Monthly Archives: March 2009
Settling in…
First off, check out the new tab at the top of the page ‘Tour Our Beauty’. It will give you a pictoral tour of our home. Check it out!
Jan and I spent today settling in to our new site. You know, the usual stuff, putting out the flamingo and the brass moose, hanging the windchimes, as I said, the usual…
As I mentioned yesterday, we’re now on a quiet cul-de-sac at the end of the park.

Our New Cul-de-sac home

Nice wide spaces
Apparently the group of RV’ers here have regular get-togethers. They were having a weenie-roast lunch when we got here yesterday, and today we were invited to a potluck dinner on Sunday evening. We’re looking forward to it.
The guy next to us is from Canada and spent some time telling us all the must-see places in Newfoundland / Nova Scotia when we get up there later this summer.
For dinner today we tried a new place for us, Firehouse Subs. We both liked the Italian sub we had. We’ll go back, I’m sure.
More news from Paradise tomorrow…
Moving day…
Well, we put some miles on the coach today… 2.4 miles actually.
As I had mentioned, we could only stay in the premium site where we were for two weeks and then either had t0 move on, or move to another site here in the park.
I was unsure if a site would be available when we needed to move since the park has been pretty much filled up due to Spring Break.
But we lucked out and had our choice of three new sites this morning. We chose a new site at the end of a cul-d- sac. Nice and quiet. With plenty of woods for Mister to stalk…well, whatever he stalks. At least he’s away from the alligators.
Beautiful day today… with more to come.