Monthly Archives: November 2023

Haters Gonna Hate . . .

I noticed a while back that the front passenger tire on our Dodge Dakota had gone flat. I knew that the back passenger tire was low, since it has a slow leak and takes a couple of weeks to go down, but this one was completely flat.

And when I looked at it, it was obvious why. A big flap of sidewall had blown out. Why, I don’t know. Maybe just old age.

So I put in a call to our Good Sam Roadside Assistance to swap it out with my spare. Before my Cervical Spinal Fusion, I would have done it myself, but not now.

I could have probably gotten the tire off, but I would have not been able to lift it up and get it back on. And as it turns out, I probably wouldn’t have been able to get the bad tire off, either.

When the Good Sam guy got here, he lowered the spare to first check it out, and as I thought, it was fine. I had done the ‘thump’ test and it passed.

Then he jacked up the truck using his floor jack and removed the lug nuts, but the tire/wheel wouldn’t come off. He banged on it with a rubber hammer, kicked it, and more. Finally he used a 4’ piece of 2×4 to pry it loose. Don’t know why it was so stuck, but it’s probably been 8 years or so since I’ve had the wheel off, so that may have been it, I guess.

And a few minutes later he was done, with the bad tire back underneath in the spare position.

Probably this Saturday I’ll have Jan follow me down to our local NTB to get a new tire, and fix the slow leak in the rear tire.

It will be nice to have our backup vehicle back in service.

This is James Stephen “Jimmy” Donaldson, also known as MrBeast.

With over 210 million subscribers, he is the most-subscribed individual on YouTube. And he is listed as the highest-paid content creator in 2022, earning over $82 million a year, making his net worth over $500 million.

And because he gives a lot of money away, he’s garnered haters all around the world.

Sometimes it works out OK, like when he gave away $30 million in free food.

He also has become known for his philanthropy, posting videos in which he sponsored 1,000 blind people’s cataract surgery and bought prosthetic limbs for 2,000 amputees.

But recently he traveled across Africa, paying to drill 100 water wells, and ended up being called a ‘racist’.

The new wells will provide clean drinking water for up to 500,000 people in Cameroon, Kenya, Somalia, Uganda and Zimbabwe, Donaldson said, while an accompanying fundraiser to support local water aid organizations had raised more than $300,000 by Monday morning.

Donaldson’s 10-minute video also showed him donating supplies to Kenyan schools, such as new furniture, soccer balls, computers, whiteboards and projectors; building a bridge across a river to safely connect a village with the local schools and hospital; and donating bikes to a village in Zimbabwe to help children get to school.

Saran Kaba Jones, founder and CEO of FACE Africa, an organization working to improve water infrastructure and sanitation in sub-Saharan Africa, told CNN: “I’ve been doing this for 15 years, but we’ve been struggling to continue the work because funding, awareness, and advocacy all take work.”

And then, she added, “overnight, this person comes along, who happens to be a white male figure with a huge platform, and all of a sudden, he gets all of the attention. It’s kind of frustrating, but it’s also understanding the nature of how the world is.”

See these comments:

Some people are calling MrBeast racist for building wells in Africa, despite it highlighting the government’s failure to provide drinkable water.

MrBeast built 100 wells in Africa, but some people are calling him racist for doing charity porn and disrespecting Africans.

MrBeast built 100 wells in Africa, but some people are calling him racist for doing charity porn and disrespecting Africans

MrBeast built wells in Africa, but some people are calling him racist for perpetuating stereotypes, despite the fact that the real issue is the government’s responsibility for the lack of drinkable water.

And after giving cataract surgeries to 1000 people and special hearing aids to 1000 kids, he’s been called ‘demonic’, ‘satanic’, and ‘ableist’ for taking advantage of deaf kids.

At this point, I suspect that Mother Teresa wouldn’t fare very well, either.

Thought For The Day:

Just in Time for Thanksgiving.

The Turkraken!


And Now On To Today’s Retro-Blogs.™

November 14, 2009

Tom Sawyer on the Mississippi…

Well, today was certainly better than yesterday.  And we got to travel thru 4 different states…AR, TN, MS, and AL.

We woke up this morning to a beautiful view of the Mississippi River from the rear of our coach.

We arrived at Tom Sawyer RV Park in West Memphis, AR after dark, so Jan had no idea how close to the water we were. She was really surprised when she stepped outside this morning.

Tom Sawyer 1

Later in the evening, I kept hearing trains go by, but I didn’t remember seeing any tracks nearby. It turned out this is what I was hearing.

Tom Sawyer 2

Tom Sawyer 3

After enjoying the view we headed out about 9:30 am across the Mississippi thru Memphis, TN to Athens, AL, about 215 miles away.

It was a much smoother trip than yesterday. No problems at all, really.  We did stop for breakfast/lunch (it was lunchtime, but we had breakfast) at a Huddle House restaurant in Corinth, MS.  Lucky for us, their parking lot was big enough for us to park the rig in the back with no problems.

We pulled into Northgate RV Travel Park about 3pm, and got hooked up.  We’ll be here for a few days, visiting relatives here in Athens. And, lucky for us, one of my relatives owns the RV park.

We plan on staying here until maybe, Wednesday before heading down to Gulf Shores, AL for a few days, on our way back to Houston.

November 14, 2010

Hooter’s and Hot Sauce . . .

Today was the first day we’ve had in a few days with pretty much nothing on our schedule, so that was nice for a change. Of course tomorrow it starts back up again.

We started out with a walk around the park about 10:30. It was overcast and in the high 50’s so it was a nice time for a walk, not too hot.

Getting back to the rig I made coffee (a combo of Snickernut Cookie and Pecan Praline) and then we just enjoyed the view out the front window.

About 2:30 we headed up to Seabrook to have a late lunch at Hooter’s. We both ordered our wings (actually Jan gets the Chicken Strips) with their new ‘XXX Obscene’ hot sauce, which is now the hottest they have. But IMHO it’s still not as hot as Buffalo Wild Wing’s ‘Blazin’ sauce, or even their second hottest, ‘Mango Habanero’, which is my favorite because of the sweetness.

While we were there we got to watch the Houston Texans lose a then-tied game to the Jacksonville Jaguars with a deflected pass in the last couple of seconds of the game. Jacksonville had the ball and threw a pass to a guy in the end zone. A Houston defender jumped up right in front of the receiver and batted the ball away…right into the hands of another Jacksonville player just as he crossed the goal line.

Talk about your bad luck.

As usual, Jan’s looking forward to her two favorite shows tonight, Amazing Race and Desperate Housewives.

Me, I go into the bedroom and read.

On another note, no reoccurrence of our generator ghost. Hopefully, the exorcism will keep him away.

November 14, 2011

Jimmy and Lulu . . .

While we’re here in Gulf Shores, we staying at the Gulf State Park right across the road from the Gulf. You can hear the waves from here.

The sites here in our favorite area are along a large lake and are half circles off the road, so easy in, easy out.

Gulf State Park 1

Our rig door is about 20 feet from the bank, giving us a great view of the lake.

Gulf State Park 2

Gulf State Park 3

If we don’t keep Mister on his lease, he goes right down to the edge of the water. We think he’s gator hunting.

Gulf State Park 4

Brandi and Lowell sent us some photos of Landon at a park play area this weekend. Looks like he mostly had a pretty good time.

Landon at the Park 1

Landon at the Park 2

Check out those blue eyes.

Landon at the Park 3

Landon at the Park 5

Landon falls into the clutches of a predatory female. Brandi said he wasn’t too happy about the hug.

That’ll change someday.

Landon at the Park 4

About 3:30 Jan and I drove up to the Intracoastal Canal to have an early supper at Lulu’s at Homeport.

