Daily Archives: January 17, 2011

Mammoths and Ibises . . .

And the clouds parted…and the sun came out.


We were beginning to get waterlogged.

It was supposed to be even warmer and sunnier this afternoon, so after coffee I headed out for clients and errands. But many of my errands did not go as planned, since I didn’t remember that today was a Federal Holiday.

Heck, most days I’m not sure what day of week it is, I’m supposed to keep track of holidays, too?

DayClock2I mean, that’s why we have one of these hanging in the coach.

Of course I have to remember to look at it, don’t it.

I did stop by Kroger’s on the way to get some PowerBall tickets, then it was on to my client’s office.

Looks like I’ll be going back up there tomorrow night while Jan’s at Bingo. I need to install the new 2011 UPS shipping software when the office is closed since I’ll have to take their computers offline for about an hour or so.

Leaving the client’s I stopped off at Home Depot again trying to find an icemaker water filter that will work in place of the one I have now, which has been discontinued. It goes under the sink at the rear of the cabinet, and there’s not a lot of room to mount anything too much different.

Luckily I was able to find something that I think will work, and even better, it costs less money than the original.

Heading home, I stopped by the H.E.B. Market in the Victory Lakes area to pick up some unsalted butter and decaf coffee for Jan, finally getting back to the rig about 3pm.

Just as I was entering the park, our daughter Brandi called to see if we were in her area, and if we could pick up Landon at daycare, and meet her at his pediatrician’s.

Last night he developed a allergic rash on his face that had subsided this morning, but came back during the day, so Brandi wanted to get it checked out.

Unfortunately, it would have taken us about 45 minutes to get back up there, so we weren’t much help.

The doctor gave him some Benadryl and said to see what happens in the next couple of days.

As soon as I got home I started working outside on the wheel well flanges. I was able to get all the old rivets drilled out and ready to mount the new ones.

Air CompressorI also found out I like my new Sears air compressor even more than I thought.

I wanted to top off a couple of tires on the truck, and while I was looking for an extension cord, I noticed that the tank gauge still showed 130#. I found that I was able to add air to three tires and the tank pressure only dropped about 5#. Great!

By the time I was finished, Jan was ready to go out to supper. Tonight it was the Chili’s up in Kemah. Jan had the Margarita Grilled Chicken and I had the Chicken and Green Chile Soup and Salad.

Coming home I stopped off at the O’Reilly’s Auto Parts on SH146, looking for some diesel fuel algaecide, but with no luck.

Getting back to the rig, I had enough light to start mounting one of the new flanges, but the wind had picked up and with the temp in the low 50’s my fingers started to get numb fast.

So I’ll try to finish up tomorrow, since it’s supposed to be even warmer.

And now to other stuff.

First, I found some more info on the story about cloning a mammoth in the next few years. Check it out here.  More Mammoth Stuff.

I got these photos the other day of a group of birds around one of the ponds around the park.

I call this one “What’s a girl like you doing in a place like this?”

“What’s a girl like you doing in a place like this?”

It turns out this is a juvenile white ibis. It’s the first time I’ve seen an ibis in this area. They apparently become pure white when they reach adulthood.

Juvenile White Ibis

And this is our old friend, the Great Blue Heron. He’s always around here somewhere.Great Blue Heron


That’s it for today. More tomorrow.


Thought for the Day:Half of all Americans are above average. Most politicians come from the other half.
