Monthly Archives: July 2024

It’s That Day Again . . .

The One That Jan Usually Forgets.

First up, lunch today was the last of the Rudy’s BBQ from yesterday.

I mentioned yesterday about our missing USPS package and how a gentleman at the Santa Fe PO said he’d get it moving.

And he kept his word. This morning I found this on the tracking page.

And then this afternoon, the tracking said it was on its way and would be delivered tomorrow.

We’ll see. As usual.

Tomorrow we’re having lunch at Gator’s, then haircuts at CostCutters, and finishing up at Wal-Mart.

* * * * *

To make things go quicker, I thought I’d just repost this post from 2023.

Today is our 57th Anniversary. Well, the Anniversary of the day we met in Titusville in 1967.

While Jan lived in Titusville after her father retired from the Air Force there, I was just down from my home in Alabama bumming around for the summer. I had been staying with my aunt and uncle over in Sanford for a week or so and was checking out the want ads for a summer job.

The one that attracted my attention was one looking for someone to take care of the animals and do the performance shows for the tourists at Florida Wonderland, a Titusville tourist attraction. And even better, it included room and board.

So on Monday, the 3rd of July I made the 35-mile trip over to Titusville, and found the place right on US A1A and the Indian River at Hwy 50.

Florida Wonderland Sign


While the main part of the attraction was on the other side of the road, I was going to be working at the Marine Life Center across the road and right on the Indian River.

Florida Wonderland Marine Life

Originally started by Johnny Weissmuller of ‘Tarzan’ fame in the late 50’s, it was then known as Tropical Wonderland. But somewhere along the line, Johnny faded away and it became Florida Wonderland, and was owned by the Kirk family, one of whom, Claude Kirk, was then Governor of the state.

I started on the 5th of July, and besides doing the animal acts for the public, I also took care of the two porpoises, the two manatees, the 15ft alligator, the large elephant seal, a large tortoise, and a number of other animals. And that meant keeping the 100 pounds of fish that were delivered each day iced down so it wouldn’t spoil.

Noticing that there wasn’t an ice machine there, I was told to take a couple of buckets over to the Miss Kitty’s Saloon and bring back the ice from across the road as I needed it.


Besides the carnival rides, petting zoo, and other attractions, they also had a Western town, with bank robberies, gunfights, and other Western stuff. And of course, what’s a Western town without a saloon? In this case, Miss Kitty’s Pleasure Palace & Saloon, soft drinks only, of course.

Miss Kitty's Pleasure Palace

And of course, every ‘Pleasure Palace’ has an ice machine.

So, 57 years ago today, I walked through the swinging doors carrying my two buckets to find several young women dressed in period clothes. But the one that caught my eye was a tall, long-legged strawberry blonde.

Here’s her photo from the year before.

And here’s a photo from 8 years later. Still a tall, long-legged, beautiful strawberry blonde.

Jan and Brandi 1975

And here she is today. Still beautiful.

And that’s how it all started.

But it almost didn’t start, because it took me a week or so to get her to go out with me. Luckily I’m persistent. And I think management wondered why I needed so much more ice than usual.

Today I’d probably be called a stalker.

She said later that she thought I was just another ‘stuck-up college guy’. Well, I don’t know about ‘stuck up’, but I was in college, was skinny, and had hair.

And I drove a ‘65 Triumph Spitfire like this one. Except mine had a rollbar and a white racing stripe down the center since I had previously competed in SCCA races.

1965 Triumph Spitfire

So, in looking back, Jan and I have had 57 years together because I didn’t want fish to go bad.

It’s always the little things.

Thought For The Day:

So This Is How It All Started

Your Retro-Preview Highlights –

2009 – Monticello

2010 – Benini Galleries and Sculpture Ranch

2018 – Favorite Cousins And BBQ8 

2019 – To Apple, With Disdain

2020 – More Piper And Pizza

2021 – Sous Vide Ribs

And Now On To Today’s Retro-Blogs.™

July 5, 2009

Monticello and Appomattox…Not!

Today is our last full day here at Small Country Campground before we move up to Reston, VA for a week in the Washington, DC area.

We woke up to 65 degrees and rain this morning.  Well, one out of two isn’t bad.

We took the toad about 20 miles up the road to Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson.  It was a very beautiful drive up into the hills getting there.

One thing I finally did find out is how to pronounce ‘Monticello’.  I had always heard it pronounced both ‘Mon T Sell O’ and ‘Mon T Chello’.

In fact, just last month I saw a program on the History Channel that pronounced it ‘Mon T Chello’.

However, at Monticello, they will tell you that it is pronounced ‘Mon T Sell O’, and that some people there get upset when it is pronounced the other way.

Because of the rain, I couldn’t get any decent pictures of the outside, so these two are from the internet.

East Front of Monticello

East Front of Monticello

West Front of Monticello

West Front of Monticello

We were only allowed to tour the rooms on the bottom of the 3 floors.  The other two are apparently too hard to access via the narrow staircases.

Thomas Jefferson was really into the latest gadgets, which I guess is why he’s one of my favorites of the Founding Fathers, along with Benjamin Franklin, for the same reason.

We had some time to walk the grounds after our house tour, even though it was lightly raining.

We saw Mulberry Row, a 1000-foot line of mulberry trees that line the plantation gardens.

Mulberry Row

Mulberry Row

We were told the gardens are laid out just as they were in Jefferson’s day.

Monticello Gardens 1

Monticello Gardens 2

We also enjoyed the museum and exhibits on Jefferson’s life and times.

After eating lunch in Charlottesville, we were ready to head to Appomattox Courthouse, until we discovered it was almost 70 miles away, in the opposite direction of the RV park.  And it was already almost 3 pm.

When I looked at the brochure it said it was about 25 miles away.  But I now realized that was from Richmond, not from Charlottesville.

So we decided to call it a day and try to come back on our way back from Nova Scotia later in the year.

More tomorrow from Reston, VA…

July 5, 2010

Benini Galleries and Sculpture Ranch …

Today we drove over to Gina’s about 12:30 so could finish up the deck project. And by about 4:30 pm everything was wired up and tested.. And it all worked perfectly.

A little later we headed back over to the Italian Garden restaurant, and, as usual, it was delicious. Jan had a pizza this time, Gina had the spaghetti with red clam sauce, and I had the Chicken & Shrimp in a bacon-dill cream sauce. All of this with their great fresh hot bread.

Heading back to Gina’s after supper I finished up some last-minute repairs on some things, and then we headed back to the rig for the night.

Yesterday, I had a teaser about this sculpture on US 290 a couple of miles west of Johnson City, TX.

It turns out that the bull sculpture entitled “Marathon” is part of the Benini Galleries and Sculpture Ranch about 5 miles off the highway.

So here’s a sample of the diverse artwork.


Scuplture 1

“The Blue Saint”

Scuplture 2

The next two are actually wind sculptures that rotate, whirl, and twirl in the breeze.