Lulu's 1

Lulu, or Lucy, is Jimmy Buffett’s sister and has had a restaurant in this area, first on Weeks Bay and now here in Gulf Shores, since the late ‘90’s.

Lulu's 2

With its great view of the Canal, Lulu’s is one of the most popular places in Gulf Shores. We’ve watched it grow, and almost double in size in the last few years.


The food is always great here, so the choice was hard. Jan ended up having a Shrimp Loaf, or Po-Boy, and I had the Shrimp and Oyster version.

But it was important that we leave enough room for our favorite dessert – Krispy Kreme Bread Pudding.

That’s right. Bread pudding made with Krispy Kreme doughnuts. It’s really hard to describe how good this is. It just melts in your mouth.

Krispy Kreme Bread Pudding

On another note, as it turns out I had another brush with celebrity growing up here. Well, pre-celebrity, actually.

A while back I read in one of Jimmy Buffett’s books that, growing up in the Mobile area, he and his friends used to come to Gulf Shores and surf at Alabama Point.

If you surfed at Gulf Shores, you did it at Alabama Point because the crosscurrents generated by the Gulf entering Perdido Bay produce the highest non-storm waves in the area.

Jimmy Buffet is a couple of years older than me, and when I was surfing at Alabama Point with my friends, there was usually a group of older guys from Mobile and Fairhope there too. So I figure that more than once I was surfing alongside Jimmy Buffett.

Who knew?

November 14, 2012

White’s By The Sea . . .

Jan and I have been really enjoying these days of just doing nothing. Reading, napping, watching TV, playing on the computer, pretty much nothing.

For lunch we had the last of our Lambert’s leftovers, and then it was back to doing nothing.

For dinner we met Jeannie and Eldy at Sea N Suds, one of only two restaurants here that is actually right on the beach (the other one is The Gulf, where we ate last night).


We started out with a dozen raw oysters, (Eldy got a dozen, too), then Jan had the Fish Sandwich made with fresh cod, along with the salad bar, and I had a bowl of gumbo (very good) and the Fried Shrimp Dinner. For their part, Jeannie and Eldy split the Seafood Platter along with the Gumbo.

Then we spent the next two hours just talking. Toward the end of our evening, a couple at a nearby table came over and asked if we were RV’ers. When we said we were, they said they were too and had a lot up at the Escapees Park in Summerdale.

As we sat and talked, we got to watch a lovely sunset over the beach. And from personal experience, the beaches at Gulf Shores are some of the most beautiful around.

Gulf Shores Sunset

But besides the good food and great views, this place has more personal meaning to me.

Where this condo and the Sea N Suds now stand was the location of my parent’s motel in the 1950’s.


Here’s an aerial shot taken about 1956. I remember seeing this photo, but hadn’t seen a copy for years. So I was very surprised to find a copy hanging on the wall at the Sea N Suds when we were here in 2009. When I explained things to the manager, he let me take the photo back to the rig to scan it.

This was taken before we added a bunch more cottages.


The “Tackle Shack” is now part of the Sea N Suds building. The pier, the longest on the Gulf Coast when it was built, was mostly wiped out during Hurricane Fredrick in 1979.

My parent’s motel was called ‘White’s by the Sea”, and here’s yours truly in front of the sign.


Tomorrow we’re going up to the Escapees Park in Summerdale to meet up with some friends, with a side detour by the Camping World.

November 14, 2013

Not So Fast . . .

or Not At All

And Jan says “Ten Days and Counting.”

After my rejoicing a week or so about the increased speed on our Verizon signal, it all went to . . .  well, crap. For this past week, the Internet keeps dropping in and out, sometimes going to 1X, sometimes nothing at all. Other times it gets into this cycle where it will work for about 5 minutes, die for a couple of more minutes, and then work again. I’ve reported it, but no fix so far.

Like I said before, “Ten Days and Counting.”

Well, apparently we broke Jamie, our long-time Gate Guard Services supervisor here at the Whitsett office. We found out yesterday that he’s turned in his resignation and will be leaving at the end of the year. Bummer.

He goes out of his way to take care of his people and does everything he can to make this job a little easier. And he’ll go out of his way if necessary.

Earlier this year, about 7pm one Saturday evening, our generator just up and died. I called Austin, our support guy, and left a message. About 15 minutes later Jamie called and said Austin was off that weekend and he would take care of the generator. After asking me about the problem, he and his wife showed up about 20 minutes later. Turns out he was home cooking dinner when I called and dropped everything to take care of us

It turned out that the alternator had died, letting the battery run down until everything just stopped. He showed up with a new alternator and a new battery and had us going again in about 30 minutes. Now that’s support.

He’ll be missed.

On another note, I got polled by Gallup the other day. They called on the phone and spent about 15 minutes asking questions about my (our) life, some yes or no, others on a scale from 1 to 5, or 1 to 10. Sometimes, I guess as a control question, they asked the same question again, just worded a little differently, with a different way to answer. Interesting.

November 14, 2014

Friday Update . . .

Still Busy.

Our drill rig has pretty much all moved out to a new local location about 8 miles away. Jan, bless her heart, confirmed that someone had Russell, the rig dog, and he wasn’t going to get left behind again.

Gate Guard Dog

And it looks like we’ll be gone before the frack gets started there. Good.

Still Cold.

The HIGH today was 40 degrees.

The canopy and all of our outside stuff are packed away and ready to travel, since it’s supposed to rain Saturday and Sunday.

We still have the truck parked out front and we’re working out of that. It’s actually pretty comfortable, since we have heat when we need it, and we’re out of the wind.

We hope to be on the road to the Lake Conroe Thousand Trails by Sunday noon. If possible, we’re going to stop at a truck wash in Huntsville to get all the drill mud and other dirt washed off the rig.

That’s it. Don’t know if I will have another blog until Sunday night. We’ll see how it goes.

November 14, 2015

Chores Again . . .

With the weather still holding, though it’s supposed to rain a little tonight, I thought I’d take care of some more chores.

Although I had already put my leveler pads away, when I packing some other stuff away, I came across some heavy rope and decided it would make great handles for my pads. Originally I had used 3/16” nylon rope when I put the pads together, but I quickly found that with the weight of the pads, the rope would cut into my hands when I carried them. They worked great for their other function though, which is for me to hook them with the awning hook and drag them out from under the rig.

Since this was going to be a heavy-duty drilling job, I got out my Black & Decker Corded Drill, one of three different ones I own.

BlackandDecker Dril

Besides the WORX Power Screw Driver I used yesterday, I also have this Coleman 18v Cordless Drill.

Coleman 18v Drill

I’ve had it for about 10 years or more, and though it came with two batteries, neither one will hold a charge very long anymore. So I always have to plan ahead to charge the batteries before I use it.

But since I was going to be drilling six holes in six layers of 3/8” marine plywood, I figured I needed a little more long-lasting power.

I built these pads several years ago after a spur-of-the-moment purchase of several big pieces of 3/8” marine plywood that I found in the scrap sale area of a Home Depot. Enough for them to cut me out eighteen 18” squares, and it only cost me $5. What a deal!

I then glued and screwed them together into 3 six layer pads, and fastened two of these Camping World Jack Pads to each one for added protection from moisture on the ground. Here they are with the new larger rope handles installed.

Leveler Pad-New Handles

You can see the smaller, pinkish cords too.

Although they are heavy, they’re definitely strong enough to support the 12,000-pound weight on my front jack without breaking.

About this time, Billy dropped off my replacement transfer switch. Pretty fast service since it didn’t go out until this past Tuesday. Here’s what it looks like inside.


It’s really pretty simple, with two heavy-duty 50amp contactors and a control board. (BTW a contactor is just another name for a relay, but generally means a heavy-duty, high-power one.)

