Daily Archives: March 8, 2011

Coffee, Nectar of the gods . . .

Thank goodness for coffee!

I’m not sure Jan and I could have gotten moving this early this morning without it. Jan had front gate duty starting at 8am so once again we were up before 7 to get ready. The front gate is where the local people get their day passes to visit the rally, and Jan had the first shift.

Luckily they had donuts at in the Vendor building so we had that final sugar rush to put us over the top. And after getting Jan set up at the gate, I made a circuit of the vendor booths to get a first look at the new products offered, and seeing where some of my money will be going in the next few days.

No new rigs came in today so it looks like that part of the rally is over for me. Which was good because it left me time to go back to the rig and work on my seminar outline.

I wanted to fine-tune it some more and then print 40 copies to hand out to the attendees. I was hoping for maybe 20-25 people if I was lucky, so I figured 40 would be plenty.

As it turns out, my calculations were a little off.

This seminar, “10 Things to Never Do With Your Computer”, was kind of put together at the last moment to help Nick fill in a hole in the schedule. So I figured I’d just take each point, talk about why it was important, and take questions.

Clicking the above link will get you your own personal copy of the outline.

Around noon I was satisfied with the handout so I printed them out and Jan stapled the two pages together for me. Then a little before 1pm we walked over to the Fine Arts Building where I was speaking.

When we got there I was happy to see there was already 5 or 6 people inside, meaning I wouldn’t be talking just to Jan. I went up front to set up my laptop and check the mic system. Then, a couple of minutes later I looked up and the room was half full. Wow!

Gypsy Seminar 1-1

Right about then Jan comes up that says she’s out of the 40 handouts. Oops!

Since it’s still about 5 minutes before 1, I ran back to the rig and print 30 more copies.

Gypsy Seminar 1-2

Still not enough. As it turns out, we had 117 people show up. Very gratifying.

The class seem to go well and we had a lot of good questions. In fact a number of people stayed around afterwards, still talking. Jan finally had to drag me out so the next seminar could start.

I told everyone that didn’t get a copy that I would print some more handouts up and leave them at the registration table later this afternoon. And a lot of people did just that.

Tomorrow I have another seminar entitled “Do’s and Don’ts of Computer Security”. Hopefully it will go as well as today’s.

Changing the subject, I did see this car tag today that I would really like to have. It would come in handy to wave at Nick Russell when he starts complaining when I don’t do a blog occasionally.

Man up, Nick. You can handle it.


With the nice weather, and since we’re parked grass, Mister really loves to get out on his lease. However the dead grass gets all over him and he’s a real mess. If he wasn’t so afraid of vacuum cleaners, I’d try to just vacuum him. Because it’s so dry here, if you try to brush him off with your hand, you just build up a static charge on his fur and start drawing sparks, which he doesn’t like either. You just can’t win.

Mister in the Grass

Finally, a little after 5, the four of us headed out for dinner at a nearby Golden Corral, and while we were in line, we ran into Mike and Linda, RV newbies who’ve only been on the road since last October. But Linda’s not new to driving big rigs since she’s a former truck driver, and she kept us all laughing with her tales of the road, and what a trucker sees from their cab high off the ground.

Getting back about 7pm, we had a great Country/Swing concert from a duo called “Ea$y Money”. They were really good and got the crowd on their feet, with even some line dancing going on. A really great time.

Then, about 8pm it was back to the rig to work on tomorrow’s seminar.

More about that later.


Thought for the Day:

Every knife in my back pushes me forward, but it sure hurts like hell.
