Fish and Boots . . .

First off, I want to show off Landon’s first pair of John Deere boots Brandi got him at Rural King.

Landon John Deere Boots

He’s all ready for the farm life now.

As usual, we met at Robbi’s for breakfast this morning, but with a slightly smaller group this time. Just Brandi, Lowell, Landon, Debbie, and Jan and I. Jim was a little under the weather and everyone else was off doing other things.

Leaving Robbi’s, Debbie showed Brandi, Lowell, and Landon some of the sights around town while Jan and I went back by Rural King so I could get some new boot laces

Later Landon showed off his new guayabera shirt, and then just showed off in general.

Landon George Shirt 1

Landon George Shirt 2


A little after noon everyone started setting up for the Fish Fry. This time we had everyone there for all the food and fun.

Debbie Fish Fry 1

Debbie Fish Fry 2

Jim had fried up a bunch of catfish he’d caught, and along with potato salad, corn casserole, pasta salad, and baked beans, we were in hog heaven. Emphasize the ‘hog’ part.

Debbie Fish Fry 3


Afterwards, too stuffed to move, we all set around and watched the kids play.

Debbie Fish Fry 4

Debbie Fish Fry 6

Debbie Fish Fry 8


Later, Jan told me to go fly a kite, so I did. But the wind wasn’t very cooperative. About the time I would get the kite up about 20 or 30 feet, the wind would just quit and down it would come.


Debbie Fish Fry 5

And unlike yesterday, the weather cooperated and we didn’t have to move inside. So Landon just sat out and enjoyed the fun.

Debbie Fish Fry 7

All in all, it was an almost perfect day. The only thing that would have made it better would have been if our son Chris and his family, Linda and Piper, could have been here too.

Brandi, Lowell, and Landon leave tomorrow, and since they have to drive back to St. Louis to catch their plane, we’ll be having breakfast tomorrow at 8 am instead of 9.

We’re staying until Wednesday, when we head over to the Horseshoe Lakes Thousand Trails Resort north of Terre Haute, IN for two weeks.


Thought for the Day:

“When you’re born dumb, you stay that way a long time.”