Scuplture 3

Scuplture 4

“Rancher Memories”

Scuplture 5

July 5, 2011

Seattle Delayed . . .

We were up about 9 to get ready to take the ferry to Seattle, but as it turned out, it was Jan’s turn to be sick, so we’re putting the trip off until tomorrow.

Since it’s been getting warmer the last few days I went ahead and put up the solar screens on the front windows to help keep out some of the heat. The first few days here we didn’t need the AC, but we’ve had it on the last couple of days. And since we’re on 30 amps here, we can only run one AC, so it needs all the help it can get.

We’re still enjoying our new Winegard Automatic satellite dish, and it’s working great. I did find out that it only needs the 12 v when it is finding the satellite. After that, it can be unplugged.

Winegard Carryout

Jan wanted to get a pedicure this afternoon so about 1 we headed out to take care of that. But our first stop was lunch at Arby’s before finding a nearby nail salon and dropping Jan off.

Then I headed off for some errands. My first stop was Wal-Mart where I was looking for the plugs and receptacles I need to finish bypassing my transfer switch so I can easily switch back and forth between power sources. Not finding what I needed there, I was off to Lowe’s where they had exactly what I needed.

My next stop was Radio Shack where I was looking for 50 feet of dual RG-6 cable. It’s two cables molded together as one for hooking up dual satellite feeds.


But they didn’t carry it here so I’ll have to try somewhere else. Finally picking up Jan a little after 3 we headed home

Jan was feeling better by 5 so we headed out to the Family Pancake House where we ate on Sunday morning. Good again.

July 5, 2013

Humphrey’s . . .

A little after 5pm we all headed out for dinner. After some back and forth, we ended up going back to Humphrey’s once again. This time, rather than a burger like last time, I had something similar, but different. A Bacon Cheeseburger Salad, with hamburger meat, bacon, and shredded cheese, on top of a good salad mix with spicy ranch dressing. And of course, sliced pickles and a small side of fries.

Really good.

Later, after sundown, I went outside to check out my new lights. And I was really surprised how much brighter and whiter the LED bulbs are compared to the old ones. And it stays on for about a minute, just like I wanted.

Here’s the latest pic of Landon’s 2nd cousin, Zoe Nadeau. A real cutie, and growing every day.

Zoe Nadeau 6

Tomorrow I have a few more chores I’d like to get done before we leave here on Monday.

July 5, 2014

Counting Down . . .

We again sat outside this morning with our coffee, muffins, and Mister for an hour or so. Really, really nice.

While we were outside, Dick Schell came by with his dog Murphy and invited us over to look at the remodeling he and Phyllis are doing on their rig.

So, leaving for our drive over to Shipshewana about 2pm we stopped off at Dick and Phyllis Schell’s beautiful Super C.

Dick and Phyllis Schell's Rig

It’s a Haulmark, built on a Freightliner chassis, and is really nice.

Getting into Shipshewana, our first stop was E & S Sales, an Amish bulk food market, that we like to visit every time we’re here in Shipshewana.

Mister's Dog Bait

I thought about buying Mister one of these big bags of rawhide dog bones. Figured he could use them as bait to attract dogs. Kind of like hunters set out out feeders to attract deer.

After a stop at the Red Barn Shops, a collection of small individual shops, selling arts and crafts, we headed over to Goshen to have dinner at South Side Soda Shop. But they were closed. I had called Thursday to check, and was told that they would be closed on Friday, but open on Saturday and Sunday.

They lied.

So we stopped and had dinner at the Chili’s between Goshen and Elkhart, and everyone really liked their meal. Applebee’s needs to take a lesson from them.

Brandi, Lowell, and Landon are visiting Lowell’s parents up in Paul’s Valley, OK this week and it looks like Landon’s having a ball. Between sparklers and the waterpark, they’re keeping him busy.

Landon on the 4th of July

Landon on the 4th of July 2

Landon at Water Park 1a

Tomorrow, Sunday, is our last full day in Elkhart for this year. We leave here Monday morning for the Indian Lakes Thousand Trails near Batesville IN for a couple of weeks, then moving on to the Wilmington OH TT for a couple of more weeks before starting our trip back to Houston for Landon’s birthday on the 23rd of August, and then Gate Guarding after that.

July 5, 2015

Last Day in Verde Valley . . .

Jan always records the CBS Sunday Morning show and then we watch it later. Like I’m up early enough to watch it live. Anyway, one segment this morning was about Pie Town, NM and Pie-O-Neer Pies

We stopped in Pie Town and ate at Pie-O-Neer as we headed back to Texas for Brandi’s wedding in June 2010. You can read about it here. June 13, 2010

I finally decided on Cherokee Landing for our two-week Thousand Trails stay in Tennessee starting July 20th. Based on the reviews, it was more a matter of picking the least worst rather than the best one. So we’ll see how it goes and let you know.

About 3:30 we headed out for dinner down in Camp Verde down to Crusty’s Pizza, a regular stop when we’re here at Verde Valley. We love their Baked Spaghetti and always get a couple of the dinners to go.

But this time we decided to get a pizza to eat in as well. Since the dinners come with salad, and salad doesn’t freeze well, we had the salads with the pizza.

Crusty's Salad

A really good salad, though I would prefer less iceberg lettuce and more romaine.

We got a medium pizza with pepperoni, mushrooms, Italian sausage, and meatballs.

Crusty's Pizza

Really, really good, with a lot of flavor. And with the big salads filling us up, we even had a couple of slices left over to for breakfast on the road in a few days.

Getting home, we vacuum-sealed the Spaghetti Dinners and froze them.

Crusty's Pizza 1

As you can see these things are huge, and when divided in half, one dinner feeds both of us when combined with a little bread and salad.

* * * * *

We had a couple of comments to yesterday’s blog concerning Jan’s and my ‘eating’ habits, or maybe ‘eating out’ habits, specifically, our stopping at another restaurant on the way home from the first one.

On average, we probably eat out every other day or so. On the in-between days, it may be leftovers from our eating out, or Jan may fix something. But it’s up to Jan.

When we retired and hit the road in February 2008, we both retired. From whatever we wanted to retire from. And that includes Jan fixing meals. Jan’s a good cook, I mean, I was skinny when we got married. But now she cooks when she wants to cook. And if she doesn’t, we eat out. It’s up to her.

As far as stopping at one restaurant on the way home from another, we stopped at Hog Wild BBQ  to pick up some BBQ to freeze and take with us on the road.

Hey, it works for us.

July 5, 2016

It’s Scary When Your Cat Can Tell Time . . .

With today’s temps pushing 100°, I’ve really been happy with the performance of the new Coleman Mach 15 AC unit that we installed last August

The old Coleman Mach V was still working, but seemed to have lost its oomph. I probably could tried topping off the Freon, but I really wanted a bigger unit that handled the Texas temps a little better.

And going from a 13,500 BTU unit to a 15,000 BTU one, plus a stronger fan, really makes a difference. Today, with the thermostat set at 75°, and the outside temp at 99, the unit was still able to cycle on and off all afternoon. So it’s doing its job. Nice.

