Daily Archives: February 23, 2016

Happy Kitty . . .

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Well, Jan’s Facebook account is still dead in the water, but at least they finally responded to my emails. At their request I sent them three pieces of ID for Jan, so hopefully we’ll hear back soon.

Some Facebook friends have said they can still see the bogus Janice White account, with Jan’s photo, while others can’t see it at all. And of course I still find it strange that Facebook disabled the real account and left the fake one active.

Jan joined me in being under the weather today, so we never left the coach, except when I walked next door to tell Brett and Frankie we weren’t up to dinner tonight, but hopefully tomorrow.

Although we never got the promised heavy rains, we did have a lot of wind all day, enough to keep the awnings thrumming most of the time. With the front coming through, our night time temps are back down in the 30’s and 40’s rather than the recent 50’s and 60’s, so that’ll be nice for a change, and the bedroom AC won’t be running during the night.

I didn’t really get anything down on the drain pump problem today, at least not physically. But I did try to work out how I’m going to mount the new pump. So far I’m going to bolt some bar stock across the bottom frame and then either use heavy tie-wraps or stainless steel clamps to mount it.

Tomorrow if we have time after our doctor appointments down in Clear Lake, I’ll stop off at a Home Depot or Lowe’s to also look for some way to adapt the hoses. I should be able to find some combination of  adapters and hoses that will allow me to hook up the new pump. Somehow I’ll make it work.

But one way or other, fixed or not, I have to get the washer back in its cubbyhole before we travel back to Columbus on Sunday. Otherwise I’m not sure if the slide will come all the way in. And I know we won’t be able to get back to the bathroom. I’m pretty sure I can get it working before then, but you never know.

Karma is a growing young girl. She’s really gotten bigger since she came to live us, and it’s only been three weeks.

Karma at Sleep4_thumb[1]

She’s already bigger and heavier than Emma, our other cat that died in 2013. I don’t expect her to approach Mister size, but you never know.

She does like to spend time on the dashboard looking at the world, but she’s still shown no real interest in going outside. She’ll sometimes peek around the chair when the door is open, but that’s about it.

So far she’s turning out to be a really good kitty.

Tomorrow morning we’ll head out about 8 for our 10am doctor appointments down in Friendswood. Then after lunch, I got another get-together with a client.

So another busy day.

Thought for the Day:

“I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.” – Thomas Jefferson, letter to James Madison, January 30, 1787
