But it’s a good tired . . .

Today was another early morning because Jan had front gate duty again, so it was hot coffee to the rescue again. So after sampling a donut or two, I took Jan out to the the front gate to start letting in day visitors.

While she was at the gate, I once again made the circuit of the vendors checking out a few more items I was interested in. It was also fun talking to people who had enjoyed my two seminars and wanted to ask more questions.

When Jan got off the gate at 10 we checked out the vendors again. Actually Jan has been so busy that this was the first time she’d had a chance to shop. But she made up for lost time.

A little after 11 we drove over to the Der Wienerschnitzel across the street. We really like their hot dogs and corn dogs for a quick and easy meal, and they’re pretty inexpensive too.

Then it was thru the parking lot to Wal-Mart to stock up on a few sundries, and also pick up some canned goods for the Food Bank Drive the Gypsy Rally does.

Getting back to the rig, Jan realized she had time for a nap, the first one in a good while. So while she took advantage of that situation I went back to talk to one of the vendors about my rig and toad insurance.

More about this tomorrow.

About 4pm I went back to rig to get Jan and we headed out to the front parking lot for golf cart rodeo. What’s that, you ask?

Golf Cart Rodeo is where a husband and wife are in a golf cart, trying to drive thru a maze outlined with cones. Sounds pretty simple, right?

Well, the hard part is that the driver is blindfolded, and their partner has to give them voice instructions telling them which way to turn. Put all this together and the hilarity ensues.

Here’s Nick guiding Dennis and Carol Hill thru the maze. You’d think Dennis would be a little better at this since in his RV Driving School, he’s used to telling people how to drive. But apparently not when it’s his wife. They set the slowest time of the day, 4:56.

Golf Cart Rodeo 3

And here’s Nick almost getting run down by Carol Hill.

Golf Cart Rodeo 1

And here’s Nick almost getting run down by Jeannie Sparks.

Golf Cart Rodeo 2

Are you starting to see a pattern here?

You got penalized for hitting cones and going off course. However no one could make up their minds if running down Nick was a penalty, or bonus points. Luckily Nick was pretty fast on his feet, so we never had to call for ruling from the referee on that.

One of the funniest things was watching husbands trying to guide their wives by telling them “Go this way, Go this way” while gesturing with their hands.

I mean, is there a part of the whole ‘blindfolded’ concept they missed?

About 5:30, the rodeo over, and Nick still in one piece, Jan and I headed back to the rig for a little while. I think I actually got a short nap in, but I’m not sure I’d really recognize a nap now, since it’s been so long since I’ve had one. So maybe, maybe not.

About 7 we walked over to the main building for the closing meeting and the last door prize drawing.

Jan just had to show off her new ‘Landon’ shirt made from a digital photo by one of the rally vendors.

Landon Shirt

Door Prizes 2

Finally a little before 9pm, Nick & Terry, and Jan & I headed over to IHOP for supper. We stayed there until almost 10:30 talking over the rally, It also didn’t help that once we sat down I think we were just too tired to move again right away. I can just imagine how tired Nick and Terry are, because Jan and I are just exhausted, and we didn’t do near what they did.

But it’s a good tired. At least that’s what we keep telling ourselves.

Tomorrow all we have rally-wise is the coffee and donuts farewell get-together from 7:30 until about 9, so it’s another early morning, but at least the last one.

I’m tired. I’m going to bed.

More tomorrow . . .

P.S. But it’s a good tired!


Thought for the Day:

Be the kind of person that when you get up in the morning, the devil says, "Oh crap, they’re UP !!"
