Daily Archives: October 6, 2012

Chocolate World and Tomato Soup . . .

We had planned to make a trip over to the Harrisburg today, but this time it was Jan’s turn to feel under the weather, so we just hung around the rig today.

The weather reports say that yesterday’s 80 degree day is pretty much it for the year. Today the high was 63, and tomorrow is supposed to be only 51 with 39 for the low.

Even the trees think winter is here.

Hershey Tree Color

Yesterday, since Nick wasn’t feeling well, Jan and I did some running around on our own. Our first stop was at Isaac’s Deli for lunch.

We both had the same delicious Pepperjack Tomato soup that we had last week at the Isaac’s in Strasburg. Then we split a Cranberry-Chicken Sandwich for our meal. Great food.

Our next stop was for some shopping at Sam’s Club, one of the few times we didn’t also go to the Wal-Mart next door. So I came home with a little more money than normal.

After that we drove over to Chocolate World, the Visitor Center for the Hershey Candy Company.

Chocolate World 1

We wanted to check out the gift shop, and also take the Chocolate World Tour, an amusement park type ride simulating a tour through a chocolate factory.

But we first walked around the beautiful landscaped grounds taking in all the flowers and shrubs. It was a really neat area.

Chocolate World 2

Once inside and on the tour, we found it not quite what we’d hoped. It was more singing cows and less interesting info.

Chocolate World 3

Chocolate World 4

I think the only interesting fact I gleaned from the tour was the fact that Hershey makes 60 million Kisses a day. Now that’s a lot of candy.

And that 60 million figure doesn’t include all the different candy bars, like Reese’s, Kit-Kat bars, and York Peppermint Patties.

By the time we got home Nick was feeling better so we all headed out to eat dinner at Funck’s Family Restaurant again. Can’t get enough of that Baked Tomato Soup that comes in a crock like French Onion Soup. So, yes, that means we had two different versions of tomato soup that day. All good.


Thought for the Day:

A simple rule of life: if you can be blamed, you’ll be responsible.