When no power is coming in from the generator, nothing is happening. The contactor for the generator is open, and the contactor for the shore power is closed, feeding shore power to the rig. But when power comes in from the generator, the control board senses it and tells the shore power relay to open, and then after about a half-second delay, the generator contactor pulls in, putting generator power to the coach. The delay is to be sure that if you’re still hooked up to shore power, then you don’t end up with shore power AND generator power coming into the coach at the same time, and feeding back into each other.

In my case there is some kind of problem with the control board, and it will only switch over WHEN we’re still hooked up to shore power. Which was a problem if we were driving down the road and decided we want to run the AC’s. Then I have to start the generator, stop the coach, go back to the bedroom, and then lift the bed and push the contractor down with a big screwdriver until it locks in. I did this often enough that l just left the cover off the transfer switch.

I’ll ahead and install this new one in the next couple of days, probably Monday or Tuesday since it’s supposed to rain and I won’t be able to do a lot outside.

Right now our weather still looks nice for next weekend, so hopefully we won’t have to pack up in the rain. It’s not fun, and as soon as we get to the park I have to unpack everything and let it dry so it won’t mildew.

So we’re keeping our fingers crossed on the weather.

November 14, 2016

Charged Up. . .

After last night’s 12 hour shift on a gate, it’s amazing how fast the 12 hours off the gate goes by

I didn’t get home until about 7am this morning, about 10 minutes later than usual, due to the heavy fog covering the area. And the deer that kept wandering onto the road didn’t help things.

Jan was just getting up as I was getting home, so we talked for a little bit while I unwound. Then I was in bed by 7:30. Getting up about 11:30, I did some internet stuff until about 1pm when we headed out for lunch, and to hopefully pick up an Amazon package that was out for delivery, but not yet delivered.

Our destination once again was Barth’s for Monday’s Chicken Fried Steak and Chicken Fried Chicken Lunch Buffet. Just as delicious as last time. At $8.50 for the meal and drink, you can’t eat at McD’s for that.

And while we were there, I got a text message saying UPS had delivered the package. Perfect timing.

Back home I went to bed for a couple of hours more sleep, getting up about 5pm, and then heading back out to the gate about 6pm. But this is going to be a short shift. Only 11 hours instead of 12.

They’re changing the gate over from a 6:30 to 6:30 shift to a 5:30 to 5:30 shift. I assumed that’s so that the day shift guy/girl can make the morning safety meeting on the pad. But I don’t know for sure.

When I got up Jan said that the bank had called and said that our bank cards had finally come in. We’ll probably go over to Karnes City tomorrow and pick them up.

One of the things that came in the Amazon order was a portable charger for our phones and tablets. I got it because it seems like I’m often getting caught away from home and away from the truck, with the charge my Galaxy S5 draining down. So if I leave it in the truck, I can just tuck it in my pocket and I’m good to go.

PowerCore 13000 Portable Charger

Anker PowerCore 13000 Portable Charger

It has over 2700 reviews with a 5 star rating. Very unusual, and better than the competition. It will charge our phones or tablets 3 or 4 times before it needs to be recharged. It’s about the size of a large pack of cigarettes and not as heavy as some I’ve seen. I’ll let you know how it works.

Finally I want to thank everyone for their kind words about yesterday’s blog on the Electoral College, and last week’s blog on Where The Polls Went Wrong.

In addition, a number of you have requested copies to distribute around. So you’ll find a new menu tab on the far right called Greg’s Musings. I have already posted a PDF copy of the Electoral College post, separated out from the other blog stuff, and I will have the Poll post up soon.

You are free to print, pass around, post, distribute, or line your birdcage as you see fit, as long as my attributions remain on it.

Thanks again.

November 14, 2017

Stompin’ Grounds . . .

When I woke up this morning, Jan had flown the coop. But it was only down to Janice and Dave Evan’s nearby coop. They had come down from Conroe yesterday and are parked just a few spaces down from us.

Jan wanted to pick Janice’s brain about the Instant Pot, and also get some cooking tips and recipes.

After Jan found her way back home, we headed out about 12:30 for the afternoon, with our first stop at Stomp’s Burger Joint over on 146 in Kemah. We’ve been eating here since 2011, and in fact it’s where we first met Janice and Dave Evans in December 2011.

After the fabled Tookie’s never reopened after Hurricane Ike in 2008, Stomp’s was opened in 2011 by some of Tookie’s ex-employees, duplicating much of the look, feel, and taste of the original.

Then about a year later, Tookie’s itself was reincarnated by a new owner. But Stomp’s has continued to flourish and even grow. And some people think the new kid on the block is better than the original.

Jan got her usual Outlaw Burger with an 8oz. 100% Angus Beef patty, Cheddar Cheese, Grilled Chopped Jalapeno And Onions and Salsa Picante, Served On A Bun With Mayo, Lettuce, and Tomato.

Stomp's Outlaw Burger

All of their patties are 100% Angus Beef, and ground and formed in-house.

I got the double-meat Hog Wild, with two 8oz 100% Angus Beef Patties, Mixed With Rendered Bacon And Topped With Melted Cheddar Cheese Served On A Bun With Mayo, Lettuce, Tomato, Onion, And Pickle. That’s 16 ounces of Angus Beef.

Stomp's Hog Wild Burger

I don’t even try to eat this by hand. It’s fork food all the way.

We also got an order of their Half and Half Onion Rings and Fries.

Stomp's Half and Half

Their onion rings are almost as famous as their burgers, cut, battered, and fried all in-house. Delicious as well.

Stuffed to the gills and more, we drove on up to Sundowner Canvas, also in Kemah, to see if they could do our new awnings.

They were kind of hesitant but said they could do them if I furnished the filler rods. No problem since I planned to take all the old panels to them anyway, and the rods are reusable.

The only problem seems to be how busy they were and how soon they could get to them. The owner is supposed to give me a call with the timing and prices.

They did give me a scrap sample to bring home so I could hang it on the old awning and see what it looks like, color-wise.

And I think I nailed it.

This is what I photoshopped a couple of months ago.

Beauty New Awnings 468

And this is what I got today.

Awning Sample

The sample looks darker due to the sun going down over my shoulder, but up close it looks identical.

The sample is Sunbrella Ocean Blue, which I think will be perfect.

I just received my new PayPal Card, this one with the chip in it. And the first thing I noticed is that there are no numbers on the front any longer. They’re only printed on the back, and much smaller than usual. I guess it’s been years since anyone has hand-swiped my card, anyway.

PayPal Card New

Don’t know if this is the new norm, but it’s the only card I have like this.

In other news, Surf’s Up . . . on Lake Tahoe?

Lake Tahoe Surfing

Every fall the southeasterly winds come down off the Sierras and kick up 3 – 5 foot waves all across the lake. Running from one end to the other, they just keep building, making for some great surfing. Very cold surfing, wetsuit cold surfing, but great surfing, nevertheless.

Back to work tomorrow, with more phone time with Godaddy, I’m sure.

November 14, 2018

Medical Updates . . .

Not much of a blog today. Just some medical updates.

I was at my 2:15 ophthalmologist appointment this afternoon by 1:50, but they were really overloaded. Or at least my doctor was.

So I didn’t get called in from the lobby until a little after 3pm, only to end up sitting in a waiting room with 10 other people for another 30 minutes or so. Finally about 3:30 I was called into a treatment room where a tech ran some tests on my eyes.

Then the Dr. came in, spent about 10 minutes looking at my eyes through various machines, and then asked for my eyes to be dilated. Then it was back out into the waiting for another 45 minutes for the drops to take effect.

Finally I was called back in, and after looking at my eyes again for a few minutes, said I was going to have to make an appointment to see him at his other office where he had some different instruments. So I was finally out of there by about 5:30 and on my way home, with another appointment for Dec. 18th.

