Daily Archives: November 6, 2009

Skeletons and Dragons and Owls…Oh My!

Well, we’re presently about 40 miles southeast of St. Louis, MO.  We’ll be here for a couple of days to check out the Gateway Arch and other sites in the area. We’re this far away from St. Louis because I had trouble finding an RV park that was still open.  Most of them closed November 1st.

Sunday or Monday, we’ll head about 190 miles further southwest to Branson, MO for several days to take in some of the shows and attractions.

We spent the last 5 days visiting my sister-in-law Debbie and her husband Jim in Vandalia, IL.  Just like last year, we were able to leave the coach parked at Burl and Shirley’s farm, right next to the barn.


We had a great time catching up with our nieces, Tana and Christina, our nephew Jason, and his wife Laura, and our grand-nieces, Gwen, Avery Jane, and the newest addition, Ella.

Here’s Gwen and Avery Jane helping Aunt Debbie water the garden.

Gwen and Avery Jane Watering

And check out these Halloween costumes.  Aunt Debbie made Gwen a great looking owl costume.


And here’s Miss Avery Jane and Ella as a scary Dragon and a skeleton.

Avery Jane and Ella Costumes Avery Jane Costume

Vandalia is a very neat little town with some strange features.  I mean, how many towns do you know that have their own dragon.


And it breathes fire…if you put in a quarter.

Dragon 1

Unfortunately we didn’t have any quarters.

And here’s Jan and her sister Debbie having one last hug before we headed out.

Jan And Debbie

We finally headed out about 11:30 am and made the 140 mile trip to the Stanton, MO KOA in about 3 hours. It was a easy trip because it was pretty much Interstate all the way.

More tomorrow…