Monterey’s and Mattress Pads . . .

5 Days and HOLDING . . .

Note the HOLDING. Originally we were going to leave here next Wednesday the 9th, but the new job came thru, and it’s going to be hard to get it done by then. So we’ll probably leave Saturday the 12th, but we’re not sure yet. We’re paid up here at the park until the 13th so we’ll definitely leave by then.  We’ll see.

Jan’s still under the weather, but slowly getting better. Her cold is really hanging on,

I fixed coffee and then made some calls to clients to set up some appointments for later in the week.

About noon I headed out to Fry’s up in Webster to pick up a scanner for a client and grab a bowl of Chicken Tortilla Soup at Monterey’s Little Mexico. Just the thing for this cold weather. Jan wasn’t really hungry, so she fixed something at the rig.

Getting home Jan and I stripped the bed linens so we could install our new heated mattress pad and swap out the spread for a lighter one. We have a heavy one for winter and a light one for summer. And, yeah, it’s not summer yet, and it’s not warm, but we always leave the heavy one here since it takes up a lot of room.

Our old Sunbeam heated mattress pad was on its last legs and I was tried of repairing it. But a new one was $130 at Walmart.

Touch of Class Heated Mattress Pad2But when I was in Sam’s Club picking up our prescriptions the other day, I saw this one for $40. Checking online showed me Amazon was selling it for $80. A great buy.

And the online reviews were pretty good, so we’ll see how it goes.

By later in the afternoon it was warm enough to hook the water line back up, both to do laundry and fill the water tank back up.

Then at about 9 pm the temperature was down to about 28 so I went outside and disconnected and drained the hose again.

It’s supposed to go down to 23 degrees tonight and then finally warm up into the 60’s for most of next week.

More tomorrow . . .


Thought for the Day:

History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce. – Karl Marx