The problem with my left eye is that it can’t be corrected to better than 20/60, while my right eye is 20/20 corrected with glasses. The doctor said it’s most likely a slightly warped cornea, which can be corrected with a temporary contact lens that would mold it back into shape.  But he wants to be sure, hence the new appointment.

Jan and I both seem to have come through getting our Shingrix shingles shots with no real side effects. Just some swelling, tenderness, and heat at the injection site. But it’s mostly passed. So it’s good so far.

I’ve actually been kind of disappointed with the results from my extreme tanning session yesterday.

PDT Extra Crispy 468

Although it was tingly, hot, and sensitive yesterday, not much is happening today. It’s not even red or peeling. Just feels like I got a little too much sun. But I guess we’ll see over the next couple of days.

November 14, 2020

Alvin Opry Redux . . .

Last night Jan and I attended our first Alvin Opry performance since last January, and it was good to see a lot of old friends. And what was interesting is that, despite the majority of regular patrons being our age, or even older, as far as anyone could tell, no one had succumbed to the WuFlu. Though a couple of people had contracted it, they had recovered in just a few days with no problem.

Alvin Opry Group 20201113 470

By the time we said our goodbyes and got on the road home after a great performance, Jan had an epiphany. Or maybe it was just hunger pains.

Or more likely, it was the memory of how back in the old days of the Alvin Opry a bunch of us, including some of the performers, would all go out and have a late breakfast after the show. And since Jan decided tonight was going to be a ‘cheat’ night, she wanted ‘sweet and gooey’ pancakes. So we headed back over to our usual Denny’s for our late-night treat.

Now this is unusual for Jan, since she’s not normally a night person, but she was gung-ho tonight. I think the pancakes were calling her name.

Sitting there in the busy Denny’s with more and more people coming in, we were talking about the first time Jan got a taste of the late-night life. It was in the Montgomery, AL, probably in the mid-70’s, and I had been out of town for some reason.

Getting back late, I talked her into going out about midnight for breakfast at the nearby Sambo’s. And after we ordered she looked around in amazement at the crowded restaurant.

“What are all these people doing up this late?”, she asked. Laughing, I explained to her that not everyone fell asleep by 8pm like she did, and that there was a whole ‘nother world out here at night. Shift workers, nurses, truck drivers, and a lot of drunks leaving the bars early, all were in the crowd.

And tonight, true to her word, Jan got the ‘sweet and gooey’ she wanted, with the Cinnamon Roll Crunch pancakes, along with eggs, bacon, and fruit.

Denny's Cinnamon Crunch Pancakes

The fruit being a pretense of sticking with our diets, since it replaces the Hash Browns.

Hey, every bit helps.

For my part, I got the Salted Caramel and Banana Cream version, also with eggs, bacon, and fruit.

Denny's Salted Caramel Pancakes

Another fun day.

November 14, 2021

Slow, But Steady Progress . . .

I’m seeing slow but steady progress with my condition. Everything, especially my hands and fingers, seems to be working a little better.

Still no real pain, so I’ve avoided my prescribed pain medication, Tylenol with Codeine. But I did take a prescribed muscle relaxer yesterday afternoon to see if it would do anything about the tightness across my back.

Big Mistake!

I should have heeded the warning on the label MAY CAUSE DIZZINESS all in bold caps. It did reduce the tightness a little, but not enough to offset the severe dizziness that I had for about the next 12 hours.

I won’t do that again. From now on just a couple of regular Tylenol now and then.

Houston Physician’s Hospital where I had my procedure done is just a couple of doors down from our favorite King Food. So Jan got some hot and sour soup to bring home for me to have, so I had a couple of cups of that today and some peanut butter right out of the jar. The first thing I’ve had since lunch yesterday at the hospital. And that seemed to fill me up pretty well.

Tomorrow I’ll get a shower for the first time so that will be also the first time I get to take my collar off. Just have to keep the incision area dry.

And then if I’m still feeling up to it we’ll probably go out and grab a bite to eat just so I can get out of the rig a little bit and move around.

That’s about it for today.

Once again, thanks for the outpouring of concerns. It is much appreciated.

November 14, 2022

It Doesn’t Sound Good . . .

Going into work this morning, just as I got on the Interstate, I noticed that the heater had stopped putting out warm air. But the coolant temp was fine. But not for long.

About the time I was into the section of I-45 without any shoulders, the coolant temp redlined. Since there was nowhere to pull over, I slowly nursed it off the Interstate and into a nearby Wells Fargo parking lot and turned the engine off and let it cool down.

But when I tried to crank it up again, it didn’t sound good at all. So I’m thinking blown head gasket, or worse. So I called Good Sam Roadside Assistance to get a tow down to Joe’s Hwy 6 Automotive, my go-to car repair guy.

The tow truck showed up in 90 minutes right on schedule and I called an Uber for a ride down to Joe’s, since there were already two guys in the tow truck. Somehow I beat the tow, so I had time to brief Joe on the problem.

And it showed up a few minutes later, he immediately started checking it out. And the news was not good. Sounds like a major engine problem, and he suggested I take it up to another place in Alvin to take a look at it.

So I’ll have it towed again tomorrow.

So now we’re back to using Old Smokey/Old Faithful until we get a better handle on things.

Tomorrow Jan will be getting her toes done, while I’m getting a haircut, with lunch beforehand at Torchy’s Tacos.





A Good Checkup . . .

I had my two-year follow-up appointment with my neurologist this afternoon and he gave me a clean bill of health on my Cervical  Spinal Fusion. He said my X-rays really looked good, in fact, very good. He said he was surprised at how much bone growth had occurred where the cadaver discs had been inserted.

Finishing up, he said that, unless I wanted to talk more about a possible Lumbar Fusion, we were finished following this procedure.

Done and done.

Coming home, and hoping that the fact it was Veteran’s Day, I decided to take another shot at getting Caramel Pumpkin Brûlée coffees from Dutch Bros. And I lucked out this time.

The line was much shorter, but I also noticed a walk-up window, so I was back in the Jeep in about 5 minutes and on my way. In the meantime, the truck at the end of the line hadn’t reached the order window yet.

Several readers inquired about why diesel generators are required for these charging stations, and why they aren’t just connected to the power grid.

Well, it’s because they draw too much power. One Tesla Level 3 charger can draw over 400 amps, which is over twice as much as the average home. And the new Tesla Level 4 version pulls over 600 amps. So 3 homes worth.

And that’s for just one charger station. Think about that charger station on I-5 in California that has 98! stations. And the system has to be sized so that every station can be in use at one time.

And here’s what’s said about charging the Tesla Semi’s:

“Let’s just take one of Tesla’s electric semis as an example. The truck supposedly has a battery capacity of 900 KWh. So to fully recharge it from 0 in one hour it would require a charger with an output of 900 kW. So let’s say we have a truck stop with 10 charging stations for electric semis. And let’s assume for planning purposes that at some point all 10 will be in use at the same time. That would be an electrical demand of 9,000 kW or 9 MW. That my friends is the same as a small-medium size factory. Multiply that scenario hundreds of times and you can see the potential problem. And that’s just for semis.”

What this is all leading up to is that you just can’t pull the necessary heavy-duty transmission lines into the middle of a parking lot without spending a lot of money and tearing up a lot of real estate. And it’s possible that the local substation doesn’t have enough excess capacity to handle the load anyway unless it’s upgraded also.

And another question looks at the big picture.

For California to meet its goal of only EV’s allowed to be sold in the state by 2035, that’s only 11 years away, they should be bringing online a new solar or wind power installation every WEEK. And of course this is not happening.

Remember that just this past August there were brownouts and blackouts all over the state. What’s going to happen when they have 15x more EV’s in 2035 than they do now?

