled out of our site into the adjacent parking lot and onto the scales.

Scales 1

When you park on the scales, make sure your front and rear axles are on two different scale segments, indicated by the black stripes on the scale.

Scales 4

Remember how yesterday I said you needed a long stick? These photos show why. Even when you’re at the right level, it’s still over a 3-foot reach to press one of the call buttons (one of the two buttons on either side of the speaker at the bottom).

Scales 3

You press the button and when they answer, tell them you’re a private coach and want a weigh.

Scales 6

This weigh will give you a front axle/rear axle weight, as well as a total gross weight for the coach.

Next I pulled through and back around, reentering the scales, but off to the left side, being sure that my left side wheels were completely on the apron and not on the scales. This allows me to weigh only the right side of the coach. This time I had to get out of the coach (with my long stick) to press the button. I now told them I wanted a ‘reweigh’. This saves me $5.00.

Scales 5

A ‘weigh’ is $6.00, and a ‘reweigh’ is $1.00. If you tell them both times you want a ‘weigh’, it will cost you $12.00. A ‘weigh’ and a ‘reweigh’ is $7.00.

Go figure. Just another mystery of life.

After pulling off the scales, I parked the coach and then Jan and I drove over to the office and picked up my weigh tickets, one for each time.

The first ticket shows that at 32,340 lbs., I’m about 340 lbs. over gross vehicle weight. Not exactly good, but actually only a little over 1% overweight.

As far as the front and rear axles go, I’m 120 lbs. under the max on the front axle and 460 lbs. too heavy on the rear. Again only a little over 2% overweight.

Time to jettison some books. Or a cat…a black cat.

Scale Weigh Ticket 1

The reweigh ticket has some good news. The reason for weighing one side by itself is to see if your weight is balanced pretty equally on each corner.

The front axle is perfectly balanced. 11880 lbs. total front axle – 5940 lbs. right front equals 5940 lbs. on the left side.


Scale Weigh Ticket 2

As far as the rear axle, 20460 lbs. minus 10340 lbs. equals 10120 lbs.

A little mismatch, but only about 2% again.

After we picked up our weigh tickets, we drove into Gila Bend one last time so Jan could get a McDonald’s Fish sandwich and some fries for lunch.

And about 15 minutes after we got back, we hit the road to Yuma about 115 miles away.

After we got set up, about 5pm, we met up with some other RV’ers and all drove over to Chretin’s, a local Mexican restaurant we’ve enjoyed in the past. They were really busy by the time we left, but luckily we got there early enough to beat the crowd.

After a couple of hours of swapping stories, we decided that, yes we DID have room for Dairy Queen, so we all adjourned to the nearest DQ to continue the evening’s fun and frivolity.

Ok, well it was fun, anyway.

Finally getting back to the rigs, we said our goodnights and settled in for the evening.

February 24, 2012

It’s Alive !!!!

I was up about 6:30 this morning, for two reasons. One, it was a travel day and I wanted to start packing things away, and two, I wanted to call Winegard about the problem with my Carryout Satellite Antenna. Their hours started at 7:30 CST so they would be open now.

So after starting the coffee, I got on the phone with a young lady at Winegard who gave me a couple of more things to check on and then call her back after we got to Gila Bend this afternoon.

We pulled out of the Pima County Fairgrounds a little before 9:30 heading for Gila Bend about 135 miles away.

We pulled into Holt’s Shell RV Park a little before noon, found an empty site, and got parked. Then I walked over to the office and paid for two nights. We got here this early in the day because this time last year we had to wait for RV’s to pull out before we could get a site, but this we had plenty of sites to choose from.

After getting hooked up, I took the dome off the satellite antenna and started checking for 12 volts on the circuit board. And came up with zip . . . no 12v. So I started working my way back up the circuit, finally getting back to the power cable itself.

So I checked it again. And this time found no voltage on the cable.

Huh?  I had voltage on it last night. What happen?

Well, as it turned out, I apparently managed to hold the cable in the one position where it worked. A little experimentation showed that the problem was in the plug itself.

12 Volt Plug

This was good since I would be able to replace this myself. But in the meantime, I called Winegard to see about getting a replacement cable.

I was told I would have to fax them my sales receipt and they would send me a new cable, no charge. Since I didn’t want to wait that long, I drove into town and bought a new plug at the NAPA Auto Parts store.

Getting back to the park, I had the plug replaced and the antenna up and working in about 20 minutes.

It’s alive!!

Great! Now I’ll get to watch “Fringe” tonight.

Later, about 5:30 Jan and I headed into town to have dinner at Sofia’s Mexican Food.

A little hole-in-the-wall place, it has some of the best Mexican food around. We always eat here, and in fact, we’ll eat here again tomorrow night.


Jan loves their Shrimp Burrito. It’s jam-packed with large, tasty shrimp, and is a meal all by itself, although Jan usually gets an order of guacamole with it.

Sofia Shrimp Burrito

Back in Houston, it’s Go Texan Day, and everyone dresses up Western, even Landon.

Cowboy Landon 1

I think he looks like Woody, the cowboy in the Toy Story movies.


Cowboy Landon 2


Brandi said when she put the hat on him, he didn’t like it, until he saw himself in the mirror with it on. Then he didn’t want to take it off.

February 24, 2013

Movin’ On . . .

Today is our last full day here at Canyon Lake. Tomorrow we’ll make the 68 mile run to the Medina Lake Thousand Trails west of San Antonio.

Brandi, Lowell, and Landon came by the RV park a little after 10am to meet up with us for lunch. Jan was hoping that the deer would come out so Landon could see them, but no such luck. I guess by this time the deer had gone back into the woods to stay cool.

About 11am we all drove over to Milagro’s to have lunch. We were able to get a table out on the patio so we could watch Landon entertain himself in the play area.

Here he’s working on the pipes under the sink. He certainly seems to have the plumber pants thing down.

Landon's New Occupation

Landon at Milagro's 1

And of course, Landon always seems to attract the young ladies wherever he goes.

Landon at Milagro's 2

After lunch we all headed over to Gina’s to spend some time visiting before Lowell, Brandi, and Landon headed back to Houston a little after 1pm.

About the same time I came back to the rig for some more To-Do list chores. I got the new under-step light installed with an LED bulb that will last longer and be less susceptible to vibration, along with repairing the shower door latch, reinstalling one of the grab handles by the door, and a number of other small things

About 6 I drove back over to Gina’s to pick up Jan and head back to the rig, but on our way we decided that Rudy’s BBQ sounded good for supper. Since we also wanted to pick up another bottle of their BBQ sauce to take with us this year, we used this as an additional reason to drive to New Braunfels’ location.