Unlike a lot of other RV parks, if we hadn’t looked at the calendar, we would have never known it was the 4th of July weekend. No golf cart parades, no fireworks, no nothing. Of course the whole ‘no fireworks’ thing was probably due to the ‘Absolutely No Fireworks! signs posted around.

We did drive down to the river area Sunday on the way back from Schobel’s and there were more people down there, but I’ve certainly seen the park busier on non-holiday weekends in the past.

After I mentioned about getting a 30-day gate code here, and wondering if they had annual and employee codes, Barbara Spade, friend and Ranger here, confirmed that they do have both annual and employee codes, as well as remotes.

Miss Karma can apparently tell time, or maybe her stomach can. Every day at 4:30, plus or minus about 5 minutes, she comes out from wherever she’s been sleeping, (usually on the dashboard) parks herself in front of Jan, and starts meowing.

It’s dinner time, and she knows it. Scary!

The WE Channel has been running a Law & Order marathon tonight, starting with the very first episode in 1990. Either I didn’t see these at the time, or I’ve completely forgotten them in the intervening 26 years, I imagine it’s the latter, but it’s like watching a brand-new show. The first thing I noticed is that everyone is smoking, and that Chris Noth looks about 18.

But one thing that kept bugging me was the opening musical theme. It just didn’t sound right. But after a couple of episodes, I finally figured it out.

it’s in the wrong key. And it’s in the wrong key because they’ve sped it up.

And they’ve sped it up to make it shorter so they can cram more commercials into the hour.

July 5, 2017

It’s Always The Little Things. . .

About 1:30 Jan and I drove up to La Grange for a Wal-Mart run, our first WM visit since we got back to the Houston area a couple of weeks ago.

Going through withdrawal. Or at least Jan is.

We found out this morning that we lost another RV friend, Judy Benson, to a long bout with cancer. We first met Judy and her husband, Pat in 2008 when we were workcamping in Fairbanks, AK, and have kept in touch ever since, including visiting them at their home in Draper, UT, just south of Salt Lake City, in 2010.

Pat and Judy

Then they surprised us in 2014 with a visit to one of our gate-guarding locations near Bryan/College Station when they came by with their daughter.


Pat passed away a year ago this coming Saturday, with Judy passing almost exactly a year later, on the 4th. Our condolences to the family. They will both be missed.

July 5, 2018

Happy ‘Belated’ 4th of July . . .

Especially To All The Veterans.

Statue Of Liberty 4th of July

We appreciate your service to our country.

Today, the 4th, was a very nice do-nothing day here at the Rancho Blanco RV. We had BBQ and we never even left the rig.

Besides the Lawler’s BBQ we brought home from my aunt Virginia’s last night, we had some leftovers from Sonny’s, Rendezvous, and Jim & Nick’s to add to the feast. Then for dessert, we had some delicious sweet ripe cantaloupe also from my aunt.

We still have not brought the TV upfront or put the DirecTV dish out. And somehow we don’t really miss it. Jan does have one show that she really likes that starts back up next Tuesday after we get back to Houston, so maybe then.

We’ll see.

Regular readers know I always have a backup plan . . .  for everything. Kind of like the old saying, “Be polite to everyone you meet, but have a plan to kill them if necessary.”

And I have one for my generator problem too.

I now seem to have two problems with signals coming from the controller board on the genset. Last summer I lost the the START signal coming to the solenoid/starter from the controller board. So my backup plan was to wire in one of those remote starter switches you use when tuning up your car. So now it’s push down the GEN START button on the dash and pull the trigger on the remote.

So when I discovered that I didn’t have 12 volts coming from the controller to the governor actuator, I was hoping another kludge would get me running. So I jumpered 12 volts directly to the actuator while Jan cranked it over.

No luck.

I’ve got a couple of more things I want to check, but now that I seem to have lost two signals from the controller board, for the starter and the actuator, I’m looking at the possibility of a dying controller board.

And a new board looks to be about $1500 from Onan-Cummins. Ouch!

Of course, then I would be looking at putting that amount of money into a 19-year-old unit that could easily die from something else expensive . . . the very next day.

So here’s my backup plan.

Predator 8750

Predator 8750 Generator

It’s a 7 kw (compared to 7.5 kw for the Onan) running watts generator from Harbor Freight. The online reviews seem to be pretty good, and at 22” x 23” x 27’ it’s smaller than the Onan, and at 183 pounds, it’s about 240 pounds lighter than the Onan.

It has a 240-volt twistlock plug that could be wired up for the rig, giving me about 30 amps per leg vs. 35 amps for the Onan, so not a lot of difference. Especially since our Coleman 15K BTU unit only draws about 15 amps, and our 13.5K BTU one draws even less.

It also comes with a 120 volt 30 amp twistlock receptacle, 4 GFCI protected 120 volt receptacles, and a 12volt output.

Even better, it has electric start if you hook up a 12-volt battery to it. But I won’t need a separate battery since I’ll just use the 12v line that comes into the Onan starter now.

It uses standard unleaded gas, and the 6-gallon tank will run the unit for 10 to 12 hours, probably longer than we’ve ever driven in a day.

I still haven’t given up on the Onan generator, but I’m prepared.

The power went off about 10:15pm last night and stayed off until a little before midnight. Then it went back off a little after midnight, so finally, I gave up, posted the No Blog Tonight message from my phone, and went to bed.

This morning I did website stuff for a while and then went back to poring over the Onan service manual trying to get a handle on the sequence of things during startup. As part of this, I’m making a list of questions to ask them.

I didn’t feel so bad last night when I went outside to check if all the power was off, or if it was just me. I ran into a couple of other guys doing the same thing. And neither of their generators worked either. The guy next door in the big, brand new 5th wheel said his generator cranks and runs, but never puts power to the coach. I told him it was probably a transfer switch problem and he said, “What’s that?”

I think he was just as new as the RV. So I explained it to him, and told him it was probably part of his inverter and he should check for a blown fuse or popped breaker.

The other guy had a 2016 Expedition, and his generator wouldn’t even crank. So it’s not just me.

A little before 1pm Jan and headed over to my cousin Anna Jean’s (CuzAnna) house to see her and her sister Marjorie and her husband Walter who were meeting us there.

Anna Jean Margorie and Walter with Jan

My mother, Anna Jean, and Marjorie were all first cousins, so I guess that makes us second cousins. Anyway, we had a great time catching up on all the family and near-family gossip, and even about my ex-girlfriends here, with some good and some bad stuff that happened to them.

We talked for about 4 hours until I think we all started getting hoarse. When we finally headed out I noticed all the beautiful Tiger Lilies covering her side yard.

Anna Jean's Tiger Lilies

Really striking flowers.

Getting back on the road we make the 15-mile trip south to Decatur to have dinner at another of our favorites, Big Bob Gibson’s BBQ, a local institution. And listed as one of the 10 Best BBQ joints in the US.

