Charged Up. . .

After last night’s 12 hour shift on a gate, it’s amazing how fast the 12 hours off the gate goes by

I didn’t get home until about 7am this morning, about 10 minutes later than usual, due to the heavy fog covering the area. And the deer that kept wandering onto the road didn’t help things.

Jan was just getting up as I was getting home, so we talked for a little bit while I unwound. Then I was in bed by 7:30. Getting up about 11:30, I did some internet stuff until about 1pm when we headed out for lunch, and to hopefully pick an Amazon package that was out for delivery, but not yet delivered.

Our destination once again was Barth’s for Monday’s Chicken Fried Steak and Chicken Fried Chicken Lunch Buffet. Just as delicious as last time. At $8.50 for the meal and drink, you can’t eat at McD’s for that.

And while we were there, I got a text message saying UPS had delivered the package. Perfect timing.

Back home I went to bed for a couple of hours more sleep, getting up about 5pm, and then heading back out to the gate about 6pm. But this is going to be a short shift. Only 11 hours instead of 12.

They’re changing the gate over from a 6:30 to 6:30 shift to a 5:30 to 5:30 shift. I assumed that’s so that the day shift guy/girl can make the morning safety meeting on the pad. But I don’t know for sure.

When I got up Jan said that the bank had called and said that our bank cards had finally come in. We’ll probably go over to Karnes City tomorrow and pick them up.

One of the things that came in the Amazon order was a portable charger for our phones and tablets. I got it because it seems like I’m often getting caught away from home and away from the truck, with the charge my Galaxy S5 draining down. So if I leave it in the truck, I can just tuck it in my pocket and I’m good to go.

PowerCore 13000 Portable Charger

Anker PowerCore 13000 Portable Charger

It has over 2700 reviews with a 5 star rating. Very unusual, and better than the competition. It will charge our phones or tablets 3 or 4 times before it needs to be recharged. It’s about the size of a large pack of cigarettes and not as heavy as some I’ve seen. I’ll let you know how it works.

Finally I want to thank everyone for their kind words about yesterday’s blog on the Electoral College, and last week’s blog on Where The Polls Went Wrong.

In addition, a number of you have requested copies to distribute around. So you’ll find a new menu tab on the far right called Greg’s Musings. I have already posted a PDF copy of the Electoral College post, separated out from the other blog stuff, and I will have the Poll post up soon.

You are free to print, pass around, post, distribute, or line your birdcage as you see fit, as long as my attributions remain on it.

Thanks again.

Thought for the Day:

“I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.” ― Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul
