Happy Early Thanksgiving . . .

We got a really slow start this morning, For some reason, after I came to bed about 2, I had trouble falling asleep, and then when I finally did, I woke up with a headache about 5 am, took some aspirin, and then didn’t wake up again until 11:30. So I felt loggy all morning. You just can’t win.

A little before 3 pm I chopped up the onions so Jan could get started on her Broccoli-Cheese Casserole for the park Thanksgiving dinner tonight, Then she mixed all the ingredients up in the roasting pan and popped it into the convection oven for about 55 minutes so that it came out looking like this.

Brocolli-Cheese Casserole

A little before 5 we loaded up and drove across the way to the Family Lodge where the dinner was being held. There were already a good many people there bringing in their covered dishes. I was actually kind of surprised to see this many people there, this late in the year.

This is just part of the spread set out on the tables.

Indian Lakes Thanksgiving 1


A few minutes after 5 every one lined up for the feast. And between the dishes the attendees brought, and the meats and side dishes the park furnished, it was a real feast.

To Jan’s delight, they had real dressing, cornbread dressing, that is.

Indian Lakes Thanksgiving 2


And as usual at these things, it got quiet as soon as everyone started eating.

Indian Lakes Thanksgiving 3

We sat across from a local couple and their son, Bob, Dottie, and Brandon Hartman. They have a lot here at the park and keep an RV on it during the summer, but then store it away in the winter.

We had a good time getting to know them, and hopefully we’ll run into them next year.

About 6:30 Jan and I waddled back to the rig for the night. Well, we should have waddled all the way back, but really, we waddled out to the truck and drove back. Could have used the exercise.

Since we leave here Monday morning to start our trip back to Houston, I’ve been going over our route, and planning stops and visits along the way.

If we took the most direct way back, we’d have about 1150 miles to go, but of course we never take the most direct route. Where would be the fun in that?

Instead, it will take us about 1850 miles to get there. I mean, what’s a extra 700 miles? it’s only diesel, right?

Tomorrow will be our last full day here at Indian Lakes. So we’ll probably go into the Cincinnati area again for dinner and probably a little shopping. We’ll see.


Thought for the Day:

“We are going to do a terrible thing to you. We are going to deprive you of an enemy.” – Georgi Arbatov, Soviet expert on the United States said this at the end of the Cold War.