The walls are covered floor to ceiling with plaques, and big trophies like these

Big Bob Gibson's Awards 2

Big Bob Gibson's Awards 3

are scattered around the dining room.

I had the 2 meat combo plate with ribs, pulled pork, beans, and turnip greens, And as usual I had leftovers.

Big Bob Gibson's Combo Plate 3

while Jan had a 1/4 white meat chicken dinner with beans and a side salad.

All really delicious, and well worth the trip down here.

Then coming back up to Athens, we made a quick WalMart stop and then it was back to the rig.

Hope the power stays on tonight.

July 5, 2019

With Disdain . . .

I hate Apple products.

Unlike most days at work where I get to do things I enjoy, like play with computer stuff,  I spent most of today doing something I hate, i.e. working on something Apple . . . actually anything Apple.

Which today meant trying to set up my client’s new iPhone 8+. Went round and round several times just trying to get the Apple ID configured and everything updated.

Just a real mess.

My feelings actually started with disdain though, before moving on to hatred. The ‘disdain’ started back in the early days of the Macintosh when a reporter asked Steve Jobs why the Mac had a one-button mouse while the PC mouse had two.

Jobs said the average user was too stupid to operate a two-button mouse.

But my disdain metamorphosed into pure hatred when I actually had to repair them. In 1998 I was doing tech support at the University of Houston – Clear Lake. We were an authorized Apple Repair Center since we had so many Apple products.

At that time Apple was the go-to computer for pretty much anything to do with computer graphics, video, or desktop publishing, so we had 100’s of units scattered in classrooms all over campus.

One product we had a number of was the Apple Color LaserWriter, probably the only printer that needed regular oil changes. There was an open pan at the bottom of the printer inside the case, kind of like a cookie sheet, that held a layer of very slippery silicone oil.

This oil was used to keep the fuser clean and had to be changed out at stated internals, which was almost impossible to do without spilling some on the floor. Which then created a hazardous area and had to be surrounded by orange cones. This was due to the fact that the oil made the floor so slippery it was like trying to walk on ice.

Plus if someone bumped the table holding the printer, oil would splash out from the open pan and onto the floor, again creating a hazardous area, surrounded by orange cones.

Another Apple product that we had to repair was the 21” Studio Display Monitor like this one.

Apple Studio Display Monitor

Steve always seemed to have favored esthetics over function and reparability, and one of his favorite peeves was to not have any visible screws or fastenings on the outside of the case.

And the Display Monitor was just such a beast. The rear cover was just a rounded dome that was press-fitted onto the chassis. The factory service manual listed the tools necessary to remove the cover as 4 strong metal fingernail files and 2 dozen wooden popsicle sticks.

Yep! 2 dozen popsicle sticks!

You were to jam a nail file into the seemingly air-tight seam, hopefully making enough of a gap to be able to wedge a popsicle into the opening. You then proceeded to work your way around the rim, jamming and wedging as you go, just like changing a big truck tire.

Oh, and the reason you need four fingernail files? It’s because you’ll break at least two of them working your way around the rim.

But the manual neglects to tell you one important thing.

The dome is essentially spring-loaded as it’s pressed on at the factory. So at some unknown-to-you point, the heavy dome comes loose, flies across the room, and of course, smashes into a brand-new, VERY expensive, LED monitor, knocking it to the floor in pieces.

Then, of course, there’s the infamous ‘melting’ G4 Cubes.

Mac G4 Cube

The G4 was a small (7” x 7” x 7”) computer that also illustrated another of Job’s pet peeves. He didn’t like cooling fans or the noise they made.

So the G4 depended on convection cooling for the components, pulling air in at the bottom of the case and exhausting it out through the top grill. Now that may have worked in mild San Francisco, but not in the Houston area.

The much higher humidity here, even in the air-conditioned buildings, meant that the whole convection cooling thing just didn’t work very well. And the heat buildup made the grill on top of the case start to sag and crack.


Happily, for this reason, and lack of expandability, killed the G4 off in just a couple of years.

July 5, 2020

Good And Crispy . . .

After I posted the blog last night I realized that I had forgotten to post the photo of the two beautiful young women I ran into at Grimaldi’s yesterday.

Grimaldi's Pizza Jan and Piper

Well, actually I brought them with me.

You can’t have a 4th of July weekend without BBQ, so this afternoon Jan and I had a late lunch at the Spring Creek BBQ over on the Interstate. Delicious Baby Back Ribs as always, as well as a basket of their really good, crispy Fried Okra.

July 5, 2021

Sous Vide Ribs . . .

OK, relax, people!

No, we’re not in distress. And No, that’s not a ‘Pride’ umbrella either.

The flag pole doesn’t really have a top or bottom to it. You just assemble the 3 sections and then the flag itself has ring clamps on it that slide along the pole and then tighten down.

What I didn’t notice was that as I was trying to keep my balance, standing on the top step of the stepladder, trying to get the flag pole fastened to the umbrella pole, I had gotten it upside down. And since the flag itself was kind of wrapped around the pole, neither of us noticed it later either.

Patio with Flag

A little before 3pm we were in the final countdown to our ribs with 1 minute to go.

Sous Vide 1 Minute

Coming out of the vacuum bags, and patted dry, our ribs looked like this. And actually they were already very tasty and completely done.

And I was happy to see that water in the cooler was still clean and clear which meant that none of the bags had leaked.

Sous Vide Ribs 1

Basted with sauce on the meaty side first, they were on the Weber grill getting a nice char on the outside.

Sous Vide Ribs 2

For the next 20 minutes or so, it was back and forth, basting each time, building up that crunchy outside that Jan and I both like.

Sous Vide Ribs 3

And a few minutes later, they were on our plates, along with loaded potato salad and Bacon & Bourbon Baked Beans.

And the ribs were just as described in the recipe. Tender, juicy, but not soggy. Almost fall-off-the-bone, but not quite. A crunchy sweet crust on the outside and moist on the inside.

In other words, they were DELICIOUS!  Have-Again and Again delicious! And actually very easy to do, all things considered, since a lot of the time was spent double-checking things as I went along.

Next up, Ribeye’s and Sirloin Strips.

This Just In:

In a major announcement that has shaken the computer community to its core, Microsoft has revealed that in the upcoming Windows 11, the dreaded Blue Screen of Death (BSOD), the screen that tells you that your computer has thrown up its hands and died, will now be BLACK!

Uhhh? Isn’t that racist, now?

July 5, 2022

Landon-Sitting . . .

As I mentioned in yesterday’s blog, Jan snagged a last-minute Landon-sitting gig up in Katy at Brandi’s, so we headed out about 10am to meet her at the Cheddar’s on the Sam Houston Tollway and Westpark.

Brandi said that she didn’t want lunch, so we got there early to have lunch beforehand.

Jan got the Blackened Whitefish with Steamed Broccoli and Green Beans,

Cheddar's Blackened Fish 20220705

while I got my usual 4 Veggie Plate,

Cheddar's Veggie Plate 20220705

starting with a House Salad.

