On to Tucson…

We left Las Cruces a few minutes after 10am heading to Tucson for a few days to visit some friends we met in Alaska two years ago.

It got down to 24 last night so I’m glad I disconnected the water. There was ice on top of the truck this morning, but no snow at least.

About 15 miles out of Las Cruces, we passed thru a Border Patrol inspection. Every vehicle was sniffed by dogs, I assume looking for drugs.

We stopped for lunch in Lordsburg NM at Kranberry’s Restaurant that advertised RV parking on their billboards coming into town. The food was good and we appreciated being able to park the rig without any problems.

One thing we noticed was all the snow-topped mountains as we got further west and crossed the Continental Divide at 4525 feet. And we really enjoyed the rocky landscape. Some of the rock formations we passed were really something.

We pulled in Voyager RV Resort here in Tucson about 4:15 and quickly got set up. According to the billboards coming into town, this park was voted the Best RV Park in the Country. And what we’ve seen of it looks really nice.

We met our friends, Al and Adrienne, about 5:30 at the park restaurant. and had a great time catching up. We hadn’t seen them since we parted company coming back from Alaska in Oct. 2008.  They workamped in Yellowstone National Park last year and will be in Washington state this summer.  We hope to be able to see them there if we get that far north this year.

After dinner we went over to their house and visited for a while longer. They have two dogs, Banjo and Sarah, that we had gotten to know in Alaska, and it was obvious they both remembered us. They were jumping around, barking, and leaping on us. Then when we sat down, they were at our feet or in our laps..

We got back to the rig about 9:30 after planning a full day of sightseeing tomorrow. We’re really looking forward to it.

More tomorrow…