Putting a Light on Things . . .

Today was my first morning to start out on a gate at 6:30am. Needless to say, I’m not a big fan.

One thing I do really like about SiteWatch gates is all the lights. With a light tower on the generator and another one on the shack, plus the other lights around roof edge, the entire area is lit up almost light daylight.

SiteWatch NightLight

What this means operationally, is that I no longer need a high power flashlight to read the tags of incoming vehicles. And I don’t have to juggle the flashlight while I’m trying to write down the data on the log sheets.

Speaking of log sheets, I’m not a big fan of the ones we’re using here. I don’t know if they actually come from Marathon, or just what they want. to see.]

SiteWatch Log

What’s with all the white space? They give you little tiny blocks to write down the time in and out, and the 4 digit tag numbers, which means it can be hard to read back later.

Make the forms bigger people!

I don’t yet know if this is going to be a long term gate for me, but if it turns out that way, the night shift guy and I want to switch shifts.

In thinking about it, it turns out to be really simple.

I work my day shift and then Bill works his night shift

Then Jan coms in and works 6 hours of my day shift and Bill’s wife works the remaining 6 hours of the day shift.

Then I come in on night shift.

Easy Pezy, and it keeps the money straight too.

Today was so overcast that I kept all the lights on until almost 8:30, but it finally burned off later.

Not too busy, though I did have one 12 vehicle convoy show up about 7:30. Otherwise I think I only did about 50 vehicles all day. So not bad at all.

Tomorrow’s day shift is my last scheduled one, until I hear more from Todd.

So we’ll see how it goes after that.

Thought for the Day:

Your reality is the only correct one. Everyone else is NUTS! – Scott Adams, Dilbert
