Finally . . .

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Jan and I were up at 6:30 this morning getting ready to make the 350 mile trip up to Elkhart to finally meet up with Nick and Terry for the first time since last July. But we had a last breakfast with Jan’s family here before we left the area.

We pulled out of the Timber Trails Campground out in Mulberry Grove about 7:30 to meet Jan’s sister Debbie, her husband Jim, and daughter Christian (Jan’s niece) at the Denny’s in Vandalia at 8am.

We’ve always enjoy our visits here with Debbie and her family, and this one was no exception. And it was really nice to have one last get-together with at least part of the extended family.

But since we had a long day’s drive in front of us, we were back on the road by 9 heading north on I-70 where we got on I-57 in Effingham. Later, we got off I-57 onto US24 and then took that east until we headed north on US421.

US421 took us all the way up to the I-80/I-90 tollway, where we headed east to Elkhart. And $10.50 and 50 minutes we were pulling into the Elkhart RV Park, kind of our home away from home.

We were quickly steered to our site right next to Nick and Terry. They were out and about, so Jan and I got connected and set up. As it turned out, Nick and Terry had seen us coming off the tollway and honked but we didn’t see them

Later, when they got back and we got our hugs, they came in the rig to check out the new floor. Then it was off down the road to have our first meal here at King Wha, our favorite local Chinese place. And it didn’t disappoint.

Getting back home, we visited with Nick and Terry for a while, but the long day and the change to EDT started to get to us, so we headed back home.

After everyone sleeps in tomorrow, Nick and I will go over some things to get ready for his self-publishing workshop that he’s giving here at the park on Monday, the 19th of May.


Thought for the Day:

Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. — Friedrich von Schiller