It does seem like this Tesla owner has the right idea, a do-it-yourself hybrid.

Of course as I posted this the other day,

couldn’t this guy just buy a longer extension cord?

Thought for the Day:

If you don’t have a seat at the table, you’re probably on the menu.

And Now On To Today’s Retro-Blogs.™

November 13, 2009

It sure was Friday the 13th…

Today was not a good day, travelwise that is.

It started out pretty good, though.  We pulled out of the Turkey Creek RV Park in Branson right on time at 10 am,  heading for Memphis about 265 miles away.

But things went downhill fast after that.  Less than a mile from the park, we encountered a steep climbing right-hand turn.  I was only going about 25 mph, I mean, I was still in 3rd.  The problem was that, although the turn was to the right, the road actually was banked to the left, because another road came in from the left at an angle.

As I went around the corner, this caused the coach to rock pretty far over to the left for a few seconds. And of course a lot of stuff came loose and went sliding over that way as well.  What we didn’t realize was that this caused the slide to lift up from the floor slightly, just about the time that one of the cat food bowls went sliding under it.  And then the slide came back down, trapping the bowl underneath it.

But we didn’t know this at the time.  We had other problems.

The road I had chosen (Well, the GPS had chosen…) turned out to be much more hilly than I had expected.  The GPS can show you curves, but not hills.  So as soon as I could find a place to pull over,  I tried to find a new route.

I found another way to go that was about 40 miles longer, but didn’t appear as curvy as the original route.  Luckily we had only come about 8 miles, so it wasn’t a big deal to turn around.  And 30 minutes later we were passing back in front of the RV park going in the opposite direction.

Well, the new route was a little less curvy, but turned out to be just as hilly.  The only real plus was that the road was better, even 4 lane in places.

But because of all the hills and curves, it was still slow going.  Finally about noon we stopped for a bathroom break. Walking back thru the coach I noticed that the slide was tilted back off the floor about two inches. A little hands and knees inspection revealed the culprit…the aforementioned cat food bowl.

And boy was it wedged in tight.  After moving the slide in and out slightly didn’t help,  Jan was finally able to break the bowl with a basin wrench.  Thinking ahead, I had positioned a thick book under the slide so we could clean out the broken glass before letting the slide all the way down.

But now the book was stuck. And nothing we tried would free it.  This was starting to look like an Abbott and Costello routine.

What I needed was a pry bar of some sort to give me enough leverage to lift the slide slightly to free the book and then move the slide out, letting it come off the pry bar. But I just didn’t have anything that big.

After spending about an hour fooling with this, we decided to wait and try to fix it when we got to Memphis…actually West Memphis, AR.

We finally pulled into the the park about 2 hours late, after dark, in fact.  After we got hooked up, I unhitched the truck and drove about 10 miles over the river to a Home Depot in Memphis and bought a 3 ft. long piece of 3/4 inch galvanized pipe.

Getting back to the rig, it took about 10 seconds to free the book and set the slide back in place.  And all it needed was the right tool…a honkin’ big piece of steel pipe.

The slide still works just fine, so hopefully no harm done.

And hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day…

November 13, 2010

Friday Night at the Opry . .

As I posted early this morning, we didn’t get back from the Opry until almost 1 am, so this post is a combination of Friday and today.

We started out Friday morning with a walk around the park before coming back to the rig to get ready to head out.

Jan and Brandi were going to have a Girl’s Day Out while Landon is in Day Care. Brandi starts back to work this coming Monday after her 3 month maternity leave and she’s had Landon in day care for a few hours each day to get him used to it.

I think it’s really more to get her used to being away from him.

While Jan and Brandi were having fun, I got to work on the toilet.

I had two tasks in mind. First I wanted to work on the seals so that the bowl will hold water again, and second, I wanted to work on the mount some more.

Well, one out of two ain’t bad.

I disassembled the bowl from the base and clean the ball and all the rubber seals. Finally I used a tip I saw on RV.Net a while back. Someone had suggested using plumber’s grease. Plumber’s grease is 100% silicone grease, the consistency of Vaseline. It’s waterproof, non-toxic, and unlike Vaseline, it will not harm the rubber seals. I coated all the seals, the mating surfaces, and the ball with the grease.

Then it was on to the second problem. This toilet is pretty new. I replaced it while we were out in Las Vegas this past March.

Thinking the easiest thing to do would be to replace the old one with a new one of the same type. Wrong!

Although the toilet itself is the same, they changed the mounting holes on the base. The original base had 4 mounting bolts, two on the front and two on the back.

The new one has only two mounting bolts, one on each side. I got a new flange that fit over the old one and provided the correct mounting holes, but it also raised the mount up about 3/8 inch. This made it hard to get the toilet seated correctly so it wouldn’t rock. I’ve tried using different types of shims, but the construction of the toilet base makes it hard to get the shims to fit.

After fooling with it for about an hour I made it better, but it’s still not perfect. I have an idea on how to fix it, but it’s going to take some more work, and I ran out of time today.

But the good news is, that after remounting the toilet, it now holds water just fine.

After taking a shower I picked up Jan at Brandi’s about 4:30. I did get some Landon time of my own, feeding him a bottle. By the time he was finished, he was falling asleep again.

Leaving Brandi’s we headed down to Dickinson to eat a light supper at Monterey’s Little Mexico before heading to the Alvin Opry. We usually just have a bowl of their Chicken Tortilla Soup beforehand, because we always go out for a bite to eat after the show.

Which is why we don’t get home until around 1 am.

We were really looking forward to tonight’s Opry because it’s Legend’s Night. This is where the singers dress up like and imitate their favorite stars.

First up was Rhonda Walters doing a dead-on imitation of Kitty Wells. Rhonda is known as “The Queen of the Alvin Opry”.

Kitty Wells

Then we had Abby Gough doing a great Reba McEntire.

Reba McEntire

Next we had Earl Epps doing George Jones (before his hair turned white). Earl looks and sounds like Jones, and has a number of records to his credit, including this cut of Be Bop Blues.

George Jones

Then Rhonda was back, along with Kim Lanier doing a hilarious take-off on The Judd’s, Naomi and Wynonna. They’ve done this several times before and it’s always a hoot.

The Judds

Ruben Perez is always a surprise because he’s someone different every time. This time he did a great send-up of Little Richard doing ‘Lucille’

Little Richard

Finally we had Julianne McBride as Brenda Lee.  Julianne is only 13, but has a great stage presence, and a fantastic voice. She can really belt out a song.

Brenda Lee

What stunned me about her performance and appearance was that in 1958 I saw Brenda Lee on the stage of the original Grand Ole Opry at the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville. She was just 13, the same age as Julianne. Pat Boone was the emcee that night, and what’s amazing is that Julianne looks just like I remember Brenda Lee looking then.

After the show we went to the IHOP in Pearland, along Rhonda Walters, her husband Ron, and our long-time friend, Maria Sutton.

That was about it for Friday, a long day and a late night.

Today, Saturday, was a Girl’s Movie Day with Jan, Brandi, Linda, and Piper, going to see the new movie “Morning Glory” at the 11 am showing, and then after the movie, Chris and I met them at Mario’s Italian Restaurant in Seabrook at 1:30.

Before meeting everyone for lunch, I went by the office and paid the rent for the month, and then made a trip to Home Depot looking for new toilet shims. Part of the problem is finding something that will work and still be hidden by the base of the toilet. I’ll keep looking.

Had something real strange happen this evening. Jan and I were just sitting here watching TV and the generator suddenly started up all by itself. Took us a few seconds to figure out what that loud rumbling noise was. There were some pillows kind of lying against the dashboard where the switch is, but I sure don’t think they were close enough or heavy enough to cause the problem.

Will have to see if it happens again.

November 13, 2011

. . . and I didn’t wake up screaming even once!

