Daily Archives: September 6, 2011

Cold Weather and Old Friends . . .

We awaken to temps in the 40’s this morning, a sure sign Fall is here, and it never got out of the 60’s all day. You know Winter is on the way when Jan digs her sweat pants out from under the sofa. And we turned our heated mattress pad on for the first time in several months.

With a big mug of hot coffee to warm us up, we talked about how much Landon is growing and how much he will change before we see him again at Thanksgiving.

About 11:30 Jan fixed us a lunch of leftover pizza from Mancino’s a couple of nights ago. Pizza, and Italian food in general, always seem to improve as leftovers.

A little after 12:30 Nick Russell called and said to come over because Mike and Elaine Loscher had come by to visit. They’re in the area having their coach repainted by Michele at Phoenix Commercial Paint  right up the road just into Michigan. They’ve been staying in a motel for the last couple of weeks while Michele is working her magic on their rig. They still have another week or so to go, so they’re really getting anxious.

After sitting around and talking for several hours we all decided it was time for dinner so we headed out to King Wha, a great local Chinese place that always makes us feel at home.

We got home a little before 6pm, just in time to greet Tom and Barb Westerfield as they were getting parked. They’re passing through for a couple of days, also to have some work done at Michele’s. In this case, by her sister, who specializes in awning repair.  One of their large slide toppers tore and they want to have it repaired or replaced.

Just as we were getting back to the rig, our daughter Brandi called to check in, and of course, talk about Landon and the fun time they all had this weekend.


Thought of the Day:

A good landing is one you can walk away from.

A great landing is one in which you can use the airplane again!
