Daily Archives: September 19, 2011

Rainy Day Monday . . .

The rain started about 8 this morning and continued pretty much all day. It’s a shame we cant’ send some of it down south to Texas. They could really use it.

With a big pot of coffee, along with some of Miss Terry’s great muffins and bread, we spent some time just sitting back and enjoying the sound of the rain on the roof.

After Jan fixed lunch, I shut off shore power for a while so I could redo some of the wiring around the transfer switch and the inverter to make it easier to remove to work on.

Later in the afternoon Charlie and Chris Yust pulled into the fairgrounds and parked behind us.

About 5:45 Nick and Terry, Charlie and Chris, and Jan and I all headed over to the China Wok Buffet (Yes, we ate there last night. It’s good.) for dinner. Luckily they put us in a room by ourselves. We got a little rowdy, what can I say?

After dinner, Jan and I headed over to Wal-Mart for some groceries. We didn’t dawdle because we wanted to be home by 8 to see the Monday night TV show premiers, and we just made it in time.

Tomorrow I’ll probably hit the streets to start soliciting door prizes for the rally. It starts a week from today, so I’ve got to get moving on it.


Thought for the Day:

"Killing the enemy’s courage is as vital as killing his troops. Physical wounds heal. The mind has no firewall."