After a great meal of brisket, ribs, and jalapeno sausage, we headed back to the rig with a quick stop at Buc-ee’s to pick up some of Gina’s favorite Strawberry/Cream Cheese kolaches.

Tomorrow we’ll get together with Gina for breakfast before we head out for Medina Lake.

Brandi sent over this picture the other day of Landon at the Butterfly Museum in Houston. She said he had a great time with the butterflies landing on him.

Landon at Butterfly Museum

February 24, 2015

She Can See Clearly Now . . .

I was at the auto repair place at 8am this morning. Unfortunately, I didn’t ask the right question yesterday when I asked what time they open. I should have asked what time they could get started on my truck.

Instead I showed up at 8am, and they finally opened at about 8:20. Then I found out the mechanic didn’t show up until 9. And after he had his coffee and donuts, he finally got to work about 9:30

I could have slept another hour and a half!

Plus, to make things even better, the heater had gone out in the shop and the waiting area, so inside it wasn’t much warmer than the 38 degrees it was outside.

Finally heading home, I had the heater in the truck running full blast trying to get warm, and didn’t get the chill off until I got back to the rig.

A little later, Jan and I headed out for some errands, but first up was dinner at the new  Quaker Steak and Lube down in the Victory Lakes area. Before this, we’d only encountered Quaker Steak up north, so we were happy to find one down in this area now.

After our meal, we drove up to the Sam’s Club on El Dorado to pick up Jan’s new glasses, and drop off the prescriptions we got yesterday at the doctor’s. A few of them we want now, but most of them we just wanted in the system so we can pick them as we travel.

Jan was really happy to get her new glasses since the coating was coming off her old ones, making it hard to see.

Wrapping up, it’s hard to believe that we only have 4 more days here before we leave for Tucson this coming Sunday.

And so much to still do.

February 24, 2016

Good To Go . . .

For Another Year.

Jan and I were up early and out the door about 7:45am, heading for Friendswood about 70 miles south. Normally it’s about an hour and fifteen-minute trip, but because we’re driving through downtown Houston during the morning rush, and we wanted to stop at the Flying J for gas, we allowed a little over two hours.

And needed most of it.

We got to our doctor’s office just a little early and thought we were on a roll when Jan got called in early. With my appointment set for 10:15, 15 minutes later, things were looking good.

But NO.

So I’m not sure what happened, but I didn’t get called in until 11:40, more than 90 minutes later.

But after we were poked, prodded, stuck, and EKG’d, we got a clean bill of health and are good to go for another year. We were out the door a little before 1pm, and on our way down to Dickinson to have lunch at one our favorites, Monterey’s Little Mexico, although any place would have been fine at that point, since we’d both been fasting since supper last night.

Finishing up our delicious Tortilla Soup and Fajita Beef Nachos, we headed over to League City around 2pm to take care of some stuff on our friend Barbara’s computer.

We’ve known Barb and Tom for years, and always try to get together whenever we can.

Barbara and Tome_thumb[1]

First, I set her up a Business Account on PayPal so she can take credit cards and online payments through them. It wasn’t hard to set up, but there are a lot of hoops to jump through and it can be kind of confusing sometimes.

One thing new from when I signed up for PayPal years ago is that they now deposit TWO small amounts in your bank account for you to identify, not just one as when I did it. And now they tell you they will take the amounts back in a few days, not just leave them as they did with me.

Next up was to get iTunes downloaded, installed and set up. We had moved her music over last time when I set up her new laptop, so then it was just a matter of letting the new iTunes find the old music, and we were done with that.

Then I got the DirecTV app configured on her laptop so she can stream movies and TV shows, just like on her big TV. Again, not hard, but confusing sometimes about what you can watch live, what you can stream, and what you can record.

By now it was after 4:30, and we did not want to fight the rush hour traffic back to Conroe at this hour, so Jan called our friends Bob and Maria to see if they might be available for dinner at kind of the last minute. And lucky for us. they were. So we made a date for 6:30 at the La Brisa on I-45 in League City.

Mexican twice in one day. Yay!

Wrapping up, I spent some time with Barbara going over some things that are different with Windows 10.

Finally getting our hugs and goodbyes from Barb and Tom, we headed over to La Brisa to get our hugs and hellos from Bob and Maria, another couple we’ve known a long time. In their case, since the mid-80’s when Bob and I were both into Commodore Amiga computers.

Bob and Maria_thumb[1]

Normally I really like La Brisa, but tonight was a real disappointment, at least for me. I ordered the Combo Fajitas with Jalapeno Sausage. And what I got for $17.95 was this.

La Brisa Fajitas_thumb[1]

In the photo, everything looks much larger, but each of those fajita strips is only a little over 3 inches long, which make the sausage even smaller. The meat was lukewarm, and so was the iron platter, no sizzling here. I don’t even think the meat and onions were grilled together, since the meats had very little flavor.

In contrast here’s what I got at El Bosque in Conroe,

El Bosque Fajita de la Diabla_thumb[1]

Beef, Chicken and Shrimp on a sizzling platter for $13.99

And again at El Bosque,

El Bosque Fajita Polbanos_thumb[7]

beef and chicken for $12.99. Look at those big chunks of beef.

And even at the Jalapeno Tree up in Carthage when we were gate guarding.

Jalapeno Tree Fajitas_thumb[2]

That’s beef and chicken fajitas covered in cheese for $11.99.

I probably wouldn’t have been upset if the price had been $12 or $13, but not for $18.

But as bad as I thought the food was, the company and the conversation really made up for it. We had a great time, talking new times and old times, and the time just flew.

But we finally said goodbye and were on the way back to Conroe by 8:30, getting here a little before 10pm, racking up another long, fun day, filled with good news, good friends, and good times.

Just what RV’ing is all about.

February 24, 2017

Scheduling and Straddling . . .

After checking off some more chores on my list in the morning, I spent most of the afternoon working on the scheduling of our upcoming travels.

I did find a really nice park near Rapid City for our week-long stay there and called to make reservations at the Passport America rate for the entire week. Nice.

I was a little worried about getting this reservation since it straddled the Memorial Day Weekend, but luckily we had no problems.

I’ve still got a few more dates to lock down, and a few more places to check out to stay, and things to see. But it will all come together as usual.

About 4:30 Jan and I headed up to Ellinger for the Friday Catfish Buffet at Peter’s BBQ, stopping off to pick up our Ranger friend, Barbara Spade. Also meeting us there were our next-door neighbors, Bill and Val Fullerton.

Peter's BBQ with Barbara

Bill and Val are kind of newbies, full-timing in their new Redwood 5th wheel just since December of last year. Before that they were longtime tent campers.