Cheddar's Salad 2

And of course one of their delicious Honey Butter Croissants.

Then Brandi showed up about noon and whisked Jan away and I headed home.

After letting it cool off outside for a while, I went out and installed my new window regulator in the Dakota. So now I have a working driver’s side window once again. I’ll reinstall the door panel in the next couple of days.

July 5, 2023

The One Jan Usually Forgets . . .

Today is our 56th Anniversary. Well, the Anniversary of the day we met in Titusville in 1967.

While Jan lived in Titusville after her father retired from the Air Force there, I was just down from my home in Alabama bumming around for the summer. I had been staying with my aunt and uncle over in Sanford for a week or so and was checking out the want ads for a summer job.

The one that attracted my attention was one looking for someone to take care of the animals and do the performance shows for the tourists at Florida Wonderland, a Titusville tourist attraction. And even better, it included room and board.

So on Monday, the 3rd of July I made the 35 mile trip over to Titusville, and found the place right on US A1A and the Indian River at Hwy 50.

Florida Wonderland Sign


While the main part of the attraction was on the other side of the road, I was going to be working at the Marine Life Center across the road and right on the Indian River.

Florida Wonderland Marine Life

Originally started by Johnny Weissmuller of ‘Tarzan’ fame in the late 50’s, it was then known as Tropical Wonderland. But somewhere along the line, Johnny faded away and it became Florida Wonderland, and was owned by the Kirk family, one of whom, Claude Kirk, was then Governor of the state.

I started on the 5th of July, and besides doing the animal acts for the public, I also took care of the two porpoises, the two manatees, the 15ft alligator, the large elephant seal, a large tortoise, and a number of other animals. And that meant keeping the 100 pounds of fish that were delivered each day iced down so it wouldn’t spoil.

Noticing that there wasn’t an ice machine there, I was told to take a couple of buckets over to the Miss Kitty’s Saloon and bring back the ice across the road as I needed it.


Besides the carnival rides, petting zoo, and other attractions, they also had a Western town, with bank robberies, gunfights, and other Western stuff. And of course, what’s a Western town without a saloon? In this case, Miss Kitty’s Pleasure Palace & Saloon, soft drinks only, of course.

Miss Kitty's Pleasure Palace

And of course, every ‘Pleasure Palace’ has an ice machine.

So, 56 years ago today, I walked through the swinging doors carrying my two buckets to find several young women dressed in period clothes. But the one that caught my eye was a tall, long-legged strawberry blonde.

Here’s her photo from the year before.

And here’s a photo from 8 years later. Still a tall, long-legged, beautiful strawberry blonde.

Jan and Brandi 1975

And here she is today. Still beautiful.

And that’s how it all started.

But it almost didn’t start, because it took me a week or so to get her to go out with me. Luckily I’m persistent. And I think management wondered why I needed so much more ice than usual.

She said later that she thought I was just another ‘stuck-up college guy’. Well, I don’t know about ‘stuck up’, but I was in college, was skinny, and had hair.

And I drove a ‘65 Triumph Spitfire like this one. Except mine had a rollbar and a white racing stripe down the center

1965 Triumph Spitfire

So in looking back, Jan and I have had 57 years together because I didn’t want fish to go bad.

It’s always the little things.







Happy 4th . . .

Lunch today was of course the BBQ we brought home from Rudy’s yesterday. Just as great as always, especially the Cream Corn. After that we pretty much just read, napped, and computered.

Very nice.

After their almost total success of #4, SpaceX is hoping to launch StarShip #5 by the end of July, and also hopes to try out Mechzilla, the ‘Chopstick’ system that SpaceX hopes will be able to catch a returning StarShip in mid-air at the launch pad like this.

This will allow much faster turn-around in stacking the ship on top of a new booster.

Here’s an animation of the process.

And here’s a photo of a recent nighttime SpaceX Falcon 9 launch over San Diego.

I mentioned before at the new Buc-ee’s that recently opened out west in Luling. The Luling location was the first ‘big’ Buc-ee’s, opening in 2003. The previous versions were pretty much just regular convenience stores, though larger than most.

But over the years, as they opened locations around the country, the Luling location became the smallest one.  So a couple of years ago they embarked on a plan to fix this. But rather than enlarge the old one, they built a new, 80,000 sq.ft. one right next door.

And Buc-ee’s is saying that the Luling location will never be eclipsed by another bigger one.

So I was wondering what they were going to do with the old? I thought maybe a warehouse, or something else. But I didn’t expect this.

Original Texas Buc-ee’s location is destroyed in massive fire

Buc-ee’s superfans were left heartbroken after the original location of the iconic chain was destroyed in a massive Monday fire.

Emergency services from multiple agencies responded to the blaze around 10.30am at the store in Luling, Texas, and blocked off the area as fire crews fought to control the blaze.

Photos shared online by the Luling Fire Department showed enormous plumes of smoke, contrasting with the chain’s happy, smiling beaver mascot.

I mentioned a while back about my wayward Amazon package that was shipped out via the U.S. Post Office on June 20th. Well, as of July 4th, it’s still wandering in the wilderness.

According to the USPS tracking, it left Wesley Chapel, FL on June 20th and was at the North Houston Distribution Center on the 23rd. Now normally it would move down to the Santa Fe PO and be out the next day. But in this case, it disappeared for 5 days before showing up in Friendswood. And according to the tracking, there it sits.

So this past Tuesday. July 2nd, I called the Friendswood PO to see if I could get it moving in the right direction. But in 4 tries, I never got an answer. So I called the Santa Fe PO, and seemed to get some help.

But the guy said that his tracking said the package was still at the North Houston location, and not Friendswood, but that he would get it moving. However, as of now, it’s still in Friendswood. Or maybe North Houston.

I don’t know, and it seems the USPS doesn’t either.

Thought For The Day:

We’ve been a country for 248 years.

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government.

It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury.

From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship.

The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years.

These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance;

From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage. — Alexander Fraser Tytler, 1747-1813

Your Retro-Preview Highlights –

2009 – Happy Birthday, America

2010 – Fredericksburg 4th Parade And Camels

2020 – Pizza With Miss Piper

And Now On To Today’s Retro-Blogs.™

July 4, 2009

Happy Birthday, America!

Today is our country’s birthday, and where better to be, then the birthplace of the writer of the Declaration of Independence,  Virginia and Thomas Jefferson.

Happy Birthday, America!

Tomorrow, we will visit Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson, but today we’re going to stay around the coach and enjoy the day.

We’re staying at the Small Country Campground in Louisa, VA, about 20 miles southeast of Charlottesville, VA.

Small Country Campground

This place is really out in the country, but our site is basically a large gravel parking lot.  This area is the only one left that will fit our rig, so we really can’t complain.

Well, we can’t… but Mister can.  He doesn’t like it, at all.  The large chunks of gravel hurt his feet, and of course, there’s nowhere for him to roll around on the ground.  He’s not a happy camper.

