The Perfect Rain . . .

I headed into Carthage a little after 11am to pick up one of Jan’s prescriptions that wasn’t ready last week, and once again I had problems with the Wal-Mart pharmacy.

Last time they gave me a problem getting my GoodRx discount applied to a couple of our prescriptions. This time they suddenly decided that Jan’s thyroid medicine, which is on Wal-Mart’s $4/$10 prescription list, was going to be $52 this time, instead of the normal $10.

When I asked why, I was told that this was from a new manufacturer, and cost more. Seeing a stack of $4/$10 prescription lists at the end of the counter, I showed them the $10 price, and said that there was no mention of different manufacturers.

Next they said that the lists were printed up sometime ago and were just out of date. So pulling out my phone, I pulled up the list on Wal-Mart’s website and showed them the same price.

Then we were back to the ‘different manufacturer’ meme. Only when I mentioned that this might be a good time to call the store manager, did they finally give up and give me the ‘$10 for 90 days’ price.

I really hope this doesn’t become the norm, but since it’s happened here and only here, twice, maybe it’s just this pharmacy.

I hope.

Before leaving Wal-Mart, I stopped off to get gas. But I had mixed emotions about the price. At $2.02 it was down another 3 cents from last week, and about 15 cents since we got here. As far as the ‘mixed emotions’ go, remember the old joke about mixed emotions being watching your mother-in-law drive over a cliff in your new Cadillac.

Well, that’s how I feel about falling gas prices. Yeah, it’s nice when you’re at the pump, but not so nice when you and other guards are looking for gates amid the falling oil prices.

Maybe there’s a happy medium somewhere in there.

Around 2pm the clouds rolled in and brought about 20 minutes of the perfect rain. At least for us.

It was light, but steady, with no wind blowing it under the canopy. But the best thing about it was that it was just the perfect amount to settle all the dust that’s being kicked up by the big trucks coming in.

One thing nice about the roads up here is that they’re gravel/dirt and not caliche like in south Texas, so they don’t go from rock hard to ‘slicker ‘n snot’ at the first few rain drops.

As far as the frack here, it looks like more prep work tomorrow, with the frack starting on Friday, and lasting about a month. But we’ll see. It seems like they always run long, which is great for us.


Thought for the Day:

Is this any way to handle a secret identity?

Batman Phone Listing