We all had a great time talking about the RV lifestyle, and hope we’ll get back together soon.

Tomorrow’s another ‘working through the checklist’ day before we head back down to Clear Lake on Sunday for a family get-together at the local Cheddar’s. Looking forward to it.

Then on Monday Jan has her yearly appointment with her oncologist. in the afternoon. Originally we both had our yearly doctor visits that morning, but the doctor’s office called and rescheduled us until Tuesday morning. So that means two trips instead of just one.

Then Wednesday we moved back over to the Lake Conroe Thousand Trails for a week before coming back to Colorado River on our way to Tucson.

February 24, 2018

Blog Called On Account Of . . .

Jan partied too long.

But I did get this shot of the whole bunch of partiers.

Jan's Coworker Get-Together468

Looks like a pretty rowdy group to me, especially the one in red.

I’ll catch up with everything tomorrow when we’re back home at the rig.

February 24, 2019

Coffeeshop or Coffeehouse?

This morning Jan and I headed up to Sugarland to Sugarland Ice to watch another of Landon’s Hockey practices, with, I think, only one more to go for this year.

Landon has also been taking skating lessons from a figure skating coach for the last few weeks, and it really shows. He’s so much smoother on the ice, making sharper turns, and skating backwards.

Landon Hockey 3

Landon Hockey 5

Later we had our usual lunch stop at the nearby Floyd’s Cajun Seafood, and just like last week, they were very busy, and this time we had a 20-minute wait, Last week when we asked why they were so much busier than previous visits, I was told, with a slight hint of surprise at my ignorance, that it was ‘Crawfish Season’.

And obviously, it still is, since pretty much every table had a big bucket (or two) of Mudbugs in the center. But our service was pretty quick, since we ordered our meal when Alyssa took our drink order. She was kind of surprised though, since we didn’t even have menus yet. But we’ve all been there some many times we didn’t need them. We know what we want.

Any even as busy as they were, the food was just as delicious as usual. Never had a bad meal at a Floyd’s.

And on the subject of meals, here’s a sample menu from our upcoming cruise.

Viking Longship Menu

And this doesn’t include the onboard buffets and the eating options on the extra excursions. We may need to add a number of those ‘Demanding’ excursions to our itinerary. Sounds like we may need to ‘walk’ off some extra pounds.

While we were at lunch, our daughter Brandi was talking about what to see in Amsterdam. And she knows because she was an exchange student in Germany back in college, and visited Amsterdam with her friends.

She mentioned the Anne Frank House (already on our schedule), the world-famous Sex Museum (also scheduled, and also visited by our daughter) and the ‘CoffeeShops’, some of which actually do serve coffee.

But they’re more known for the fact that they sell legal marijuana. And as I said, some coffee. If you want coffee and not an inhalation high, you want a coffeehouse. Good to know, I guess. Strangely, although you can smoke marijuana in a coffeeshop, but you can’t smoke that dangerous tobacco there.

And concerning ‘inhalation highs’ Brandi was surprised to learn that neither Jan nor I have ever smoked marijuana. Though I said that I have inhaled deeply at a number of parties and concerts.

This fact has caused me some problems with the 20+ lie detector tests I’ve taken over the years as part of the many security clearances I’ve received over the years with both the DOD and with NASA.

The main problem was that, since growing up as a teenager in the 60’s, no one would believe that I had never once smoked any weed, or Mary Jane as they pretty much called it then. Even when I passed the lie detector test, they thought I was cheating somehow. But as I said, I always told them I inhaled.

As far as my young, innocent wife (though pregnant at the time), early in our marriage we attended a Beach Boys concert in Birmingham, back in the good old days when you could smoke at concerts, and when we walked in Jan took a couple of whiffs and asked, “Why are they burning incense in here?”.

And then proceeded to sleep through half the concert.

February 24, 2020

I’ve Got A Code . . .

In My Node.

I started getting a slight sore throat late Friday night which was still there Saturday, along with a mild stuffy nose. This worsened a little Sunday morning, but came into its own by Monday morning.

My sore throat came back with a vengeance and my head felt like an over-swollen balloon, ready to pop at any moment. So it didn’t take me long to decide that I was not going in today. Don’t want to pass it on to Dr. Heimlich and Jennifer.

I’m assuming I got this cold from Wal-Mart, since no one else I know has a cold. I was walking down the aisle and passed close by a grocery cart holding a small boy. A small boy who immediately sneezed all over me, a ‘wet’ sneeze as it were.

And since he was Asian, I’m thinking Corona Virus is a possibility also.

It hasn’t gotten any worse today, but it hasn’t gotten any better either. So we’ll see how it goes tomorrow.

February 24, 2021

R.I.P. Fry’s . . .

One of my favorite places called it quits today, though in reality, it had been slowly dying for a long time.

Fry’s Electronics, a staple in the computer field since the mid-80’s, posted that they were closing all of their 31 remaining stores as of 2/24/2021.

I remember back in the late-90’s/early 2000’s when I was building up 2 or 3 computers a week for clients around the Houston area. The weekend Fry’s ads came out in the Thursday edition of the Houston Chronicle, and I always stopped on my way into the University to pick up a copy.

I think my biggest purchase from Fry’s totaled a little over $20,000 for 10 computers, monitors, printers, etc. for the computer area in an assisted living facility.

But over the last 4 or 5 years they went steadily downhill, with shelves half empty, and no one around to check you out. If you could actually find something to buy.

But they will be missed.

I spent most of the day at work trying to set up a Gigabit WiFi network in the office. not to access the Internet any faster, but allow quicker callup of data between the computers,

The databases for the Point of Sale reside on one computer, but also needs to be accessed from two others. And the UPS Worldship database is on another computer but needs to be accessed from three others. So there’s a lot of data moving back and forth.

So today I got the TP-Link WiFi 6 Gigabit Router installed and configured, and so far it’s working fine.

TP-Link Gigabit WiFi Router

Friday I’ll start installing the four matching TP-Link WiFi 6 Gigabit Cards, in each computer, one at a time, and testing them out.

TP-Link Gigabit WiFi Card

Hopefully this will speed things up substantially.

Wrapping up, I saw this warning label on the back of one of the machines on the food truck that was parked outside our La Quinta hotel during our Big Freeze evacuation.

I’m still not sure what it’s saying.

La Quinta Food Truck Warning Label

February 24, 2022

Nature’s Perfect Food . . .

Now in Spicy Hot!

Jan and I were on our way up to the Spring area about 10:30, with a quick stop for gas along the way. We were meeting up with long-time friends Debi and Ed Hurlburt at the El Palenque Mexican Restaurant, a favorite of ours.

