Week Three . . .

And We’re Off!

It started up right out of the gate with the first truck in at 7am, and kept going from there. By the time I came out at 1pm, Jan was finishing up her 2nd log page (24 vehicles per page), and by the time she came back out at 6pm, I had done another page and a half. So we ended up with about 80 vehicles coming in, including a lot of frack equipment trailers that will stay until the end, and the first phalanx of sand trucks stocking things up.

Question: How do you tell if the frack is getting ready to start?

Sand trucks as far as the eye can see. Which turns out to be about ten before they wind off into the trees.

Talk about going whole hog, the landowner’s son came through a couple of days ago with a feral hog in the back of his pickup. Jan said the tailgate was down and the hog filled up the bed and the tailgate. He said it weighed about 400 pounds

He said he’d shot it back behind us where it was tearing up some of his crops. Said that there was another one that he was going to get next time.

Seeing as how the guy owns a meat market, Jan asked him if he was going to dress it out. He said no, that they were just too nasty. Seems like I’ve heard of people cooking them up, but I guess a meat man would know.

Because of the low water pressure from the frack well, we’re still getting our water from the GGS tank and just filling it from the well. So today I thought I’d top off our tank, and I’m glad I did because when I looked I only had a couple of inches of water left.

Because of the low pressure, it took over two hours before it was overflowing the top, so I’m done for another couple of weeks or so.

For dinner Jan heated up our left-over Jalapeno Tree from last night. Just about as good as before. Their enchiladas were really good, with a great tasting ranchero sauce.

Tomorrow I going into Carthage to pick up one of Jan’s prescriptions that wasn’t ready the other day. Probably also bring back Whataburger again.

I think we’re hooked.


Thought for the Day:

You can tell a lot about a woman’s mood just by her hands. If they are holding a gun, she’s probably pissed.