Since we had a 375 mile trip to Gulf Shores, AL today, we wanted to get an early start. So I was up at about 6 am, started coffee, and then went outside to hook up the toad and stow the satellite dish. Then after checking the air in my tires and letting in the window awnings, I went back inside to wake Jan up, but found her already up and in the shower.

A little later Jan fixed us a breakfast of some of the banana nut and sourdough bread Aunt Virginia had given us last night.

Dee – Licious!

We pulled out of my cousin’s Northgate RV Travel Park about 8am, got on I-65 and headed south.

A little south of Montgomery Jan decided she wanted to drive for a while, so at our next rest stop, we traded places and Jan drove for about two hours until we turned off I-65 onto AL59.  I Kindled and kat-napped for a while, and just enjoyed the scenery.

And Jan did a really good job. As I said, I didn’t wake up screaming even once. But she doesn’t like to drive in traffic on city streets, so I took over for the last 50 miles.

I’d been a little worried about whether we could get a site at the Gulf State Park since it’s very popular with snowbirds this time of the year. But apparently we beat the rush this year because we had no trouble getting a spot.

We got into our site about 4 and got set up. The only problem was when we tried to start the truck and found the battery dead. I guess there must be a problem with my charge wire, as it should keep the battery charged from the rig. I’ll have to check it out.

About 5 we headed out for supper at one of our favorite local seafood places, DeSoto’s Seafood Kitchen. Jan had Shrimp and Oysters, and I had the Seafood Platter. You can’t get seafood much fresher than this.

When we got back from supper we found this email photo from Lowell and Brandi. They said it was an early test run for Landon and Santa.

Landon and Santa 2

Here’s last year’s photo. Santa seems to have aged well.

Landon and Santa

Looks like Landon’s not going to be one of those kids that’s terrified of Santa.

November 13, 2012

A Real Cutie!

We got a photo of our new great-niece, Annisten Morgan Robinson. She’s a real cutie!

Anisten Morgan Robinson

I’ve started getting calls from computer clients wanting to schedule some help when I get back to Houston. So it looks like I’ll be busy again this winter just like last year.

After coffee for breakfast, we heated up some of our Lambert’s leftovers from yesterday. And we still have enough for another meal. At $12.50 for 3 meals worth, that’s a real deal.

It was a busy morning on the phone. We talked with our daughter Brandi a couple of times working out some details of our Thanksgiving trip to Marble Falls, TX. Then we talked with our granddaughter Piper to see if she will be able to join us in Marble Falls.

About 3:30 Jan and I headed out for some shopping and then dinner. Our first stop was Tallulah’s Treasures in Orange Beach.

Tallulah’s is another of our favorite shops. Formerly known as Tootie’s Yellow Broom, this is another place we’ve been coming for years.


Just a fun place to walk through, even if you don’t buy anything.

Our next stop was for dinner at The Gulf, a new place that just opened last week. Located down at Alabama Point / Perdido Pass, it’s the first business in what’s to be a beach boardwalk attraction.

The Gulf 1

Built from shipping containers, its novel construction frames a beautiful view of the bridge over Perdido Pass and the Gulf.

The Gulf 2

The only problem with this beautiful location is its history. There used to be a large restaurant/hotel on this location, and we ate here a couple of times over the years. But in 2004 Hurricane Ivan wiped it off the beach. The only thing left was the foundation.

The Gulf 3

I hope The Gulf has better luck.

Jan and I both had their Angus Burgers and shared an order of fries. Both were really good, not quite Five Guys good, but good.

The Gulf Burger

And of course the view was fantastic.

Leaving the restaurant, we headed home with a quick stop at a CVS for a few things.

All in all, a very nice day.

November 13, 2014

Thursday Update . . .

There was no blog yesterday because we’re now working out of the truck. It’s so cold with the wind chill, around 15 degrees, that we’ve pulled our truck down in front of the canopy next to the road and are working the gate out of it.

But last night I quickly found that there was no room to type the blog on the laptop in the truck, so No Blog.

And since the temps are just barely making it into the 40’s today, and the mid to high 20’s tonight, probably no blog tonight either. In fact, probably the next real blog will be Sunday night after we leave the gate Sunday morning.

So keep checking back.

November 13, 2015

Happy Friday. . .

Well, today’s promised ‘Mostly Sunny’ never appeared, not even a peek. But it was in the 60’s, and nice enough to finish up reinstalling my outside door handle.

Yesterday afternoon I left the job like this, with the toothpicks sticking out like little spikes.

Lighted Handle Repair 2

I warned Jan about it going in and out of the rig, and then last night I tripped over the doormat in the dark and almost impaled myself. But luckily no skin was broken.

Remember, I do these things so you won’t have to.

So the first thing I did today was to use a pair of nippers (end flush cutters) like these to cut off the bundles flush with the rig.


I was happy to see that it took some effort to cut through the bundles of toothpicks. Then I was on to the next step.

Pilot holes.

So out came my favorite power tool: My WORX Power Screw Driver.

WORX Power Driver

I bought it a couple of years ago, and it’s held up great.

With its lithium-ion battery, it holds a charge for months, so it’s always ready to go when I pull it out of the bag. Plus it’s strong enough, with enough torque to twist it out of my hand if I don’t hold on tight.

The WORX also has two ‘cylinders’ that each hold six screwdriver bits. The cylinders snap into place and allow you to quickly change bits. One cylinder holds standard bits, like slot, Phillips, etc., and the other one holds TORX, and Star type bits.

When I ordered the WORX I also got a set of these, a 1/4-inch Hex Shank Drill Bit Set.

Hex Drill Bit Set

These bits chuck right into the driver, and stay in the bag with the WORX.

I first drilled a pilot pilot hold into the toothpick bundles, using a 5/64” bit and then a pilot hole with the 1/8” bit shown about. I put a piece of tape on the bit as a depth stop, since I didn’t want to drill all the way through the wall and out the other side. That would be bad.

The holes done, I mounted the hardware and started putting in the screws. And I quickly discovered that it was very difficult to screw the #12 screws into the wood by hand. So out came my WORK again.

Unlike a large drill, the WORX is very controllable so I didn’t have to worry about over-tightening and stripping out the screws. Which as I said is what I think happened at the repair place in Prescott.

It turned out that even my driver had a problem with the toothpick-Gorilla Glue combination. Not from too little power to do the job, but from me holding it against the torque. But I quickly had the 5 screws in place and here is the result this evening.

Lighted Door Handle

Today being Friday, it was time for a Whataburger run, with a little Wal-Mart shopping thrown in. Funny, but it used to be a Wal-Mart run with a stop for Whataburger on the way home.

But unfortunately we were once again back to the same routine with the same cashier. I tell her I want a #6 with Cheese with only these ingredients, Ketchup, Mustard, Tomatoes, and Grilled Onions. She looks at me and says, “You want lettuce on that?”

“No. Only these four things.”

Finally it looks right on the little screen and we moved on to my burger. And  after I tell her my order, once again stressing the ‘only’, she looks at me and says, “So, no lettuce?” Sheesh!

Back in the early 70’s when Jan and I were both in college, we worked together as the Grill Team at the then busiest McDonald’s in the country, which was in Birmingham, AL. They had the first playground, the first Ronald McDonald Birthday Parties, and we were one of the 4 locations that tested the Quarter Pounder before it was rolled out to the rest of the country.

It was really a great job, Jan did the buns and fish sandwiches, and I ran the grill. There was no breakfast then, and they didn’t open until 10:30am. Jan and I would walk in the door a few minutes before 11am, put on our aprons and paper caps, and hit the grill area. Then at 2pm, we would hang up our aprons and walk out the door. So no cleaning, no mopping, etc., Occasionally on weekends we would work other hours if there was a University of Alabama game in town that weekend. Then it was a real madhouse when multiple buses would pull into the parking lot.