This was another in a long line of monthly get-togethers that sometimes include Janice and Dave Evans, and we always look forward to them.

Jan tried something new this time, the Mazatlán, which is a Grilled Chicken Breast with Grilled Shrimp and covered in Monterey Cheese.

El Palenque Mazatlan 20220224

As opposed to what she usually gets, the Rancho Grande, which is a Grilled Chicken Breast with Grilled Shrimp, and covered in Monterey Cheese.

Don’t ask me. I don’t know either.

I got the Sampler platter, with quesadillas, taquitos, and nachos.

El Palenque Sampler 20220224

As usual we gabbed for more than 2 hours before we made the date for next month and headed home.

When my new Samsung S21 Ultra came with 5G capability, I was interested to see what kind of speed increase I would see. And so far I’ve not been really impressed.

This is what I get for 5G up in the Webster area.

SpeedTest 5G Webster

Not really impressive.

I’ve heard that in some areas Verizon is running 5G on top of the 4G, resulting in slow speeds. But it lets them tout how many areas 5G is available, whether it’s fast or not. So I imagine that’s what’s happening here.

Now normally I’d be stuck with that, but I have an app on my phone called Samsung Band Selection that lets me drop my phone back to 4G LTE. And this is what I get.

SpeedTest 4G LTE Webster

A big difference.

Now it’s a lot better up in Spring. This is what I got up there today.

SpeedTest 5G Springr

So maybe it will eventually speed up down here.

I’ve always considered Peanut Butter nature’s perfect food. It has Protein, Carbs, Fat, and No Cholesterol.

However I like it too much. If I didn’t watch it, I think I could eat an entire jar at one time. And since it’s easier for me to resist temptation if I’m not tempted, I just don’t buy it very often.

But when I saw this online, my willpower crumbled and I had to order a jar of this.

Hot Mambo Peanut Butter

Hot Mamba Peanut Butter

It’s an all-natural chunky peanut butter with tropical habanero, guajillo & ancho chiles; raw, organic cane sugar, and a hint of sea salt.

I doubt it’s really hot, but I can always spice it up myself.

And even better (butter?), I ordered it today and it will be here tomorrow.

I’ll let you know.

February 24, 2023

Well, They Took Long Enough . . .

Back in February 2022, I sent in the renewal of my Arizona Concealed Weapons Permit, along with a money order for $43. Since my permit didn’t expire until May 2, 2022, I figured there shouldn’t be a problem.

My Arizona permit is actually the 3rd one I’ve had since 2008. My first one was as a South Dakota resident which Jan and I both got in October 2008 on our way back from Alaska. We stopped off at the Sheriff’s Office in the Lake County Courthouse, filled out a one-page form, paid him $10 each, and received our temporary permits. The Sheriff told us that he would run us through the NICS check and if we came back clean, we could come by and pick up our permanent ones tomorrow.

Which we did.

For some strange reason, the SD permits expire in 4 years, while their driver’s licenses renew every 5. But when I went to renew my permit, I found they had changed the rules. To renew you had to show proof that you had actually resided in the county for at least 30 days.

But at the time there were no RV parks in Lake County, so a month’s stay would have been difficult. I guess we could have parked on the courthouse square and run an extension cord inside, but I’m not sure they would have gone along with it.

And anyway, we were nowhere near South Dakota.

So at the next rally, I attended a class that let me get a Utah Non-Resident Concealed Carry Permit, this one for 5 years. So this gets us up to 2017. But when I went to renew my Utah Permit, I found they had changed the rules once again.

To renew my Utah Non-Resident Permit, I now to also have a permit in my resident state, if they offered permits. Now I was stuck once again.

So while we were in Arizona, I applied for, and received an Arizona Non-Resident Permit, also for 5 years.

Which I received in May 2017.

So I sent in my renewal and promptly forgot about it. One thing that helped that was that Texas instituted permitless carry, even for non-residents like me. I did think about not receiving it back in December, but with all the holiday stuff going on, I promptly forgot about it again.

Until today.

In today’s mail I received my Arizona renewal, beginning not last May when my other one expired, but starting 1 January 2023. But the letter was dated February 11, 2023 and it was mailed on February 15th. So I guess it sat around on someone’s desk since the first of the year before it finally got mailed out.

And where it was before then, I have no idea.

One thing nice about the Arizona permit is that they had reciprocity agreements with 37 other states, pretty much all of them that actually have permits.

Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

Tomorrow starts with two new front tires for our Jeep. When I was getting the Jeep’s oil change last week, they noticed that my front tires were showing cords on the inside edge of both.  So I’ve got an appointment tomorrow at noon for new tires.

I’ll wait till next week to get the front end aligned, but not at NTW. They’re too expensive for a simple front-end alignment.

Then it’s Denny’s for lunch and HEB for our weekly stuff.

Then Sunday we’re heading up to Conroe to meet up with Debi and Ed Hurlburt for our monthly lunch get-together, this time at China Delight, a favorite local place of ours.

February 24, 2024

They’re Always Watching You . . .

Concerning the recent AT&T, Verizon, T- Mobile cellphone outage a few days ago, AT&T said it was caused by a glitch when they updated some software, and that it was not a ‘cyberattack.

AT&T told ABC News in a statement ABC News that the outage was not a cyberattack but caused by “the application and execution of an incorrect process used as we were expanding our network.”

Two sources briefed on the situation told ABC News that the FBI and Department of Homeland Security (DHS), among other agencies, had been urgently investigating to determine whether the AT&T outage was the result of a cyberattack or a hack, or simply some sort of technical malfunction.

Of course that doesn’t explain Verizon or T-Mobile’s problem with the same thing.

Now there’s some thought that the outage might be caused by a Solar Flare.

The sun is bursting with activity at a level that hasn’t been seen in nearly a decade.

In less than 24 hours, the sun fired off three X-class solar flares, the highest magnitude on the scale used to measure the intensity of flares.

The third was the strongest of the bunch and was “the most powerful flare since the great solar storms of September 2017,” explained.

But some authorities don’t agree.

Solar flares of this magnitude can temporarily disrupt high-frequency radio signals on Earth, but NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center debunked any speculation that the flares were related to the cellphone outages reported across the United States on Thursday.

“While solar flares can affect communication systems, radar and the Global Positioning System, based on the intensity of the eruption and associated phenomena, it is highly unlikely that these flares contributed to the widely reported cellular network outages,” the SWPC said in a statement Thursday.

Now I don’t know about you, but it seems to me that when you have multiple cellphone outages and “the most powerful flare since the great solar storms of September 2017,” you might want to take a further look at this ‘coincidence’.

