The Toilet Wars are over . . .

and I won!

The new base adapter kit from Dometic finally let me mount the toilet correctly.

To review . . . I bought a new toilet while we were in Las Vegas last March because I was tired of replacing the seals in the old one. But I also bought myself a lot of new problems.

Thinking I would simplify things, I bought the same Sealand Traveler 500 toilet that was already in the coach. But in the intervening 10 years they had changed the base plate from a 4 bolt mount to a 2 bolt one.

I put in a call to Sealand to see if they had anything to help me with the problem. Not only did they not have anything to help, they didn’t seem to understand what the problem even was.

So I tried various schemes over the last year with only a modicum of success…usually temporary.

So a couple of weeks ago, in an act of quiet desperation, I called Sealand again.

And lo and behold, they’d finally figured out they had a problem. And now they had an adapter kit to fix it.

And it worked great. The war is over.

We met Brandi, Lowell, and Landon at King Food at 11:30am for lunch before heading over to their house so Jan could Landon sit while Brandi and Lowell go out to a movie and then to the Taste of Texas Restaurant up on I-10 and Beltway 8.

Leaving Jan at Brandi’s, I first when by Sam’s Club, and then dropped our winter comforter off at the cleaners. After that I headed back to the rig to install the toilet adapter kit. I did make one trip out to Home Depot to get some new bolts since the old ones were a little corroded.

When I came back I found Mister and Emma jostling for position on the heated kitty bed. It looks like Emma is trying to push Mister away with her paw, but actually she’s sound asleep.

Mister and Emma 3

Finishing up the toilet repair, I left the rig about 5:30 and headed back up Brandi’s. While I was there I did get some great Landon pics, but I left the camera there, so they’ll be for later.

Brandi and Lowell got back about 6:30 and then Jan and I headed down to Texas City to Ryan’s for supper. Jan wanted fried chicken and they have some of the best around.

We got back to the rig about 8:30 pm and settled in for the night, after another long, but fun, day.

The weather supposed to be nice for the next several days, so I hope I can get the rest of my chores done around the rig.

More tomorrow. . .


Thought for the Day:

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may prosperity forget that you were our countrymen!" –Samuel Adams
