Daily Archives: January 1, 2011

1/1/11 . . .

Got this photo of Landon checking out his crib. He’s grown so tall Brandi said he’s outgrown his bassinet. His head would be touching the top and his feet would be touching the bottom. So now he’s moved up to the big boy bed.

Landon in his Crib

Nick called a little after 11 this morning to wish us a Happy New Year, and, as I predicted, to snivel about my not posting a blog last night.

Then our friend Maria called about noon to see if we wanted to meet for lunch. We ended up at Luby’s Cafeteria, which on certain days, is now a all-you-can-eat buffet. It turned out to be pretty good, too.

Leaving Bob and Maria, we drove over to Wal-Mart to do some shopping. We were surprised to find them not busy at all. Guess everyone was still sobering up.

Next we stopped by one of our storerooms to look over some furniture that belonged to my mother. I want to try and put some of it out on consignment before we leave. I’d actually like to get rid of this storeroom entirely, leaving us only one.

Getting back to the rig, we let Mister out on his lease while Jan fed the birds. And with the nice weather and a fully charged battery, I was able to remove the last of the wheel well flanges. I’ve got all the hardware so I hope I’ll be able to start putting on the new ones tomorrow.

Then our son Chris called about 6 to set up a get-together tomorrow morning for the breakfast buffet at La Brisa at 11 am. After talking to our daughter Brandi, it looks like everyone will be there.

That was about it for the first day of 2011, a pretty quiet start to the New Year. And hopefully we’ll have as much or more fun as we did in 2010.

More tomorrow…


Thought for the Day:“The state that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools.”