They’re always watching you, even, apparently candy vending machines. Or at least M&M candy machines, anyway.

It seems when a student at the University of Waterloo, located near Ontario, Canada, went to buy a treat from a vending machine, he found this message –

First off, why is a candy machine running Windows? And even more so, why does a candy vending machine need a Facial Recognition app?

Students told CTV News that their confidence in the university’s administration was shaken by the controversy. Some students claimed on Reddit that they attempted to cover the vending machine cameras while waiting for the school to respond, using gum or Post-it notes. One student pondered whether “there are other places this technology could be being used” on campus.

And after some further hemming and hawing, they came up with this explanation.

Adaria Vending Services told MathNEWS that “what’s most important to understand is that the machines do not take or store any photos or images, and an individual person cannot be identified using the technology in the machines. The technology acts as a motion sensor that detects faces, so the machine knows when to activate the purchasing interface—never taking or storing images of customers.”

So whatever happened to ‘pick out your purchase through the glass and pull the lever or press the button? And if they wanted a ‘motion sensor’, why not just use an actual motion sensor?

It’s gotta be cheaper than a camera, a computer, and an App.

Or maybe there’s more than they’re telling us.

There’s been a number of cases recently of companies stealthily collecting facial recognition data to use or sell.

AI company harvested billions of Facebook photos for a facial recognition database it sold to police

Clearview AI aims to put almost every human in facial recognition database

Facial Recognition Software Is Everywhere, With Few Legal Limits

So, who’s watching you now?

Lunch today was at the Kelley’s Country Cookin’s up in League City, with Jan getting one of the Saturday daily specials, the Grilled Catfish with Green Beans, Carrots, and Fried Okra. A great deal for only $11.99/

I got the Chili and Eggs with Grits and Cornbread Muffin.

I only asked for one, but they brought out 3, so I had a couple to bring home for next week.

All delicious!

Then it was on up to the Wal-Mart on El Dorado, rather than our usual one down here in our area. Just wanted a change, I guess.

Tomorrow looks to be Yummy Yummy Chinese Buffet, and then HEB. But you never can tell.



An Owl Vacation . . .

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Lunch today was at the Yummy Yummy Buffet, our favorite local buffet, though it’s actually our only local buffet.

One thing I always find funny when we eat here is that for about $15 you can have all the boiled crawfish and shrimp you can eat. Or you go to one of the local crawfish places and pay $10.99 A POUND for crawfish or $16.99 A POUND for boiled shrimp.

That’s why we saw people with two plates piled high with crawfish, and then go back for more.

* * * * *

It seems that recently two burrowing owls decided to travel the world so they hitched a ride on the RCL’s Allure of the Seas as it repositioned from Miami to Barcelona, Spain.

Adventurous owls took a 2-week vacation after stowing away on one of the world’s largest cruise ships

They hid out in the ship’s Central Park area, which actually has real trees in it.

According to the user, the two owls made themselves at home in Central Park among the many real-life trees in the neighborhood. However, the owls were apparently exploring other spaces onboard the ship too.

Wonder what would happen if they got to Spain and discovered they don’t speech the language.

Thought For The Day:

I told Jan that she’d only be able to look at this for about 5 minutes before she would be down on her knees trying to pry that tile up with her fingernails.  Yep, she’s a little OCD.

OCD Floor Tile

And Now On To Today’s Retro-Blogs.™

February 23, 2010

Where’s the Giant Coyote?

Today was our last day in Las Cruces for a while.

As I said yesterday, we always stay at this KOA because of the view.

Las Cruces KOA 1

Las Cruces KOA 2

Las Cruces KOA 3
Note the snow on the mountain tops.

Las Cruces KOA 4
Just beautiful!

After a great meal at La Posta last night, we slept in and then decided to go back to La Posta for lunch. You can’t have too much La Posta!

Last night it was supposed to get down to about 32 degrees, but here on the mountainside, it got down to about 27 degrees.

Tonight it’s supposed to get down to 26 so I figure it will get down to about 20 here. This means I will be unhooking our water hose and draining it and our water filter to prevent damage from freezing.

After a great lunch at La Posta we headed to Wal-Mart to stock up on more ‘stuff’.

Arriving back at the rig, we settled in to goof off the afternoon. I mean, isn’t that what it’s all about?

About 4:15 we left for supper at another favorite place of ours called El Comedor. On the way, we stopped off at Radio Shack so I could get some solder wick to repair our heated mattress pad.

On the way home I stopped off to get a picture of this giant roadrunner erected at an Interstate rest area.

RoadRunner 1
It’s about 30 feet high and very impressive.  I was going to get a little closer for a better shot until Jan pointed out this sign.

RoadRunner 2

In case you can’t read it, it says, “Beware Of Snakes”.

Oh, never mind!

Getting home, I went ahead and disconnected and drained the water hose and filter so they wouldn’t be affected by the cold weather.

The Weather Channel is no longer talking about snow tonight, so that’s something, I guess.

I did my repair to the heated mattress pad. We’ll see how it works.

We plan on heading out about 10am tomorrow to Tucson for a couple of days to visit some friends, so more then.

February 23, 2011

Burritos and Carnitas . . .

Today’s our last full day in Gila Bend, and we started off with some Cinnamon Amaretto Pecan coffee (two scoops of Gevalia Cinnamon, 1 scoop of HEB Texas Pecan, and Amaretto Creamers). Hmmm Good!

A little after 11am Jan and I headed over to Sofia’s Mexican Food for one last shot at their Shrimp Burritos and Carnitas Dinners. And their salsa is great, too. Really hot.

Our last stop was the hardware store, again. I wanted to get another AC Vent Deflector and some steel mending plates. The deflectors are held to the vent covers by magnets, but my covers are plastic and the steel screws don’t have enough surface to hold the deflectors securely.

So I added the mending plates under the screws holding the vents on.

Deflector 1

This gives a good surface for the magnets to grip. This should hold them firmly. We’ll see tomorrow when we travel on to Yuma.

Deflector 2

Coming back to the rig, I dropped Jan off and then went over to the CAT scales to weigh our toad. We haven’t weighed it since we did it here in Gila Bend 3 years ago on our way to Alaska. And this time I had a long stick with me.

The call button that you press to get a weigh is about 8 feet off the ground since it’s supposed to be pushed from a semi-cab. So a long stick is needed for the pickup. In fact, it also helps in weighing the RV too.

The toad weighs 5570 lbs. That’s about 300 lbs. less than 3 years ago, mostly due to the fact that on our way to Alaska, I was carrying a spare tire that weighed 225 lbs. I carried the spare “just in case” because all the books said it was needed.