We are having BBQ this 4th of July.  We have leftovers from our stopover at Famous Dave’s yesterday.  Ribs, pulled pork, baked beans, corn on the cob, fried apples, with peaches and ice cream for dessert.

Hmmm, Gooood!

We were happy to see the park was having a fireworks show, but weren’t expecting much.  Boy, were we surprised!

The show lasted over 30 minutes.  It didn’t have as much variety as some city/county shows we saw around Houston, but it made for it in quantity.

Everyone started setting up about 8 pm with the kids being given sparklers to play with.


Fireworks 1

And then about 9 pm the show began…

Fireworks 2

Fireworks 3

Fireworks 4

Fireworks 5

Fireworks 6

Fireworks 7

Fireworks 8

Fireworks 9

We’re really enjoying the cool temperatures here.  It was 59 last night and will only get to about 69 tomorrow.  Of course, it is also supposed to rain, so we’ll see.

As I said, tomorrow we’re going to visit Monticello, and maybe, if we have time, Appomattox Courthouse, where the South surrendered at the end of the Civil War.

July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July…

Our friend Gina was under the weather this morning, so about 10:30 am we headed out for Fredericksburg by ourselves, promising to bring her back supper.

Our first stop after arriving in Fredericksburg was Der Lindenbaum, our favorite German restaurant. We’ve been eating there for a number of years with our family. Our daughter-in-law Linda’s mother was born in Germany, and Linda knows good German food. And she says this is some of the best she’s eaten.

Jan and I both had the Jager Schnitzel, which is a thin breaded pork cutlet in a wine sauce with fresh mushrooms, and comes with German potato salad and red cabbage. And it was delicious!

And we got the same thing to take home to Gina.

And along with the great food, our timing was perfect too. We left the restaurant just in time for the 4th of July parade.

Parade 1

Everybody needs their own tank.

Parade 2

A great-looking SS396 Chevelle.

Parade 3

Parade 4

Parade 5

Parade 6

First time I’ve seen a real airplane as a float. Apparently, it’s flyable. They just took the wings off for the parade.

Parade 7

Parade 8

And what’s a Texas parade without horses?

Parade 9

And, as they say in Fredericksburg, TX, “Das ist Alles, Y’all!” ***

Parade 10

After the parade was over we headed back toward Canyon Lake, stopping off at the Walmart just outside of Fredericksburg to get the wire nuts I needed to complete Gina’s deck project.

A few miles further out of Fredericksburg, we encountered camels. Why we don’t know. But there are 6 of them, including a baby.

Camels 1

Camels 2

Camels 3

About 2 miles out of Johnson City, we saw this chrome sculpture of a bull along the side of the road. It’s been here for years, but today we decided to investigate further.

Scuplture 1

But you’ll have to come back here tomorrow to see what we found out.

How’s that for a cliffhanger?

We got back to Gina’s about 4 pm and dropped off her Jager Schnitzel, and then headed back to the rig.

*** That’s All, Folks!

July 4, 2011

4th of July–Redux . . .

Things started up about 10 this morning with coffee and bagels, the coffee courtesy of our new Mr. Coffee.

Mr. Coffee

Our old one apparently met his untimely end due to our recent electrical problems.

Then around 12:30 Jan fixed us some lunch while we waited for our LandonSkyping call.

About 1pm the call came thru and we were on the air. Brandi, Lowell, and Landon are in Oklahoma this weekend visiting Lowell’s parents, so they were Skyping from the hotel where they had Internet service.

It looks like Landon is just about ready to walk. He stands up on his own now, he just needs to take a few steps.

And he’s also got two upper teeth coming in to match his two bottom ones.

Landon Skype 171

Landon Skype173

Our call lasted for about 15 minutes, and reminded us how wonderful this technology is that lets us keep in touch like this. And it’s also nice to realize that we’ll be seeing everyone in the middle of August at the family reunion at Jan’s sister Debbie’s place in southern Illinois. We’re really looking forward to it.

When we were finished with the call I headed to the Camping World in Tacoma about 40 miles away. They were having a sale today on the Winegard CarryOut Automatic Satellite Dish and I wanted to check it out.

Winegard Carryout

Our old manual dish is starting to show its age and at our last two parks, I’ve had problems getting a good signal. In fact yesterday, I helped the RV’er behind us get a 90 on his dish, and when I sat mine right by his, all I could get was 49.


So it was time to think about updating, and I liked the idea of just being able to set it down, plug it in, and let it find the satellite signal on its own.

I was concerned about whether or not it had two outputs for our DVR, but after looking at it, it looked like it would work, so I brought one home.

When we first got it home we couldn’t get it to lock onto a signal, but after moving it to another location it worked fine and locked on almost immediately. I then was able to hook up the 2nd video line and got both tuners to work. So it looks like it’s a keeper.

Tomorrow we’re going to take the Ferry over to Seattle and explore the market area. Should be fun.

July 4, 2013

It’s Was A Tie . . .

Jan was up early this morning because she wanted to attend an 8:30am seminar. Lucky for me, she took the golf cart shuttle taxi over to the Cam-Plex so I didn’t have to get up early.

That’s my sweetie!

I got up at my usual 10am, and after coffee, Jan was back at the rig for the afternoon. We both ended up having nice naps, before we all headed over to the Cam-Plex about 5pm for the closing ceremonies and the dinner buffet.

It was after 7:30 when we got back to the rig, but the night wasn’t over. Fireworks were scheduled for either 9:30 or 10:00, depending on which brochure you wanted to believe.

We had all planned to meet over at Charles and Chris Yust’s rig to watch the fireworks from there, but Mother Nature had other ideas. A little after 9pm, a light rain and a lot of lightning moved into the area. After checking the weather radar, we decided to just sit in our truck and watch the lights through the windshield.

In fact it seems like they started the show early because of the oncoming weather.

Escapade Fireworks 1

Escapade Fireworks 2

Escapade Fireworks 3

Escapade Fireworks 4

The really spectacular part of the show was the fact that the fireworks were interspersed with a lot of big lightning bolts, many of them cloud to cloud behind the fireworks. It was kind of like dueling banjos, but with fireworks. A really neat sight.

Brandi sent over these pics of Landon’s 4th, watermelon and all.

Landon on 4th- 10

Landon on 4th- 7

Landon on 4th- 8

Love those Día de Muertos (Day of the Dead) swimming trunks he’s got on.

Landon on 4th- 5

Not sure what we’re doing tomorrow. It kind of depends on the weather. I’ve got a couple of things I want to do around the rig, but that might have to wait. We’ll see.

Last up, a big Thank You to Daryl and Cheri Lawrence of Lawrence RV Accessories for their usual great customer service. Cheri had given me some replacement caps for the sensors on my TireTraker Tire Pressure Monitoring System since I had a couple that were cracked.


But on one of them, the top part of the cap broke off but the threaded part was stuck on the sensor. I used successively more force trying to get the stuck part off until I broke the battery clip on the sensor. Oops.

