Daily Archives: March 20, 2013

Pizza and Bracelets . . .

This morning  was pretty much up and out the door, since we were meeting our long-time friends Al and Adrienne for lunch at Grimaldi’s Pizzeria at 11:30am. They said they’d been passing by and wanting to eat there so this was the perfect time for them to try it. And of course Jan and I certainly wouldn’t turn  down a chance to eat at one of these restaurants again.

And as it turns out, Al and Adrienne liked it as much as we did. While we were there I was able to get a photo of the hand-built coal-fired pizza oven they use. As it turns out, the oven door is kind of small, but the oven interior is pretty big and extends to the sides.

Grimaldi's Oven

We had a great time catching up with Al and Adrienne, and are going to try to get together again next week.

Saying our goodbyes, Jan and I headed out for some shopping before going home. Our first stop was a nearby Target where Jan was looking for a bracelet that she’d seen advertised, but they didn’t have them in stock, so we’ll try another one.

One thing kind of unusual was that as we were leaving Target’s parking lot, we heard a radio ad for Timekeepers. What made this unusual is that they are one of the big Gate Guard companies that hire RV’ers as oil rig gate guards, like we did last year. They didn’t give a lot of details, just said they were looking for RV’ers, paid $135 a day, furnished full hookups, and then a phone number to call. They really must be desperate for gate guards if they’re advertising on the radio. I guess they’re trying to attract some of the snowbirds before they leave Tucson.

Our next stops were an Ace Hardware and then Fry’s Foods for a few things before grabbing a couple of Cinnamon Dolce Lattes at the in-store Starbuck’s on our way out.

Finishing up, and under the heading of Never Throw Anything Away, You Might Need It, Jan had been looking for a way to keep her bracelets safe and sound while we travel. So I dug out an empty DVD case that I had been saving.

It holds her bracelets while sitting on the bathroom cabinet like this,

Bracelet Holder 1

and then when you screw the cover on, they can be packed away for travel without damaging them.

Bracelet Holder 2

Don’t really have anything scheduled for tomorrow. We’ll see how it goes.


Thought for the Day:

"Excellence is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well." – John Gardner