Of course, because I had the spare, I never needed it. Never had a flat on either the rig or the toad, so I ditched it as soon as we got back to Houston.

Tomorrow I’ll weigh the coach before we leave here.

After we returned from lunch I got back on the carpet project. I finally got all the carpet up underneath Jan’s chair, and all the staples either removed, or pounded flat. The black square in the center is the mounting base for the chair.

Chair 1

And this is with the chair mounting plate installed. The chair itself mounts on the plate with bolts thru the 4 holes. All the motors that move and configure the chair are mounted in the base of the chair.

Chair 2

After we get to Yuma for a few weeks I’ll pull the driver’s chair and remove the last of the carpet underneath there. Then it will be time to start laying the laminate. Wheeee!

February 23, 2013

BBQ and Bird Feeders . . .

After checking in with Gina, we headed up to Driftwood, TX to have lunch at one of our favorite BBQ places in the world, Salt Lick BBQ.

One look at this pit, one of three they have, gives you a clue why it’s so good. In fact it’s so good that it’s where Brandi and Lowell had their wedding reception dinner in 2010.

Salt Lick Open Pit BBQ

As usual, we got the Family Meal which means all the Beef Brisket, Pork Ribs, Sausage, Potato Salad, BBQ Beans, Cole Slaw, and Bread we can eat.

Landon at Salt Lick 1

And we had to end it all with a shared bowl of their combo Blueberry/Peach Cobble, ala mode, of course.

After lunch, we let Landon work off his big meal by letting him play in the Kid’s Ranch play area.

Landon on Salt Lick Slide

Landon on Salt Lick Swing

We worked off our meal by watching him run around.

After a nice drive through the Texas Hill Country, we ended up back at Gina’s for the afternoon. Landon had a great time playing in the treehouse next to her house.

Landon on Gina's Treehouse 1

Landon on Gina's Treehouse 4

Landon on Gina's Treehouse 2

Landon on Gina's Treehouse 3

In contrast to the beautiful weather we’re having here in Texas, Jan’s sister Debbie sent over this photo of the birds flocking to her feeder at their home in southern Illinois.

Debbie's Bird Feeder

Tomorrow we’ll all get together with Gina and hopefully be able to have lunch or dinner with her.

February 23, 2015

Clean Bill(s) of Health . . .

Jan and I headed up to Friendswood about 8am for our last two doctor’s appointments, this time just for our annual physicals. We got called in within just a few minutes of each other and were both out by 11. Our doctor, we both have the same one, gave us both clean bills of health, so we’re set to go for another year.

Since we had to fast for our lab tests, our next stop was breakfast at The Egg and I. Love their food, and especially their Hazelnut coffee. It was nice to just be able to sit and talk about our upcoming plans, and not still have any medical issues hanging over us.

Heading out, we stopped off at our son Chris’ to check on something before ending up back in Webster to talk to my mechanic about some work I want to have done tomorrow morning. I want to get in first so I can get out quickly, so I’ll be there at 8am tomorrow morning. Yuck!

Finally heading back toward the rig, we stopped off at the Dunkin’ Donuts in League City for coffee and Munchkins to go. Then our last stop was the Wal-Mart in Kemah for stuff before finally getting home about 2pm

Although the high was 75 yesterday, it was 46 today, with 37 tonight. Not very conducive to working outside on the rig, so all that’s on hold for now.

Got a call from Sam’s Club that Jan’s new glasses came in so we’ll pick those up tomorrow, and also drop off our prescriptions while we’re there. We don’t have the doctor send them over because they’ll automatically fill them, and we don’t need anything right now. We just want to get them in the system so we can fill them on the road as we travel.

February 23, 2016

Happy Kitty . . .

Well, Jan’s Facebook account is still dead in the water, but at least they finally responded to my emails. At their request I sent them three pieces of ID for Jan, so hopefully we’ll hear back soon.

Some Facebook friends have said they can still see the bogus Janice White account, with Jan’s photo, while others can’t see it at all. And of course, I still find it strange that Facebook disabled the real account and left the fake one active.

Jan joined me in being under the weather today, so we never left the coach, except when I walked next door to tell Brett and Frankie we weren’t up to dinner tonight, but hopefully tomorrow.

Although we never got the promised heavy rains, we did have a lot of wind all day, enough to keep the awnings thrumming most of the time. With the front coming through, our nighttime temps are back down in the 30’s and 40’s rather than the recent 50’s and 60’s, so that’ll be nice for a change, and the bedroom AC won’t be running during the night.

I didn’t really get anything down on the drain pump problem today, at least not physically. But I did try to work out how I’m going to mount the new pump. So far I’m going to bolt some bar stock across the bottom frame and then either use heavy tie-wraps or stainless steel clamps to mount it.

Tomorrow if we have time after our doctor appointments down in Clear Lake, I’ll stop off at a Home Depot or Lowe’s to also look for some way to adapt the hoses. I should be able to find some combination of adapters and hoses that will allow me to hook up the new pump. Somehow I’ll make it work.

But one way or other, fixed or not, I have to get the washer back in its cubbyhole before we travel back to Columbus on Sunday. Otherwise, I’m not sure if the slide will come all the way in. And I know we won’t be able to get back to the bathroom. I’m pretty sure I can get it working before then, but you never know.

Karma is a growing young girl. She’s really gotten bigger since she came to live with us, and it’s only been three weeks.

Karma at Sleep4_thumb[1]

She’s already bigger and heavier than Emma, our other cat that died in 2013. I don’t expect her to approach Mister size, but you never know.

She does like to spend time on the dashboard looking at the world, but she’s still shown no real interest in going outside. She’ll sometimes peek around the chair when the door is open, but that’s about it.

So far she’s turning out to be a really good kitty.

Tomorrow morning we’ll head out about 8 for our 10am doctor appointments down in Friendswood. Then after lunch, I got another get-together with a client.

So another busy day.

February 23, 2017

No Smoked Butterscotch . . .

It was another travel day so we were out the door a little after 9, heading for Pearland about an hour and 45 minutes south.

We were there to take our long-time friend Bonnie out to lunch, and then spend some time together. We ended up at a nearby Chili’s for our meal, and we weren’t disappointed.

Jan had her favorite Margarita Chicken,

Chili's Margarita Chicken

while Bonnie tried our other favorite Grilled Caribbean Salad with Chicken.

Chili's Caribeean Salad

For my part, I’d recently seen the ads on TV for their new Smokehouse Combo, so I decided to give it a try.

Chili's Smokehouse Combo

It was good, but it would have been a lot better if we just hadn’t eaten at Rudy’s last weekend. The ribs and sausage just didn’t match up to Rudy’s meat and sauce, but overall it was a good meal, and I did have leftovers.

