Daily Archives: March 3, 2013

The Best Laid Plans . . .

and all that.

Well, we had plans to go into San Antonio this afternoon for shopping and dinner at Magic Time Machine. But Jan woke up with a gout attack in her left foot this morning and it didn’t get better as the day went on, so we’ll try again tomorrow.

I spent some time checking out the lights on the truck this afternoon, but with no luck. The lights worked fine when I put external power to them.

I guess it’s possible I’ve got an intermittent short somewhere in the harness, but it’s hard to check it out like this. So I sketched out a circuit in my head for an automatic tester, and I’ll try to pick up some parts if we make it to San Antonio tomorrow.

For dinner we finished off the last of the Chicken Tortilla Soup from the other day. It wasn’t steak but it sure was good. Coming up, a big batch of Chicken Vegetable Soup in the next few days.

The weather is getting weird around here. Yesterday the high was 69 and the low was 30. Today the high was 75, and the low is supposed to be 35. But tomorrow the high is supposed to be 85 degrees!

And then we’re back with a high of 66 degrees on Tuesday. Don’t blink, you’ll miss it.


Thought for the Day:

In science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of one individual – Galileo
