Fully Stacked . . .

Today, SpaceX did the first full stack of their Starship/Falcon Heavy combination. At 390 feet it’s 27 feet taller than the fabled Saturn V, and at 17,000,000 pounds of thrust, the Starship is more than twice as powerful.

Starship Full Stack

But it was only temporary, just for today, so that they could check the alignment and operation of the crane system. But they hope to do a test launch to orbit in the next few months.

Rocket Sizes

Elon Musk says this combo will take us to the Moon and then Mars.

Regular readers know that Jan and I are both big Van Gogh fans, and we were really looking forward to the two immersive performances, one of which is the same one that we saw in Paris in May of 2019.

You can get some idea what these are like here.

And here.

We were supposed to see that one on Sep. 28, next month on our 54th Anniversary, but it’s now been delayed to a later, but unknown date.

And it looks like the other one, the one we were supposed to see on Nov. 21 with Brandi, Lowell, and Landon, has also been pushed back.

Both of them say it’s production difficulties, so it doesn’t look like it’s a WuFlu problem.

We were able to set outside with our coffee this morning, enjoying the cooler weather and the blooms on Jan’s hibiscus tree. And with all the buds popping out, it looks like there’s more to come.

Jan's Hibiscus Bloom 2

But it looks like the rain and the heat are coming back so who knows about tomorrow.

Thought For The Day

It’s very easy to be thought wise. Just think of something stupid to say, and then don’t say it.