After lunch we went back to Bonnie’s to talk for a couple of hours before saying our goodbyes.


Then it was off to the nearby Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club for a few things before we headed back home.

Of course, by this time we were starting to encounter the beginnings of the Houston going-home traffic, so things slowed down a good bit. But finally we made it to Brandi’s to pick up our recent Amazon orders. We didn’t get to see anyone though since Brandi was still at work and Lowell and Landon were off getting haircuts.

Then right before we got back on I-10W we made a Starbuck’s stop for a couple of their seasonal Smoked Butterscotch Lattes. But even though it was still up on their menu board, AND I just saw a TV commercial for the flavor last night, the barista (baristaess?)  said they’ve been out of the flavor for several weeks and won’t be getting any more this year, and doesn’t know why they’re still running ads for it. She said they get people in every day asking for the Smoked Butterscotch, and some leave when they find out it’s not available.

So this time we settle for our standard Cinnamon Dolce Lattes for the road, finally getting back to the rig about 6:45.

I mentioned yesterday how I was unable to get a reservation for one night at the end of April at the Turtle Beach Fish Camp Thousand Trails in California, and now I know why.

It’s under 4 feet of water.

Blog reader Bill Duke commented that they just had to evacuate Turtle Beach and they don’t know when it will reopen. So I guess I’ll have to keep checking back.

Tomorrow and Saturday I’m back to working through my checklist. YAY!

February 23, 2018

On The Road . . .

I spent the morning being sure I had all the tools I would need to install my new LED headlight bulbs tomorrow.

We finally headed up toward Brandi’s about 2pm. with a stop along the way at PPL to get some things for the RV.

Then it was on to La Finca Mexican Restaurant only about 10 minutes from Brandi’s house.

Jan had the Pollo Parrilla, a grilled chicken breast covered in really good stuff.

La Finca Pollo Parrilla

Somewhere under all that white cheese is a bunch of grilled mushrooms and onions on top of a large chicken breast. YUM!

I had the Marcos Salad, a taco salad with really delicious beef fajita meat piled on top.

La Finca Marcos Salad

Really good.

Then it was on to the new nearby HEB that just opened about a week ago. Jan wanted to get fresh fruit for the fruit salad she’s taking to the Coworker’s Get-together tomorrow night.

Notice that gas was $2.05 there, and only $2.00 over at the Buc-ee’s, 10 to 15 cents cheaper than down in our area. Nice.

After we got settled in at Brandi’s, I started setting up the new Dell laptop that was waiting here for me. And ‘started’ is about all I did with it. After the initial startup stuff, I got it on the house WiFi and it started downloading the Win 10 updates. That was about 7pm.

Now here are a little after 11pm, it’s still going . . . very, very slowly.

February 23, 2019

The Cheap Seats . . .

Or rather the Cheap Room.

Today was another of those strange Texas weather days with highs in the mid-70’s and lows tonight in the mid-40’s. Whatever, it’s never boring.

We again spent some time this morning looking at cruise stuff, going through the many Optional Excursions, talking over some that we’re interested in. I suspect that if we totaled up the cost of all the excursions, it might come close to the cost of the cruise itself. Of course, that’s probably what they have in mind.

In searching around the Net, I came across a photo of our actual room on the Viking Longship Skirnir.

Viking Skirnir Cabin 110 - Category E - Standard Stateroom 110 on

Based on our Holland America Alaska Cruise in 1998, we got a room in the cheapest section they had on the ship, Section F. which is down on the lowest deck, i.e., the bilge.

Viking Cruises Rm 110 - 3

We found that we were almost never in our room, except to sleep, so why pay extra for an expensive French balcony, or Veranda suite? Why, when you can just go up on deck and have an even better view?

What’s kind of funny is that the Blue rooms, right next door to our Yellow ones, are $200/person more expensive than ours. But according to Viking, they’re exactly the same. Same size, same windows, same amenities, etc.

I thought that maybe it was closer to the engines, elevators, etc., but even the Viking rep could not tell me what the difference was. It may be that they just needed another price point.

I was reading a business article recently about a dress manufacturer, and how they priced them. It said a small percentage are tagged for high-end boutiques, more were tagged for high-end department stores, some for the mass market, and then some for discount bargain stores.

But they’re all the same dress, just with different labels. So maybe it’s the same with cruise rooms.

Another thing I found out was that our cruise is completely sold out, with even both of the $14,995/person Explorer Suites taken.

Jan’s been tracking down videos about visiting London and Paris, and we came across an app called CityMapper. It’s a mapping program that covers 22 European cities, giving you routes to any destination, via walking, biking, buses, trams, tube, etc. Looks to be very useful.

Jan had her annual former co-worker get-together at Pappas Delta Blues Smokehouse in Webster, her first visit, and said it was really good, and they all had a great time as usual. And yes, there was booze involved.

Jan's 2019 Coworker Get-together

While Jan was partying down, I killed time at nearby King Food, having a big bowl of their Hot & Sour Soup.

My new Carolina Reaper powder came in yesterday, so I thought I’d give it a try. And so far, it’s hot, but not outstandingly so, but then I was pretty chintzy with it, so maybe I just need to use more. I’ll bump it up tomorrow when I have Gumbo at Floyd’s Cajun Seafood after Landon’s hockey practice.

February 23, 2020

TAKLing The Shed . . .

About 4pm Jan and I headed out for dinner at Los Ramirez Mexican Restaurant, one of our local go-to places for good food, Mexican or otherwise.

Then it was off to the nearby Home Depot to check out the Arrow storage building we’re interested in.

Arrow Newburgh 2a

We had put it on the back burner before our somewhat ill-fated Kingsland trip in November, our NYC Christmas trip in December, and our recent Alabama trip.

But I want to get it back on track before I take the rig into Cummins or wherever, to get my oil leak repaired.

I wanted to check out the packaging and weight to see how easy/hard it’s going to be to get it back to our site and unloaded.

But I also wanted to see if they had anyone available to assemble it for us. I’ve done one of these before, in fact, a larger one, but the assembly really needs two people, but one can do it. But Jan says I really don’t have time to do it by myself. And she’s right.

As usual.

But they only had people available to put together their own Tuff-Shed brand of buildings. So I guess I could try the TAKL app to see what pops up.

Then after quick HEB and Post Office stops we were back home for the night.

I’m still slogging through getting all my GB’s of data moved over to my new computer, 128GB’s at a time. But my main problem is with getting my Windows Live Mail emails moved over, in this case, to Mozilla Thunderbird.

