Lasagna and Laminate . . .

After coffee this morning, I drove down to the Thousand Trail’s office to settle up. We’ve used up our 50 free days and now have to pay $5 a day, still a great deal for 30 amp full hookups. While I was there I dropped off the last of the Gypsy Journal copies that Nick gave me when we split up in Bremerton, WA.

After lunch I started working on another chore on my list. First up today was fixing a problem with my AC intakes.

I’ve found that the open areas on the AC intakes would allow the thin foam filters to be sucked up into the opening, causing the filter to stretch and tear.

AC Intake 1

So I purchased a couple of pieces of chicken wire, and using Guerilla Tape, taped them over the intake without obstructing the air flow.

AC Intake 2

I also found a thicker foam filter, 1/4” instead of 1/8”. After cutting it to the right size, I placed it on the grill and screwed it back on the ceiling.

AC Intake 3

Another job checked off the list.

Nick Russell called a little before 1 to check in and find out when we’ll be heading over to Elkhart. As it stands now, probably on the 31st.

Next I started trying to unbolt the computer desk from the floor so I can remove the carpet under it before I start laying the new laminate flooring. They definitely didn’t want this thing to move, as it is really fastened down. This will be a multi-day job.

Our daughter Brandi called a little before 6 to talk about Landon’s 1st birthday party tomorrow. She’s having the party at a friend’s house up in Katy, TX and plans on Skyping it so we can watch some of it too.

For dinner, Jan thawed out and heated up some of Miss Terry’s delicious lasagna. Along with cheese sticks and fresh hot garlic bread, it was a great meal. And we still have enough for another night.

Then to top it off a great day, our son Chris called a little before 9. We really missed them at the reunion last week, and are really looking forward to seeing them in November when we get back to Houston.


Thought for the Day;

You can’t get out of a hole by digging it deeper, you can’t tax a nation into prosperity, and you can’t spend your way out of debt.
