Daily Archives: September 15, 2012

Peace and Quiet . . .

Jan has laryngitis. (ducking)

She is feeling better, but over the last two days her voice has been reduced to just a squeak. Hopefully it will be better tomorrow.

Later in the morning we called our daughter Brandi to wish her a happy birthday. And since Jan could only squeak, I had to provide a running translation.

After working on some inside stuff, I moved out to the picnic table to install the replacement 12 volt power cord on my Brake Buddy toad braking system. The outside looks like this.

Brake Buddy Classic


On the inside it looks like this.

Brake Buddy 1

It’s actually pretty simple inside, consisting of an air pump, a air reservoir, a 12 volt vacuum switch, and an air-powered actuator that pushes down the brake pedal

Replacing the power cord turned out to be pretty simple once I got the case open. And to do that I had to borrow a T-20 Torx driver from Terry. It’s really nice to have someone who has about as many tools as I do, parked right next door.

Once I got the case open I found the power cord connected via two spade lugs. So I got my connector kit out, put new lugs on the new cable, unplugged the old cable, and then plugged in the new one.

Eazy Pezy.

I wrapped things up by putting the case back together and then testing it in the truck to be sure it powered up.

Another item checked off my list.

About 5pm we all headed into Harrison, OH to have dinner at La Rosa’s Pizza. As it turns out the pizza was so-so, but as usual the company was great and the conversation was sparkling.


Thought for the Day:

"Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent." – Marilyn vos Savant