Anyway the Whataburger cashier wouldn’t have lasted 10 minutes at that McDonald’s, or any other place I worked over the years in college.

One thing I picked up at Wal-Mart was some more of these Hot Hands Hand Warmers.

Hot Hands Warmers

I discovered last night, when it was 43 degrees, that I didn’t have another package like I thought. So that was a necessary item to pick up.

But while I was doing that, I also found these, much to my joy.

Hot Hands Foot Warmers

These are adhesive foot warmers. You just peel off the film, put them on the floor and then step on them in your socks (they warn you not to put them on your bare feet).

And boy, do they work. My feet have been warm and toasty all night. The only problem is that I only picked up 2 packages to test, and since it’s supposed to be in low 40’s every night until we leave next Sunday, I want some more.

So it looks like another Chicken Express run is in my future.

With a stop at Wal-Mart.

Wrapping up, Brandi and Landon say, “Happy Friday!”

Happy Friday from Landon and Brandi

November 13, 2016

Back to College . . .

The Electoral College, that is.

or they didn’t tell me there would be math on the test.

Several people commented on Facebook about yesterday’s dryer repair. Our friend Chris Yust suggested that I just buy a new dryer.

Well, as long as I can fix the old one for a $2.65 fuse and 3 hours of work, I figure I’m making $333/hr for my time, since a new one costs around $1000.00. And it gives me something to blog about.

Our friend Donna Huffer suggested we just go to the laundromat and be done in an hour and a half.

First off, I’m pretty sure Jan would get rid of me before she would get rid of her washer/dryer. She delights in throwing a load in, getting it started, and 5 minutes later she’s back on the sofa with her Kindle, 40” TV, and the computer.

Plus those times we have gone the laundromat, it’s usually 3 or 4 hours, not one and a half. I guess maybe if you go at 3am, but not any time we’ve been.

Jan and I headed out about 1pm to have the Turkey & Dressing/Fried Chicken Lunch Buffet. Just as delicious as usual. If we have one complaint it’s that they don’t have mashed potatoes enough. If you have gravy on the menu, today’s Turkey & Dressing, Chicken Fried Chicken, Chicken Fried Steak, etc., there should be mashed potatoes.

Just sayin’

When we got back a little after 2, I took a nap for a couple of hours since I’ll be on a gate tonight, 6:30pm to 6:30am. So back to work.

Now to the Electoral College:

Like in 2000, in 2016 one candidate won the popular vote and another candidate won the Electoral vote. And the losing side now wants to eliminate the Electoral College. And you’ve got to figure if the results were flipped, so would be the protesting.

First a little history. George W. Bush and Donald Trump are not the only two Presidents to lose the popular vote, but win the Electoral Vote and the Presidency. And believe it or not, Bush and Trump aren’t even the most controversial.

The 1824 election of John Quincy Adams was the first one. And he didn’t win the popular vote OR the Electoral Vote. Andrew Jackson received the most popular votes AND the most Electoral votes. So how did he lose?

Like this past election, there were four candidates in the running, but in 1824 ALL were from the same party – The Democratic-Republican party.

Betcha didn’t see that one coming.

And although Andrew Jackson had the most over-all votes, with only 99 Electoral votes, he did not have the minimum required votes, 131, to win the Presidency. So the election was thrown into the U.S. House of Representatives, who then selected Adams.

Feeling he had been royally dissed, Jackson stomped off and started his own party, the Democratic Party. Yeah, that one, making it the world’s oldest active party. And under the Democratic Party banner, Jackson was elected President four years later in 1828.

The election of Rutherford B. Hayes in 1876 was even more controversial. Samuel Tilden won the popular vote and had the majority of Electoral votes, 184 to 165. But 20 electors from 4 states, Florida, Louisiana, South Carolina, and Oregon, were in dispute.

This led to the Compromise of 1877, in which the Democrats (Tilden) let the 20 votes go to Hayes, in return for the removal of all Federal troops from the South, thus ending Reconstruction.

The election of Benjamin Harrison in 1888 was relatively calm by comparison. Grover Cleveland, a Democrat and the incumbent President, was running against Harrison, the Republican, with the main fight being over tariffs. Harrison wanted high tariffs, supported by industrialists and factory workers, while Cleveland wanted lower tariffs, supported by consumers. High tariffs won.

Harrison won the Electoral vote while Cleveland won the popular vote, but by less than 1%. Pretty like the 2016 election.

History lesson over, let’s talk about the why?

Why do we have an Electoral College?

The really basic answer is that we have an EC for the same reason that we have a two-body legislature, i.e. the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Many people think of the US as a democracy. But we’re actually a Representative Republic, or a Federal Republic. We elect representatives to then represent us in the law-making bodies.

Pure democracy, also sometimes called ‘mob rule’, is where everyone votes on everything, and the most votes win. Not always good if you’re in the minority. And so the Founding Father’s were worried about the larger, more populous states controlling things to the detriment of the smaller, less populous states.

So we have the House of Representatives, based on population, and the Senate, where each State has two votes. And all laws have to work their way through both Houses, thus giving the smaller states something of a veto on any legislation.

And we have the Electoral College for the same reason. Take a look at this map.

Population Electoral Vote Map

The blue patches contain 50% of the US population. Think everyone in all the gray areas are going to be happy about their vote being essentially meaningless?

On a state basis, four states, New York, California, Florida, and Texas, contain more than 50% of the voting age population. So just campaign in the 10 most populous state to be safe, and forget about the rest.

And here is a map of the 2016 vote by county, with Republicans in red and the Democrats in blue. Note the similarities with the previous map.

Population Vote Map

Now to the call for the elimination of the Electoral College. It’s almost certainly not going to happen, at least any time soon.

Since the EC is part of the Constitution, and not just a law, to drop the EC would require a Constitutional Amendment. And that would require approval by 2/3 of both the House and the Senate, and approval by 3/4 of the State Legislatures, i.e. 38 states.

So if 13 states say no, the Amendment fails. And since 15 states, ND, UT, NV, NM, SD, MT, WY, NH, WV, VT, DE, RI, ME, NB, AK, all have 5 or less Electoral Votes, they’re probably not going to want to give up their power. And some larger states may not go for it just on principle.

So don’t hold your breath.

And just to throw gasoline on the fire, it’s possible Hillary Clinton did not win the popular vote. And we’ll probably never really know for sure.

Remember the cry, “Count Every Vote”?  Well, EVERY vote is almost never counted.

According to the New York Times, there are probably about 7 million uncounted votes in this election. And many almost certainly won’t be counted.

Why? Because they won’t make any difference. If the uncounted votes (usually absentee and provisional ballots) don’t exceed the vote total differences between the two candidates, then many states stop counting to save time and money.

For example, if one candidate leads the other by 300,000 votes, and there are 100,000 absentee/provisional ballots left, why count them. They won’t make any difference.

Right now Hillary Clinton leads the popular vote by 1/2 of 1%, about 630,000 votes. So 7 million votes might increase Hillary Clinton’s lead, or put Donald Trump in the lead.

But it would just be for bragging rights.

At this point, what difference does it make?

November 13, 2017

Monday, Monday . . .

I spent a good part of the weekend and all of work today on the phone with Godaddy trying to straighten out my client’s email problems. If I had any hair left, I wouldn’t have any hair left.

And I’m really glad I have unlimited minutes on my phone. I was finally able to get our incoming email working again, but not our outgoing ones. It all just bounced back, so customers were not getting their order confirmations.

I’ve done a clumsy work-around using a Gmail account, but I need to get this fixed. Of course, my ultimate objective is to get the email completely off our in-house server, but to do that I need to get root access to it, which I don’t yet have. It’s the only password I haven’t figured out, but I’m still working through all the different combinations of the list I found on one of the machines.