I called Daryl and Cheri to see if they left the area yet because I wanted to buy a new sensor to replace the one I broke. They were still in the area, and a little while later appeared at our rig door with a new sensor at no charge. Now that’s what I call service.

Every RV’er should have a tire pressure monitoring system for both his RV and his vehicle, and the TireTraker is one of the best. Check it out.

July 4, 2014

Back To Shipshewana . . .

About 11am, Jan and I (and Mister) sat outside for a while with our coffee and just enjoyed the nice cool weather, 67 degrees at 11am.

I’ve almost got the new blog ready to go. I finally got the blog subscription widget to work, so you will be able to receive the blog post via email just like on the old blog. But you will have to re-subscribe. There is no way to transfer subscribers to the new blog.

The only thing I’m still trying to do is to add vertical separator bars between the sidebars and the content. I tried several different things so far, including writing some new CCS code. But it either doesn’t work at all or completely screws up the page. But I’ll keep working at it.

A little after 2, Jan and I headed out for some shopping. Our first stop was a craft store right up the road that’s having a Going Out of Business Sale. Jan found a couple of pair of earrings she liked and I found this T-Rex wooden puzzle for Landon.

Big Tyrannosauras

Big Tyrannosaurus

It’s really neat. He loves dragons and dinosaurs, so I hope he likes it too.

Our next stop was Martin’s for a few things, especially their made-in-the-store pimento cheese, really, really good.

Coming back to the park, we dropped off our pimento cheese and other stuff, before Jan and I headed down to Wal-Mart for some things that Martin’s doesn’t carry. Wal-Mart was busy, but not as busy as you might think on July 4th.

Getting back about 4:30, we settled in for a while before Jan heated up some of the pizza from our Mancino’s Pizza visit the other night. Just about as good as then.

Tomorrow we may do a drive down to the Shipshewana area one last time. We’ll see.

July 4, 2015

They Lied . . .

Based on our visit to La Fonda the other day, their sign said they’d be open until 2pm today, July 4th. But when we got there a few minutes after 1pm for our last Mexican fix here at Verde Valley, they were already closed for the day.

They lied.

But a family in the parking lot with us recommended Concho’s up in Cottonwood near the DQ so off we went. And it was well worth the trip.

Concho's Mexican Restaurant

Like many of our favorite places, it’s another hole-in-the-wall place right off the main drag in Cottonwood. it was only after we got inside that I checked Yelp and found they had 4 1/2 stars

And when they brought our meal, it was easy to see why.

Concho's Platter

We both got #18, with a Chili Relleno, Ground Beef Enchilada, and a Ground Beef Tostado, and of course, with Rice and Beans. It was all great, the salsa, the chips, and everything on the plates, especially the Chili Relleno. It was stuffed full of cheese, and actually had some heat to it. And the portions were so big, we had some to take home.

The only downside, at least for Jan, was the iced tea. Unfortunately, it wasn’t fresh brewed, but came out off a soft drink dispenser like Coke or Pepsi. It has a taste that Jan just doesn’t like. Me, I just add more lemon and sugar, well, Equal, anyway, and struggle through.

When we come back to this area, probably in a couple of years, it’s going to be hard to decide between La Fonda and Concho’s. But better too many choices than not enough, right?

Leaving Concho’s we drove on into Old Town Cottonwood to pick up some cupcakes from Wild Irish Rose. And we were almost too late. They bake cupcakes in the morning, and when they run out, they’re out.

So we got the last 3, a Chocolate Chip, and two Salted Caramels. Guess we’ll have to get there earlier next time. Or two years from now.

Coming back toward home, we made a stop at Hog Wild BBQ to pick up a pound of BBQ to go, a half pound of Pulled Pork and a half pound of Beef. We plan on vacuum-sealing and freezing it to have later on the road. Lastly, we made a quick Wal-Mart stop for a few things, and then home.

We had thought about taking in the fireworks show at the Verde Valley Fairgrounds in Cottonwood, but it rained on and off pretty much all day, and was supposed to be raining tonight, so we passed.

Tomorrow we’ll start wrapping up and packing up to get ready to leave Monday morning. We both agree we’re really looking forward to getting back on the road.

July 4, 2019

Happy 4th of July . . .

Since my sciatica seemed to be tapering off the last couple of days, I was hoping that today would continue in that direction, but no such luck.

My leg pain returned about 4:30 am and that was pretty much it for sleeping the rest of the morning. And because my problem seemed to easing up, I had decided not to call my doctor yesterday and try to get an appointment for next week.

So now I’ll have to wait until Monday to try for an opening. Actually what I really want is to get some more Tramadol. Though when I say ‘more’,  I really mean ‘some’ for me.

Because what I’ve been taking is some that Jan had from her latest kidney stone problem. I tried Tramadol because nothing else worked, not Advil, and not the Salon Pas patches, both of which have worked on other pains.

But the Tramadol only lasts 4 to 6 hours before I have to take more. However, so far the only real side effect I’ve noticed is that it’s harder to pee. Which strangely enough is not one listed on any side effect list I’ve found.

Kind of important to me, though

And though Tramadol is listed as an opioid, it was originally an over-the-counter analgesic. but due to addiction problems being reported, it was listed as a Schedule IV narcotic in 2014.

However, I haven’t noticed any of that. In fact, I’d rather not take it, if something else would work. But it’s pretty much the only way I get to sleep at night. So we’ll see what my doctor says.

About 1:30 pm Jan and I drove over to Texas City and our favorite Yummy Yummy Chinese Buffet. They were having a 4th of July special at $9.99 and were really busy. Especially since they had Crawfish on the buffet.

Not many places have all you can eat Crawfish for only $10. Saw one guy on his 3rd or 4th plateful. Of course, I can’t really talk since I kind of do the same thing with the Cold Boiled Shrimp.

Later, coming home we took a detour to check out the new FM646 underpass at I-45. Glad to see it finally open.

Miss Piper is embarking on a new path in her career. Recently she’s been working on an internship at a local psychologist’s office, and really enjoyed it. But that wound down when the office, having financial problems, shut down.

And Piper, deciding she liked the Texas Hill Country life that her mother and father have moved to, and with her apartment lease up in Clear Lake, moved up to the Burnet area near Chris and Linda.

And then in one of those serendipity moments, she got a call from a company based on her LinkedIn profile. They were looking for someone with her psychology experience to work as a C.C.J.A.P. (Certified Criminal Justice Addiction Professional).

And then they said, “Would you mind moving up to Burnet?”

“Well, as it happens . . .

She’s being hired to counsel individuals who are incarcerated and/or receiving court-ordered substance abuse treatment services. She’ll be working at a minimum security women’s prison in the Burnet area, one that houses only substance abuse inmates.

She starts Monday, first of course, with HR, and an orientation. And a Self Defense class too.

But the big thing is that they’re sending her off to school to get her CCJAP certification, which supposedly is pretty expensive if you try to do it on your own. But they’re paying for everything, including travel, hotel, and a car.

She’s really looking forward to it.

Finishing up, I was just researching sciatica treatments, and one of them is a TENS unit. So I checked Amazon and found this one.