I don’t like the new Win10 Mail program, and I’m not going the Outlook or Office 365 route. Plus Thunderbird is what we used at work, so I’m familiar with it.

Normally moving the data is not a problem. Just Export everything from Live Mail and Import it into Thunderbird. But since Live Mail will no longer run, so I’ll have to move the data over manually, but I’m not exactly sure what I’ll have to do to get it into Thunderbird.

But Ill figure it out.

February 23, 2021

Am I A Lucky Guy, or What?

Jan and I left for the Clear Lake area to have lunch at one of Jan’s favorite places, Twin Peaks.

Good Eats and Scenic Views. Am I a lucky guy, or what?

Jan got the Soup and Sandwich, with the Turkey Avocado Smash Sandwich and a cup of their Tomato Basil Soup.

Twin Peaks Turkey Avocado Smash and Tomato Basil Soup

And Sweet Potato Fries.

I got a bowl of their Venison Chili,

Twin Peaks Venison Chili

and their version of the Wedge Salad with Blackened Chicken.

Twin Peaks Wedge Salad with Chicken

All really, really good.

When we got parked at Twin Peaks before walking in, I saw this Shelby Cobra in the parking lot.

Twin Peaks Shelby Cobra Side

Twin Peaks Shelby Cobra Interior

A very beautiful car, but a look at the tag told me it’s a replica.

Twin Peaks Shelby Cobra Rear

The tag says ‘Custom Vehicle’ which means it’s a kit or or a replica of some sort.

But it’s a beauty, anyway.

Then it was on to the office to pick up some Amazon orders that had come in, the hardware store for Plumber’s Silicone Grease, WalMart for stuff, Sam’s Club for gas and prescriptions, HEB for more stuff, and then a final stop at Cowboy Coffee for drinks to sit out on the patio and listen to Jan’s windchimes.

While we were in HEB Jan got a call from her doctor changing her appointment to this Thursday afternoon, so Toilet Thursday is now Toilet Saturday. But we’ll see.

Our previous RCA TV had a built-in DVD player, but our newer Samsung model doesn’t. Mostly because it’s really too thin to mount one.

So we’ve been playing DVD’s on the computer and watching them on the TV. But then the computer is tied up. So I ordered a standalone player like this one from Amazon.

DVD Player

DVD CD Player with HD 1080p Upscaling, Remote, & HDMI & AV Output

It only took about 5 minutes to hook up and have it working. A very nice unit for only about $37.

February 23, 2023

People Stand In Line To See The Boy King . . .

Jan and I were on our way for our big day of fun in Houston by about 10am, and after a quick stop for gas, we got to the Katz’s Deli in Montrose by about 11.

We’ve eaten at Katz’s for years, and it’s always great. In fact we had hoped to check out the original one in NYC when we were there in December 2019, but somehow never made it over there. A shame.

We both started off with a cup of their Rustic Tomato Basil Soup.

Katz'z Deli Cup Tomato Basil Soup 20230223

Thick and Delicious!

Then Jan got her usual Open-Faced Tuna Melt,

Katz' Open Faced Tuna Sandwich

along with a side of their sliced-and-cooked-to-order chips.

Katz's Deli 20220510 Chips

I decided to go with their Reuben Dog once again,

Katz'z Deli Reuben Dog 20230223

also with the chips, which come out warm from the fryer.

I had to pull back to get both in the shot, but that’s a footlong hotdog in there.

We also split an order of their complimentary Cole Slaw.

Katz'z Deli ColeSlaw 20230223

And like usual, we got dessert to go for later, with Jan’s Chocolate-Dipped Macaroon,

Katz's Deli Chocolate Macaroon

and my Black & White Cookie.

Katz's Deli - Black & White Cookie

Then it was off to the Houston Museum of Natural History for our King Tut’s Tomb Discovery Experience.

King Tut's Tomb 1

King Tut's Tomb 2

One thing that was interesting is that rooms full of artifacts were displayed as Howard Carter found them in November 1922.

King Tut's Tomb 3

King Tut's Tomb 4

King Tut's Tomb 5

King Tut's Tomb 6

King Tut's Tomb 11

Plus there were a number of visuals displayed on the walls.

King Tut's Tomb 7

King Tut's Tomb 8

Below, going from left to right, are the 3 sarcophagus layers of King Tutankhamun, with the 3rd one made of solid gold.

King Tut's Tomb 9

The artifacts on the far right were found on the actual mummy, including the gold sandals on his feet.

King Tut's Tomb 10

At first, we were kind of disappointed in the size of the exhibit, compared to the Ramses II one we saw back in May. But then realized that we had combined Ramses with the Hall of Ancient Egyptians, a permanent exhibit on display.

King Tut's Tomb 13

King Tut's Tomb 12

Later we checked out another exhibit of the Dreher carvings, mostly of birds done from semi-precious stones and jewels.

King Tut's Tomb Dreher Birds

Of course, the one that really caught Jan’s eye was this flamingo with solid gold legs.

King Tut's Tomb Dreher Birds Flamingo

There was no price on this one, but based on the prices shown on the other ones, I figured it was around $5K.


Finally heading home, we made a Cowboy Coffee stop for Hazelnut Lattes before getting back to the rig about 3:30.

Another fun day!

And tasty too!

February 23, 2024

Happy Birthday . . .

Got a call from Joe, my mechanic, this morning telling me he had found a source for the lower control arm rubber bushings and they could be here in a week or so, and for a lot cheaper than new struts, too. Told him to go ahead and order them and let me know when they come in.

Jan got our yearly doctor appointments scheduled today. Medicare requires us to schedule the next year’s appointments a year plus one day since last years, which this case was April 6th. So this year’s appointment will be April 15th. The reason we can’t just go one day later is that we both want to see the same doctor and not one of her associates, and we want our appointments the very first time in the morning, at 8am, so we don’t have to wait.

Maybe this is why my Amazon orders don’t show up on time.

It seems this Amazon driver drove over a railroad crossing without checking both ways, the crossing being one without lights or crossing arms. And this was the result.

And this is what it looked like from inside the van.

The guy was really lucky. He said it was his 33rd birthday.

Really didn’t need any other present.

Looking for something to cause a stir at your next church potluck?

How about showing up with one of these?

Or maybe you’d prefer it in Red.

Or how about a Harley-Davidson Handicap Cart?

The website,, shows a wide range of products, from John Deere Tractor Coffee Makers to Dinosaur Snow Sleds. Turns out that with a little digging into the website, you discover that none of these are actual products, but digital designs looking for manufacturers.

But a lot of neat stuff anyway.

Tomorrow we’re doing Kelley’s Country Cookin’ for lunch and then Wal-Mart, our usual Saturday schedule.