Then I’ll not only move the email, but also the shopping cart itself, completely eliminating the in-house server and then everything will be up on Godaddy.

Tomorrow Jan and I are heading over to Kemah to have lunch at Stomp’s, another of our favorite local hamburger places. We’ve been eating here since they first opened six years ago. And their burgers look something like this.

Stomps 4

And their fries and onion rings are great too.

After that we’ll check out Sundowner Canvas on up 146 in Kemah to see if they can make our new window awnings. It would be nice if they have some large pieces in several blue colors, so we bring them home and drape them over the old awnings to see what they look like on the coach.

Assuming they will do them, I’ll have them make two of the small rear window awnings, then I’ll take the two bigger awnings over and have them duplicated.

So we’ll see how it goes.

November 13, 2018

The Run Around . . .

Today was my day for getting my head BBQ’d, so we were out the door about 9:15, heading for the Dermatologist’s office up in Webster.

At least that’s where we were told to go when we made the appointment last month at their League City office. And the text I got yesterday morning confirming my appointment said to go to the Webster office.

But when we got to the office about 9:50 for our 10:15 appointment, we were told that we were at the wrong office, and should have been at the League City one. She offered to reschedule our appointment, but I said, “No, call them and tell them we’re on our way.”

And by pushing the Malibu a little more than usual, we made the 10 mile run from the 3rd floor of the Medical Building at Clear Regional Hospital down to the League City office just off FM-646 in just over 15 minutes, arriving at 10:13, two minutes before our 10:15 appointment.

Only to be told that the first receptionist was wrong, and our appointment WAS at the Webster location. So while she called the other office to tell them, Yes we were supposed to be up there, we turned around and headed back up to Webster, a little more sedately this time, much to Jan’s relief.

Getting back there once again, they took me back to a treatment room, and after wiping my head down with acetone to prep it, the Physician’s Assistant used what looked like a large Sharpie pen to cover my scalp with the photo-reactive solution.

Then instead of the 30-60 minute wait for the solution to dry that I had read, I found out that it was a 2 hour one. Luckily I brought my Galaxy Tab 4 and Jan brought her Kindle Fire to keep us occupied out in the waiting room.

Back in the treatment room, the technician wheeled the Blue UV Light over and positioned it over my head.

Blue UV Machine

She said it was on a timer, and noting it was set to 16:40, I said, “So 16:39 is not enough and 16:41 is too much?” She said, “Well, we don’t want your head to burst into flames.”

See I told you that might happen.

And then, after giving me a pair of goggles to wear, she turned it on.

And I would have sworn my head WAS on fire. I didn’t realize they had it set on ‘Extra-Crispy’

PDT Extra Crispy 468

The tech said that some people said it felt like a million angry fire ants were feasting on their head.

That was an understatement.

But finally it was over, and after getting the post-op instructions, and getting an appointment for a second shot at immolation a month from now, we headed up to Bay Area Blvd. to have brunch at Snooze, only to find that it wasn’t really open yet. That’s tomorrow.

What we had been seeing was a series of pre-opening meals given for community leaders, so we headed right up the road to once again have breakfast at The Egg and I.

Coming home about 2:30 we first made a stop at the Santa Fe PO to check the mail. I was hoping my new permanent SD driver’s license had come in, and it had. So now, thanks to the revised Vision Statement I got from the ophthalmologist last week, I can now legally drive at night.

And while on the subject of ophthalmologists, I’ve got my follow-up appointment with a cornea specialist to check out the slight yellowing of my left cornea that the Sam’s Club optometrist mistook for a cataract.

Then it was on to Snider Transmission to check up on our Dakota. Kenny said it was done and they’d done a short test drive, but that he still wanted to do a longer one, maybe an hour or so, to double-check everything. So I told him we’d pick it up tomorrow afternoon.

November 13, 2019

Just In Case . . .

My main accomplishment at work today was to order a new high chair for my client. Well, not him personally, but for his baby.

I did leave work about a couple of hours early since I wanted to wrap up all the outside travel-prep this afternoon, rather than do it tomorrow morning like I usually would. But since it’s supposed to be 40° and a 90% chance of rain tomorrow morning, I wanted to get pretty much everything down now.

(Weather Update: It’s not going to 40° with 90% chance of rain tomorrow morning. It’s now supposed to be 38° with a 95% chance of rain.)

OH Boy!

It only took me about 90 minutes to get everything packed away, disconnected, and tarped. The whole ‘tarped’ thing was a ‘Just In Case’ job. As in ‘Just In Case’ the oil leak is not fixed.

Truck Tarp Cover

This way we don’t have an oily mess to get off the windshield before we can drive around in Kingsland.

And since it’s supposed to be in the low 40’s overnight I also plugged in our engine block heater so the oil will be all warm and toasty tomorrow.

Our first stop tomorrow will be at the Buc-ee’s up in Katy, about 90 minutes on the way, for coffee, and we should know then if the problem is fixed. Or at least we already had oil on the truck by then last time. So we’ll see, I guess.

I plan on pulling out of our site by 8am, and hooked up and on the road by at least 8:30, but hopefully earlier. We want to get up to and around the bottom of Austin before the rush hour gets going.

November 13, 2022

Huddle Up . . .

For Two Reasons.

Though it got up to 82° on Friday, that night it went down to 42. And the last two days it never even made it to 60. And we’re looking at low 40’s at night for at least the next week or so. So it was finally time to deploy both of our space heaters and turn on our heated mattress pad for the first time this season.


And lunch today was at Texas Huddle once again, though we didn’t have Juana, our usual server, since she was working the patio area. And though we like her a lot, it was not enough to sit out in the open patio, even with a bunch of those big propane heaters scattered around.

Jan got her usual Cheddar Mushroom Burger with a side salad, the Keto version with no bun.

Texas Huddle Cheddar Swiss Keto 20220626

But I went a little different this time with 10 wings, half Flaming Raspberry and half Mango Habanero, their 3rd and 5th hottest sauces.

Texas Huddle Wings 20221113

But I did want to try their hottest, Flamethrower, which is what is in the small container at the very bottom. It was hot, but not as hot as the Blazin’ sauce at Buffalo Wild Wings.

And I wasn’t a big fan of how it actually tasted. Just kind of strange.

The past Friday a string of dump trucks started bringing a lot of fill dirt for the new area of the park.

Petticoat Junction Fill Dirt

Turns out that due to new floodplain regulations, the entire new part of the park has to be raised about 2’, which explains why the new garage is built up so high.

Petticoat Junction Garage Finsihed Up

So I guess there’s going to be a ramp up from the street into the park, and a retaining wall between us and the new part.

What’s funny about this is that none of this area flooded even during Hurricane Harvey back in 2017. In fact as far as anyone remembers, it’s never flooded in this area.

Jan and I watched A Christmas Story for the first time this season, and probably not the last. But Jan and I both agreed that something’s changed with the narrator’s voice. Parts of it sounded OK, but other sections just sounded funny. Like maybe they had to redub part of it with another actor.

And for a little bit of trivia, Bob Clark, the director, only got to make A Christmas Story because his previous film, Porky’s was such a big success. So without Porky’s there probably would be no Christmas Story, since every studio had turned it down.

Also Bob Clark is in the movie as Swede, the neighbor who’s out on the street looking at the leg lamp with Ralphie’s father.

And Jean Shepherd, the writer/narrator, is in the movie as the man who points Ralphie to the end of the line in the toy store.

On that note, WalMart will be happy to sell you your own personal Red Ryder Carbine BB Gun, complete with a compass in the stock. But WalMart’s version is better, because, according to the movie, Ralphie’s model only held 200 shots, while this one holds 650.