Paula Deen and more Chipmunks . . .

Today turned out to be another great day to stay home and out of the cold rainy weather. It started raining during the night and never let up for very long.

Nice snuggling weather, but not very conducive to getting done any of the many jobs outside the coach I need to do finish before we leave here in the next month or so.

But I did get a lot of things done online, both for clients, and on our blog. 

Jan has been wanting me to add the long list of other RV blogs she reads to our BlogRoll so that’s now been done. Check ‘em out.

Also I thought I’d post this photo of Miss Piper in non-chipmunk cheek mode to make up for yesterday’s Cute Blond Chipmunk pic. To catch everyone up, Miss Piper had two wisdom teeth pulled this past Friday, and when I went to see her on Saturday, I told her that with her swollen cheeks she looked like a “cute blond chipmunk”.

Piper 3

It may be a while before she speaks to me again.

That’s about it for today. Here’s a repost of our visit to Paula Deen’s in Savannah, GA in June 2009.


Thought for the Day:

"When small men cast long shadows, then it is very late in the day."

The Lady & Sons…

Posted on June 15, 2009

Today we made a pilgrimage to Savannah’s holiest of holies, Paula Deen’s “The Lady and Sons” restaurant.

But it’s a two-part pilgrimage.

You can’t just show up and expect to get a table.  And you can’t make a phone reservation unless you have a party of ten or more.

So, starting at 9:30 am you show up at the restaurant and get your name on the list. 

If you’re lucky.

Lunch is from 11 am to 3 pm.  Dinner is from 5 pm to 10 pm.

We got there a little after 10 am and were not able to get a lunch time until 2:30 pm.  If we wanted dinner, it would not be until 7:30 pm.

We picked lunch at 2:30.   Since lunch was only served until 3 we were lucky we didn’t get there a few minutes later.  And  when we came back at 2:30 the earliest dinner opening was 9:30 pm.

Since we had about 4 hours to kill before returning for lunch, we headed over to a Babies R Us to pick up some baby gifts for our new great-niece and the soon-to-arrive baby of a friend.

After that it was to WalMart for our weekly ‘stuff’ acquisition trip.  Then we drove around thru some of the neighborhoods before heading down the Interstate to the local Camping World.

By now it was time to head back to downtown Savannah and Paula’s.  Her restaurant is a 3 story building that once housed the old White Hardware Company.  It’s located about two blocks from the Savannah waterfront.

Paula Deen's 'The Lady and Sons' restaurant

Paula Deen’s ‘The Lady and Sons’ restaurant

The Lady and Sons Dining Room

The Lady and Sons Dining Room

At lunch, you have your choice of ordering off the menu, or partaking of the lunch buffet.

Needless to say, we picked the buffet.  And it was a great choice.

Fried chicken, mashed potatoes, rice, cheese grits, sweet potatoes, collard greens, etc.

And great desserts, too.

It was all we could do to still walk when it was time to leave, but of course we had to leave thru the Paula Deen Gift Show.

And after that meal it was back to the coach for a nap.
