Another Day of the Blahs . . .

I woke up this morning, again kind of ‘blah’. I think it’s from the doctor changing one of my prescriptions, and if it’s like in the past, it’ll take a while to adjust to it. Blah!

After getting some coffee in me, I started to dig into the rig AC. But before I get up on the roof I wanted to take a look up at the inside part. After taking the cover off, I realized I needed the stepstool to get up in the unit, while I was out at the truck for the stepstool, I went ahead and got the ladder out, since I know I’m going to need it eventually.

About this time, Jim Dean dropped to see if there was any progress on Barbara Spade’s refrigerator problem.Told him she was looking for a residential replacement, but not having a lot of luck due to the size constraints.

Then, as if my day wasn’t screwed up enough, a client down in Clear Lake called with a request, so about 1:45 I headed down that way, sans Jan, who just wanted to stay at the rig.

So much for AC repair.

Along the way our friend Chris Yust, of C and C RV Insurance fame, called with some questions about a Thousand Trails membership she and Charles are thinking about buying. Sound like she looking at one just about identical to ours, 63 parks, 14 days in, and park to park. I assume she would also have 210 days in advance reservations, but I didn’t ask.

Chris, check this too.

Of course, when I got down to Clear Lake about 3:30, the client had decided he didn’t want to do what he thought he wanted to do. So, after getting gas, I headed back for Columbus a little after 4pm, not getting to the rig until about 6:45, due to having to come home through Houston Rush Hour Traffic (pat. pending).

After a delicious dinner of Dennis Hill Smoked Pork BBQ sandwiches on King Hawaiian Bread, Jan’s Funeral Potatoes, and Kroger’s Cranberry Nut Salad, I called Jim Dean to help him set up his new Silverleaf VMSpc computer virtual dashboard.

Mine looks like this, running on a laptop along with my Delorme Street Atlas GPS program. It sits on a shelf to the right of my chair, making it easy to keep an eye on things.

Silverleaf 2_thumb[1]

Looking at this graphic, it’s been a while since I screenshotted (screenshat?) this. The number under the yellow header that says Miles Since 1/6/08 and reads 44118.2, now reads over 71,000. And 1/6/08 is the day we picked up the rig at the dealers in New Braunfels and drove it back to La Marque, TX. And a month later, on 2/6/08, we headed for Alaska.

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Of course that was via Yuma, San Diego, Long Beach, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Tucson, Colorado Springs, Billings, Cle Elum, Coeur d’Alene, and Bellingham, finally ending up in Fairbanks, AK on April 26, 2008.

Getting back to Jim Dean, we discovered that the Serial to USB converter cable he had does not like Win10. So he’ll have to pick up another one tomorrow  before we can proceed.

Later I did some inside checks on the AC hoping it would be something simple like a bad freeze-up sensor. This is a thermistor that sits on the evaporator coil and if it detects that the coil is icing over, it turns the compressor off for a while, leaving the fan running until the ice is gone. Then it turns the compressor back on. So if this is bad, it won’t cool at all.

But unfortunately it wasn’t the sensor. But as I told Nick, it’s only the simple thing when you don’t check that first.

Thought for the Day:

I think I might try this diet.

Yesterday I was buying 2 large bags of Purina dog chow at Wal-Mart for my dogs Shadow and Lady.

I was about to check out when a woman behind me asked if I had a dog.

What did she think, that I had an elephant?

Since I had little else to do, on impulse, I told her that No, I didn’t have a dog – that I was starting the Purina Diet again, although I probably shouldn’t because last time I ended up in the hospital.

On the bright side though, I’d lost 50 pounds before I woke up in intensive care with tubes coming out of every hole in my body and IVs in both arms.

I told her that it was essentially a perfect diet and that the way that it works is you load your pockets with Purina nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry and the food is nutritionally complete, so I was going to try it again. (I have to mention here that practically everyone in the line was enthralled with my story by now.)

Horrified, She asked : “Did you end up in intensive care because the dog food poisoned you?”

I said: No not at all; I stopped in the middle of the parking lot to bark at another dog and a car hit me.

The guy behind her was laughing so hard, I thought he was going to have a heart attack!

Wal-Mart won’t let me shop there anymore.
