Tea Rooms and Toaster Ovens. . .

I was up about 9am this morning because Jan and I needed to head out about 10. She was meeting up with our granddaughter Piper to the spend the day together, and I had to drop a new laptop off at a clients.

I dropped Jan off at Piper’s about 10:30 and then headed over to my client’s. I had picked their new laptop before Christmas to get it configured with all the software they wanted on it. The problem started when I got there and they had a whole new list of software to install, and it had to be done today since they are flying to California tomorrow morning.

But the real problem was that almost all of this software needed to downloaded, and most of the files were really large. And their connection was really, really slow.

So 5 hours later I finally finished. But since I get paid by the hour, it was all good.

In the meantime Jan and Piper had headed out for their day together. Their first stop was the Texas Tea Room for lunch, our favorite tea room in this area for soup and sandwiches. Hopefully Jan and I will be able to eat there before we leave.

Their next stop was to do some shopping during the after-Christmas sales. Piper is a  sharp shopper and they picked up some great bargains along the way.

Next up was a movie. They’d decided to see the new Matt Damon movie, “We Bought A Zoo”. Based on a true story, although in real life it happened in England,  it tells of a family that bought and rehabilitated a small zoo. They both liked it and said it was ‘touching’.

By the time they were done with the movie I was finished also, so I met them back at Piper’s, and then Jan and I headed home with a stopover for dinner at Kelly’s Country Cookin’ in League City. Jan was hoping they would have Turkey and Dressing (cornbread, of course), but unfortunately they didn’t. They did, however, have the next best thing – Roasted Chicken Breast and Dressing.

She said it was really good, and being from Kelly’s, of course there were leftovers.

On another note, Jan is really enjoying the Christmas present I got her. A new Black & Decker Toaster/Convection Oven.

She had made a comment about how nice the one that Nick and Terry Russell bought recently, and she also likes the one our daughter Brandi has, so I surprised her with this one.

B&D Convection Oven

It’s all digital and big enough to cook a 12” pizza or toast 6 slices of bread at one time.

As far as my Christmas present, my new Garmin nuvi 1490LMP GPS, goes, so far I really like it. I want to play with it for a while longer before I give a review.

It looks like tomorrow is when I’m going to try to reinstall the washer back in its cubbyhole. I’ll let you know how it goes.


Thought for the Day:

What ISN’T in the news is often more important than what IS.