TENS Plus Unit

It’s only about $37 so I ordered one that will be here on Monday. Hopefully, it will work. But we’ll see.

July 4, 2020

Pizza and Piper . . .

Happy 4th of July

Happy Fourth of July!

Jan and I headed up to Katy about 10:30 to meet up with our granddaughter Piper where she was housesitting at her aunt Brandi’s while they were up in Oklahoma visiting Lowell’s parents.

After a short conversation, Jan and I drove over to the nearby Grimaldi’s Pizzeria, followed by Miss Piper in her car. We had been to this location several times before, nice because it’s only about 10 minutes from Brandi’s.

We started out with our usual, the Small House Salad, which is small in name only.

Gramaldi's Small Salad

And the ‘small’  salad was enough for all 3 of us with some leftover that didn’t get eaten due to saving room for pizza.

Piper went the white pizza route with the Prosciutto Arugula Pizza, topped with thinly sliced prosciutto, shaved cheese blend and fresh arugula.


While Jan and I did the more traditional thing with The Don, topped with Italian Sausage, Meatballs, and Pepperoni. To which we added Mushrooms, Bacon, and Jalapenos.

Grimaldi's Pizza Piper

Really, really good, and we all had some to bring home.

July 4, 2021

Happy 4th of July, America!

While we were outside with our coffee this morning, we made what I hope is the final addition to our sticker collection.

When we were over in Gulf Shores we made our usual stop at the Ron Jon Surf Shop in Orange Beach and got one of their stickers for our Jeep.

Jeep with Ron Jon Sticker

Unlike a lot of places, Ron Jon’s gives these away free, which is why you see them everywhere. And now on our Jeep.

Ron Jon’s also has kind of a personal connection for Jan and I. On one of our first dates, we drove over to Cocoa Beach to check out their store. I had used a couple of their boards for several years, so I wanted to see where they came from.

Now back then, Ron Jon’s was a small, narrow storefront, basically a double-wide aisle with surfboards propped up side by side down the way.

Ron Jon's Cocoa Beach

And I was told that if you said the magic word, you could buy pot in the back room. And I think the word was ‘pot’, though I never tried it.

Of course, now Ron Jon’s is big-time conglomerate with the Cocoa Beach store now covering a full block of prime beach real estate.

Ron Jon's Cocoa Beach Now 2

And of course, now they’ve got locations all around the world, and even several vacation resorts.

About 2pm I set up the cooler and, after stacking the rib packs inside, I filled it up to the immersion cooker water line using the 130° water from the rig.

Sous Vide Rib StartUp

According to the InkbirdSmart’s control panel, the water temp dropped down to about 110° due to the cold bags of ribs. But I was surprised at how quickly the water temp started to rise, and in less than 30 minutes, the temp had reached 150° and the 24-hour cycle countdown started.

Cooler Cooker at Work

So our meal should be done about 2:45pm tomorrow afternoon. Yum!

Right after I got things started, we headed over to our local Denny’s for our Ultimate Omelets. Then coming home we made an unplanned stop at Cowboy Coffee here in Santa Fe. I say ‘unplanned’ because normally they’re closed on Sunday, and especially on a Holiday Sunday. But not wanting to pass up a chance for Cowboy’s coffee, we pulled in. Turns out this was a one-time thing, opening from 12pm to 4pm, since it seems a lot of people were out and about, and stopped by just like us.

And when we left, we had our Cold, Blended Sugar-Free Hazelnut Lattes, a copy of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, and a bunch of sparklers for our own celebration tonight.

A nice surprise.

July 4, 2022

All ALF, All The Time . . .

Happy 4th of July 2

The Fourth of July demands BBQ so about 1pm we drove over to the nearby Spring Creek BBQ on I-45 for our BBQ fix. And it was as good as always.

Jan had the Baby Back Rib Plate with Beans and Beans, both Green and BBQ.

Spring Creek Jan's Ribs 20220704

For me, I got the Baby Back Ribs and their Hot Cracked Pepper Sausage, also with Beans and Beans.

Spring Creek Ribs and Sausage 20220704

Then, before heading home, I made a quick stop at the Lowe’s next door for some 10-24 Wing Nuts, but they had every size but that. I only needed two, but I ordered a pack of 10 from Amazon for $7.93. And they’ll be here on Wednesday.

In a quick change of plans, tomorrow I’m taking Jan up to Brandi’s to Landon-sit next week, picking her up on Saturday. So it’s just me and Karma next week.

While she’s gone, and with no rain on the schedule, maybe I’ll have a chance to install the new window regulator on the Dakota. It will be nice to be able to raise and lower my window again.

Window Regulator Old and New

That’s the new one on the left, and it’s noticeably heavier and sturdier. So hopefully it will last as long as the Dakota will.

A couple of days ago I discovered the free Freevee streaming app. Formerly known as IMDB TV, it’s from Amazon.

Available on pretty much every streaming device, it has 1000’s of TV shows and movies, everything from more recent stuff like Madmen and Bosch, along with all 47 seasons of Saturday Night Live, along with every episode of Columbo, Banacek, and Bewitched. And it goes all the way back to Petticoat Junction, Dick Van Dyke, Ozzie and Harriet and Father Knows Best.

And it even has an All ALF channel. Every episode of all 4 seasons.

Jan and I watched the first few episodes this evening, and it really holds up well, and in some cases, it’s laugh-out-loud funny.

July 4, 2023

Happy 4th To One And All . . .

A while back I mentioned the Total Eclipse coming through Texas next April, but there’s actually another, not-so-total one coming up later this year, on Saturday, October 14th.

Called a Ring Of Fire Eclipse, it will transit “Nine western states within a path about 135 miles wide will have front-row seats to the annular or ring eclipse, according to the Farmers’ Almanac; those include Oregon, Idaho, California, Nevada, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. “

Also known as an annular eclipse, it happens when “the moon’s orbit is at its farthest point from Earth. This causes the moon to appear slightly smaller than usual. For this reason, it will leave a ring of light around the sun as it crosses in front of it and its appearance as a “ring of fire.”

Here in Texas, it can be seen from a little before noon to a little after, lasting only about 5 minutes.

And be sure to use the correct glasses to protect your eyes.

Solar Eclipse Glasses

And No, using a candle to smoke a piece of glass will not work.

Be safe out there.

On the subject of Solar, I mentioned last week about the 14,000 panel solar farm that encountered a Nebraska hailstorm. Well, as it turns out, with almost 95% of the panels damaged, they decided to total the entire complex, tear it down and start over.

So this one lasted 4  years before the supposedly ‘hail-proof’ panels were destroyed. Wonder how long its replacement will last?

Someone suggested that they should just build a cover over it to protect it from hail.

Tomorrow it’s back to work after having a very nice 4 straight days off. Then on Thursday, we’re heading up to Conroe to meet up with Debi and Ed Hurlburt for our monthly lunch get-together, this time at the Golden Corral.

Can’t wait.